This is just something new I'm trying. I'm going to try and start posting the random drabbles or peseudo-fics if you will that I've done in my free time. Stuff that's not exactly too small to go unnoticed, but things that I don't exactly count as full one-shots. Enjoy, nonetheless!

Just a reminder, these like all my other works take place in my series, where Mac now lives at Foster's after being adopted by his "big sister", Frankie (read my first story "More Than My Friend" if you want the full scoop).

Reviews are always appreciated!

"Whew! Thank goodness that's all done!"

Frances "Frankie" Foster heaved a deep breath in relief as she plodded out of the small store into the midst of the bustling mall, her purchases tucked securely under her arm. With a grin, she took out a small scrap from her pocket and checked its contents thoroughly.

"There! That's everything the rabbit put on the list. Well, looks like we're done here, pal. Now we just…need…to… go…"

The young woman trailed off as she slowly realized she was talking to no one but herself, much to the amusement of some passerby shoppers. A bemused look now adorning her features, Frankie hurriedly began to glance about the packed shopping center.

"Mac?" she called out, her voice thick with worry as she cast her gaze about. "Mac? Mac! Now where on earth could he- oh no!"

The redhead groaned loudly in exasperation as she caught quickly caught sight of the eight-year-old boy. Fortunately, the child was safe and sound, staring absentmindedly into a display window.

What was rather unfortunate however was the fact that it was the display window of a Victoria's Secrets boutique, which had caught the boy's full and undivided attention. Mac stood fully rooted to the spot, eyes wide open in blissful awe. Frankie, blushing a fine shade of crimson in her embarrassment, quickly hurried over to fetch her "little brother".

"Mac, c'mon, let's go!" she cried, walking briskly to his side. "Mac?"

"Yeah?" Mac just murmured absentmindedly, not moving his gaze for a moment. Frankie frowned as she began to tug at the unresponsive eight-year-old's arm and jabbing a finger at the exit doors and most eager to be free of this embarrassing predicament

"We really need to get going back home, now." She said sternly.

"Oh, okay." The boy muttered, continuing to unblinkingly stare straight ahead. Meanwhile, Frankie groaned in frustration, placing her purchases upon the floor and getting down upon one knee.

"Pal, c'mon, I'm not kidding." She scolded him gently, continuing to shake the oblivious little boy. "It takes long enough to get out of the mall parking lot as it is, okay? I got what I needed to get, I'm all set, so let's-"

"Oh, okay." Mac just repeated dumbly, continuing to stare straight ahead at the prominently displayed women's undergarments, a blissful, far-off look in his eyes. Frankie clenched her fists tightly and stood back up, stomping her foot impatiently.

"Now, Mac Foster!" she barked. "Please, we need to get going! I still have a lot to do back at the house, and I really don't need you wandering off to look at ladies' underwear while I run into one more shop for three minutes to-"

"Oh, okay." Mac whispered once more, continuing to gawk at the treasure trove of silk and lace before him, thus confirming that his brain had ceased to work completely, all attention being focused on the silken glories before him.

Frankie moaned in frustration, slapping her forehead. Stern warnings and raising her voice wasn't getting her anywhere fast. Then again, it was a formidable obstacle she had to face, and how on earth she was going to make that somehowunattractive to an eight-year-old boy was beyond her-

Suddenly, right then and there, Frankie received a burst of inspiration. A rather large grin suddenly swept across her face as an unusual idea floated into her brain. Suppressing a fiendish chuckle, the girl sneaked off, leaving Mac to enjoy all the wonders of erotic female underwear.

"Pretty…" he mumbled stupidly, gawking at all the window could show him.

"Oh Maaaaaaaaac…." Someone suddenly cooed sweetly from nearby.

"Hmmm?" the boy murmured, still smiling stupidly as he absentmindedly gazed in the direction of the voice. However, much to his surprise-

"How do I look, pal?" Frankie sniggered fiendishly as she struck a pose in the store entrance, holding a particularly skimpy piece of lingerie up to her figure. Upon laying eyes upon this most ungodly of images, Mac's jaw dropped like a stone and his eyeballs nearly bugged clean from their sockets in his unfathomable horror.

"Looks that good on me, huh?" the redhead only teased, striking another over the top stance, much to her adopted little brother's horror.

"EWWW!" Mac grunted in purely unadulterated disgust, hurriedly throwing his hands over his face. "Gross, Frankie! Gross, gross, gross! Oh, my eyes!" he lamented miserably.

Frankie only smiled deviously from ear to ear, keeping up the cruel joke. "Aw, what's the matter pal? I thought you liked this kind of thing."

"Not on you!" Mac countered flatly, clamping his hands even tighter over his eyes, but to little avail.

"AUGH!" he wailed unhappily. "I can still see it! It's been burned into my brain!"

"Well get used to it." Frankie only laughed as she continued. "Because frankly, I think this looks pretty good on me, don't you?"

"NO!" the eight-year-old wailed, stomping his feet wildly to try and signal for her that he had had enough of this cruel and inhuman torture. "Stoppit! Stoppit! Stoppit! This is so wrong!" he begged desperately.

"Mac, c'mon, try and keep an open mind!" the caretaker just chirped happily. "Besides, just think of all the benefits! Why wear my bland old nightgown when I can just read you your bedtime stories in this hot little number-"


"-and when I give you your good-night kiss-"


"And if I need to wake you up in the morning…guess what you'll get to start your day out with!" she beamed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mac squealed to the high heavens, the dreadful images of his big sister prancing about the house in lacy black lingerie being far more than his fragile mind could handle. A loud cry of mental anguish ripped from his throat, followed by his entire body going limp as he dropped to the floor. Quickly the miserable child curled up into a fetal position, whimpering pitifully as he tried to wipe the plethora of filthy images from his mind.

"Ha, that'll show you." Frankie cheered, trying to hold back the laughter that enveloped her. Trying to unsuccessfully stifle a set of giggles, she quickly deposited the lingerie on a nearby rack and calmly strolled over to the little bundle of misery, casually scooping him up with one arm.

"All bundled up and ready to go! The Port-a-Mac also fits in most overhead storage compartments as well." She joked, cradling him gently.

Mac whined unhappily, keeping his hands cupped tightly over his eyes. Frankie chuckled as she gently pried his fingers apart, gazing into his eyes with a ridiculous smirk.

"So, what have we learned today?" she quipped.

"To stay by your side when we go to the mall…and that you can be a cruel, heartless monster." He whimpered.

"Serves you right, you little Peeping Tom you." Frankie cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice as she pinched his cheek.

"Stoppit! Stoppit! You're the worst guardian in the world." Mac whined unhappily, burying his head in her shoulder. The redhead only snorted in laughter as she picked up her nearby purchases and headed towards the nearest exit.

"Mac, I'm not the worst." She giggled, flashing a sly grin as she hefted the child along in the crook of her arm. "I just know how to make this parenting thing fun."

The End

Just remember, Frankie was entirely doing that for shock effect, not for anything else. Seriously, there should be no romance going on between an eight-year-old and a twenty-two-year-old.

Anyway, I got the idea from "Store Wars". In the scene where Bloo's leading everyone around the mall, they pass a lingerie shop twice, and both times Mac has a rather large grin on his face, if you look closely. Thus, this rather, um, random idea was born.

Probably more where that came from! Reviews are always appreciated!