Raging Rain Part 1

By Markanovanlink

Rated R (Yaoi, POV, Violence and Suspense)

Pairings 3x4

Large circles full of tears fall from the sky hitting everything in its wake. Exploding into tiny soldiers of wetness, the rain is dominant and victorious over all objects and creatures below. I continued to look at the sky as the wet platoons invade my face. Their forces out numbered me, but I continue to stand through their onslaught. For a long time I have been finding myself in this position, as a stand alone soldier.

I am not use to it. I am use to fighting along the side of others. The others and I were always seen as terrorists, because we fought in the name of our beliefs. I saw us more as freedom fighters. I had to leave the others when I met them. Four lone soldiers that I now know as my friends and colleagues. We all control the greatest threat to the Federation and OZ; our Gundams.

My missions have changed since I met the other gundam pilots. It seems like I only fight with one, two or all of them nowadays. It is the lone missions that tear at my soul. The loneliness consumes my very being.

All my life, I have craved to be alone. But being alone has left me with too many demons to process. With others around, I can focus on them and not be destroyed by the empty feelings around me.

I am a soldier with a build-in mistake. I can sense what others can not. I can see what I shouldn't. I can feel what is not mine. With every kill, I feel the last moments of each soul. The pain, fear and desperation is not my own. Those feelings would consume and takeover my very being if it weren't for my love for peace and the other pilots.

My emotions are the biggest weakness of all. They have always been uncontrollable. Tears at every moment of great emotional turmoil or relief. Just like this rain, they never stop.

I feel that the others think I am weak and useless, but they never say it or show it, but I can feel it. So protective over me as if I were their own little bother. I am no little brother to them. I am a gundam pilot. My tears don't make me weak. They make me human. Life is so precious to me. Every life: my family's, my friends', and even my enemies'.

So precious is life that I have always asked for my enemy to surrender. Killing is only necessary for peace and the safety of myself and others. I can feel my enemy now. He stalks me from behind. Ten feet from behind to be exact. His intentions are to blindside me and take me back alive. He believes I am unaware of his presence, but the truth be known that I was unaware of what was about to happened.

A gunshot rang out. The noise sliced through the rain and thunder. Then came the piercing pain through my heart. I fought back the tears and bit my lip to ensure victory over my own emotions. After two seconds, the pain was gone. It was over. He never had a chance.

I could hear his footsteps come closer to me. He stands next to me while he tucks his gun into its holder. Nothing but silence. Then, finally he speaks. His words were drowned out by the thunder. He spoke again. "Are you okay?" I only nodded my answer. I couldn't understand why, at that moment in time, I couldn't speak. He walked ahead of me and motion for me to follow. For some reason I couldn't. I couldn't move or talk. I didn't even realize he was standing in front of me, looking me dead in my eyes. His green eyes seem to narrow as he said something again. I still couldn't hear him. With a hint of frustration evident in his eyes, he spoke again.

What was wrong with me? I felt as if I was in a daze. Why couldn't I comprehend what he was saying? A flash of lighting ripped through the sky as I felt a strong blow to my face. Instinctively, I placed my fingers on my cheek.

If he wanted my attention, he sure as hell got it. Did he really have to slap me to get? I glared at him as he yelled something at me. He started running, and I followed. We ran through the rain and in between trees. We jumped over fallen logs and rocks. We crept past paved and dirt roads. We ran in the shadow of other shadows. We ran and ran for what seemed like hours.

Finally, he stopped. Before I could bump into him he yanked me down into a crouching position. I watched him scan the area. My lips decided they could function now, "No one is here, it is safe." He looked at me and nodded. Grabbing my wrist he pulled me towards the abandon cabin.

Once inside we checked every nook and cranny for any possible threat or supply. It was only a one bedroom cabin with a living room and a kitchen. After finding what we needed, he started a fire in the chimney. I sat as close as I could to the warm flames. In the distance I could hear him shifting through things but my mind was elsewhere as I watched the fire dance on the wood.

I was on a simple mission to blow up an enemy's military bunker. I went in without being seen and disintegrated it when all the soldiers were asleep. After I took off into the woods, it started to rain. I am not sure why I stopped in the middle of a clearing to process my thoughts, but I did. My stopping caused that soldier's death. Trowa would not have had a reason to kill him if I had been more secrete. The thing that troubles me the most is why didn't I know he was there in the woods with me?

I normally can sense the other gundam pilots from miles away, but not tonight. I had no idea he was even on Earth. Well I guess it was always hard for me to sense Trowa after I nearly killed him last year. Sometimes I could and other times I couldn't. Only when he was next to me did I really feel and sense him. His presence was almost like a safe emotional pillow. I never felt this strange overwhelming feeling with anyone else. I'm not sure what to think of it.

I didn't realize he was standing behind me holding a blanket. He wanted me to take off my wet clothes so they could dry. I kept my eyes downcast as I removed my jacket and shirt. I could feel his eyes on my wet naked back as I took off my pants and underwear. After removing my socks, he placed the large dusty blanket around me. I watched as he hung up my clothes near the chimney. I also watched as he removed his own clothes. I am not sure why I am even watching him do this. I guess I didn't realize I was staring when he questioned me. "Do you like what you see?"

"Um, I'm sorry." I quickly said as I turned my face away in embarrassment. What is wrong with me? I was looking at him as if he were a naked woman. I felt my body react to the thought. I pulled the blanket tighter around myself. I could feel him sit next to me wrapped in his own blanket. He was so close.


"Yes, Trowa."

"I am sorry I hit you." A dead silence followed after he said that as we both watched the fire. The only noises inside the cabin was the sound of heat crackling against its wooden victims in the fireplace, our breathe and my own rapid heartbeat. Something is wrong, but I don't know what. My heart is beating so fast that I can not breathe. I was trying hard not to show my distress but he turned towards me with his eyes as if they were the question. I clutched my chest in pain as my mind screamed no.

Fear gripped my soul as if it were ready to pull me from my body. The emotion started to die down as I felt a sense of concern rush through. These weren't my emotions. They had to be his, but why? We are safe here. Why is he so scared and what is he scared about? Is he holding me?

He was holding me close as he asked me if I was okay. I nodded but he didn't let me go. I am not sure why I didn't try to move. It felt safe, strange, but safe. He was one of my closest friends and was the only person who understood what I went through with this strange ability I have. He never held me before, than again I have never had this type of reaction without death being involved. My mind was racing until I decided on a question that would ease some of the tension. "Why are you here? The mission only needed one person."

Still holding me he sighed and shifted so we were eye to eye. "I had to see you." There were never any facial expressions whenever he talked, so I was surprised that he looked sad. I finally asked him why as he looked away from me. All I got was silence, but I could feel the fear again.

I pushed him away from me and stood up. I walked towards the fireplace, firmly wrapped in the blanket I stared at him for moment. I sighed as I got my own thoughts together. "Silence is not going to answer my question Trowa. Why did you have to see me? Is there something wrong?" My questions started to scare me. I felt a panic as I continue to talk. "Are the others okay? Is that why you are here? Did something bad happen?" My eyes narrowed as he stood up and let a small laugh escape. I didn't get the joke and this made me angry. Before I could say anything else, he was standing in front of me. If he had been half of an inch closer, our noses would have touched. I felt a bit uncomfortable and surprised by his current position.

"You are always worried about us." I could feel his breathe as he spoke. "No, that is not why I am here. Everyone is okay. I am here because I had to see you." After saying that, he tried to break the distance in between us, but I backed away. Once my back was against the wall that was adjacent to the fireplace, I froze as he placed his left hand on the wall next to my face. He leant in closer to my face and looked me straight into my eyes. "I have to tell you something," he said as he put his right hand on my cheek. I couldn't move a muscle or a thought as he ran his thumb over the light bruise on my face. My body felt tense and hot as he moved his mouth towards my left ear and whispered.

Shock racked through my mind. I must have heard him wrong. He didn't say what I think I heard. No, he just couldn't have. I find myself saying what out loud only to receive the same sentence. This time he added my name. "I want you, Quatre."

"You want what from me?" It took all my strength to say that. I felt the room spinning as he broke the little space we had left. He lightly placed his lips on mine as he pulled me into an embrace. Shock took over my very body as he kissed me. I am not sure if I like it or not, but I didn't move. I could feel him press against me while my own body ached to do the same. What in the name of all that is right is wrong with this picture? We are males and they aren't suppose to do this. I can't do this. My beliefs, my culture and my family would forbid any such actions.

I pushed him away as hard as I could. I am not sure what I am feeling right now. So many emotions that I not sure if they are mine or his. The strongest feeling was confusion. I raced towards my gun and aimed it at him while still trying to keep the blanket over my body. He smirked and put both his hands in the air causing his blanket to fall to the ground.

I fought for control over my body's reactions to seeing him before me naked and helpless. I had never experienced this with my own body before. I felt this feeling from others when they lusted after something or someone. I was captured by a soldier one time and felt sick when those feelings for lust were directed at me.

Now it was my turn to feel these feelings on my own. I thought they would only happen for a woman. No, I am lusting for this naked boy in front of me. Then the gun slipped from my grip and landed on the floor making a loud banging sound. I just stared at the gun on the ground. I didn't move or say anything as Trowa picked it up and pulled the clip out. After placing the gun on the table, he slid the clip across the floor.

I didn't even know he was holding me again. What is wrong with me? Why was I letting him hold me like this? I am not gay. Or am I? He held me tighter as I felt my body go through confused sobs. I couldn't help it. I cursed at myself for crying at this moment. Any moment but this moment. When my knees gave out, he helped lower me to the floor. I buried my face on his naked chest as uncontrollable tears ran out. "Why are you doing this to me?"

He sighed and held me tighter. "Because, you had to know how I felt about you. I need you in my life Quatre. I can't let you go until you understand me."

I started to struggle, but he wouldn't let me move. I found myself screaming at him. "Let me go! I am not gay!"

"Damn it Quatre!" He grabbed my face with both hands and stared me down. "Neither am I! All I know is that I feel like our souls belong together. You know, you feel it too!"

I stared back in disbelief. I will admit we have a very strong bond. The empty feeling when I am alone could be the lack of his presence. Is this true, am I gay? "Trowa I feel something, but I don't think it is the same…I…" He kissed me again, but I didn't stop him this time.

I took the kiss with all my senses. The smell of his skin, taste of his lips, feel of his body, sound of his breathing, sight of his face and the sensation of his emotions. I felt as if I could merge with him and become one and the same. He slowly withdrew his lips and watched me with his forest green eyes.

My breathing was slowing down as I placed my fingers to my lips. He smiled at me and said, "Did you feel it?" I could only nod. I did feel it. I felt complete. Before he could say something else, gunfire rang through the windows and walls of the cabin.

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