Hey guys, I'm back with another story! Unlike my other one, which was an idea I had come up with myself, this new story is a merge of the book and movie A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I'm also adding some of my own ideas into also, just for creativity purposes (my first step was giving it my own title). I've only seen this done twice with a Kyo x Tohru pairing, but both stories have never been completed, so I'd like to finally write one that will be completed. I am starting off with a whole new different writing style that I tend to keep throughout the whole story, and I hope I can hold on to it for my other upcoming ones as well. If you have only read A Walk To Remember but have never seen the movie (or vice versa, which is more common), let me just tell you that they're both really different. For one thing, the movie takes place in our time, not back in nineteen-fifty-nine like the book took place (it's going to be nineteen-sixty-six in this story since that's forty years ago from this year; Nicholas Sparks wrote the book in nineteen-ninety-nine, so it would make sense that forty years from then would be nineteen-fifty-nine), and the scenes and everything are pretty different. To make it interesting, I'm going to combine them all into one story–and add my own ideas–so all of you A Walk To Remember and Fruits Basket fans can enjoy it! Besides Kyo and Tohru being in the story, a lot of the other Sohmas are going to have roles too. And since I'm going to keep them all in character, it should really make the story even more interesting... Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this first part of the story, which is the prologue. Like Nicholas Sparks wrote a prologue for the book, I wrote a prologue for this story that is similar to the one in A Walk To Remember because I thought it gave a good feel to the story. Please enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket (created by Natsuki Takaya), the novel A Walk To Remember (written by Nicholas Sparks), or the movie A Walk To Remember (directed by Adam Shankman). I do, however, own all of the English released volumes and DVDs, a copy of the novel, and a copy of the DVD.

"Her Miracle"

by Swaying Cherry Blossoms

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First you will smile, and then you will cry–don't say you haven't been warned.

- Landon Carter, A Walk To Remember

It's been forty years, but when I close my eyes I can still see her walking toward me.

I was never the type of guy who grew attached to people too quickly. Sure, I had friends, and I was in a few relationships that had lasted longer than the average high school romance of only two months, and I might have even been in love, but I had never met someone in my whole entire life who could change who I was, or even get close enough to actually touch my heart with their own hands.

The life of mine that I speak of was up until I was seventeen. That year, I recall, was the most joyful, yet saddest, year of my life. I can remember every single detail of it; how the sun looked up in the sky as it shone down on Japan through the blooming Sakura trees, the smell of the wind as it blew back my hair, the laughter of the children in the neighborhood as they played outside after dinner. I was used to it all so much that these memories just seemed to implant themselves permanently into my brain every time I lived them, and now I could live through them again at the age of fifty-seven if I wanted to.

I am now walking down the street that I live on, the same street on which I grew up. After the year I had lived when I was seventeen, I intended on staying here in Higashine–a city in the region of Yamagata, located in northern Japan–for the rest of my life. The memory of the only person I truly ever loved resided here in this town, and I had no intention of leaving it.

As I walk down the street, the people who are out on their front lawns or sitting on their porches, for it is six o'clock in the evening, the time when everyone takes a break from their busy lives to relax for a mere half an hour, either nod to me or lift up a hand to wave. They all know my story, whether they lived through it as well or not. It is no secret what had happened to me, and my neighbors respect that. They are all very nice, simple people, which is another reason why I stayed here in Higashine.

The more I think about it, the more I can slowly see my neighborhood transform back to the way it was forty years ago. Some of the houses change, a few trees return here and there, and instead of cars driving by, people are mostly walking or bike riding to their destinations. I myself am changing too, both in appearance and maturity. My hair is now a darker shade of orange, even the color of fire as some used to describe it. The wrinkles in my face settle into my skin so that now it is smooth to the touch. My body slims down and now I have a flat stomach, broad shoulders, tanned skin, and toned arms. The innocence of my youth returns once again, yet I lose all of the knowledge I had gained over years of experience and life.

When I open my once closed eyes, I am back in the time of the world where households only had one television, women and young girls wore dresses, men wore suits, young boys wore jeans with striped T-shirts and high top Converse sneakers, and the most recent worldwide tragedy was World War II.

It is nineteen-sixty-six and I am seventeen years of age.

I will introduce myself to you: my name is Kyo Sohma. I am about to tell you my story, the story about how my life suddenly changed in the short period of five months, give or take a month.

I will tell you now, in advance, that although you will be guaranteed to smile as you read this, you will also cry.

Thank you for reading, and please review! Your feedback determines whether or not I should continue with this story!

- Swaying Cherry Blossoms