Disclaimer: I do not own anything you recognize from the Harry Potter series.

A/N: Soooooo… been awhile… again… yeah. I suck. College life has been keeping me busy. But I should make more time for y'all. I really have absolutely no idea where I want to take this story anymore. I reread it to give myself some inspiration, and realized that the beginning of this story sucks… there was so much more I could have done with so many things! So many things would change about the first half of this story… I am tempted to go back and rewrite it, but I figure that if I was reading this story and waiting for me to get my act together and update I would prefer something new, not something old redone. One day I might revise it though. For now I'll just let the story evolve as I write it.

Becoming a Memory

Chapter 29

After a rather uneventful dinner that consisted of many discrete and not-so-discrete glances and small smiles between Keira and George, both still thinking about the mind blowing kiss they had shared earlier, the whole group left the Great Hall in an unnoticeable pattern so that they didn't look like they were going to the same location. Keira and George left together with their fingers intertwined a few minutes after Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

Once away from eyes not privy to where they were going, George led Keira to the Room of Requirement. Keira still couldn't get over how amazing Hogwarts was, she felt like she had stepped back in time and into a medieval castle. She couldn't decide if she should be overwhelmed by everything or not and let her mind wander as George silently held her hand through the corridors.

"Here we are" George said, interrupting Keira's day dream about an armor clad medieval George sweeping her off her feet and onto his horse before riding off into the sunset.

"Here we are where? At this wall?" She was a tad bit confused. I thought we were going to this Room of Requirement…

"Watch," he said and started walking back and forth in front of the wall. Keira had no idea what was going on and thought that maybe he was joking with her when a door appeared out of nowhere.

Before she could say anything George opened the door and motioned for her to go in. She took an uncertain step forward but decided that she trusted George and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Though both mum and Cami say I'm too trusting for my own good…

The moment that she could see into the room that was hiding behind the door she was surprised to see everyone she had had breakfast with that morning, except Draco cause he couldn't risk his cover, and some other's she hadn't met sitting around on couches talking. She saw that her mother was sitting on her father's lap and seemed to be having a serious whispered conversation, like they knew something she didn't. She felt George walk in behind her and shut the door.

"Are we the last ones?" George asked the group before them.

"Almost, we're waiting on Remus," said Aunt Natalie.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the DA while we wait to start," George said motioning to the group of teens with Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and Cami. She forgot most of their names almost instantly after being introduced but they all seemed nice enough. The only names she could remember were Neville and Luna.

Soon after, Remus entered the room, "is everyone here? Good, we have some news," the "we" he was obviously referring to were the only adults in the room, Sirius, Hermione, Natalie, and himself. "This morning our spy's informed us that Voldemort is planning an attack on Hogwarts some time before the end of the school year—"

He was interrupted by whispers and shouts of "but that's only two months away!" But they quickly settled down when they realized Remus wasn't done relaying information.

"Also, it seems he has learned of Hermione or Ariel's return to the wizarding world and of her real identity, including that she and Sirius have a daughter." Everyone turned to look at Keira, who frowned in confusion.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means that you are now a target almost as big as Harry. The reason I'm telling you so publicly is because I want you and Harry to be with at least one person in this room at all times, more than one would be better if you can manage it. We don't want either of you to be caught off guard alone." Harry and Keira both nodded in reluctant acceptance to Remus' request.

"Okay, now that that is settled we need to come up with a plan for when Voldemort attacks," Sirius said breaking the silence.

"Actually we already have one."

Everyone looked at Harry in confusion, "What are you talking about Harry?" Fred asked the question they all were thinking.

"Well Harry and I figured that Hogwarts would be a likely place for V… Voldemort to come so we came up with a plan to defend the castle just in case it was needed," Ron answered for Harry. "We actually might have found a way to defeat him but we need Hermione's help with it."

"What is it?"

"We aren't completely sure… you see it's a book, we found it in the back of the restricted section of the library hidden behind some other books in a secret compartment. It's really old, I mean positively ancient, we think it might be written in Latin but we aren't sure—"

"Which is why we need Mione's help," Ron interrupted Harry.

"How do you know it has what we need to defeat Voldemort if you don't know what's in it?"

"I don't know, I just got the feeling when I went to that part of the restricted section, that's how I found the book in the first place. There is something in my gut telling me that what I'm looking for is in that book."

"Very interesting, thank you for telling us Harry, why don't you and Ron bring that book up to Dumbledore's office after dinner tomorrow and we will have a look at it." Harry nodded in agreement.

"Okay, next on our order of business is seeing how well Cami and Keira can duel so that we know what we need to teach them. So both of you are going to duel Harry to see what level you are at. Keira you first." He motioned for her to step forward with Harry. "You can use whatever spells you wish, this room has enchantments that will prevent either of you getting mortally wounded from anything but the unforgivables, so don't use those of course."

The duel began slow and basic but quickly escalated in speed and power. Harry was the best dueler they had and Keira was holding her own against him but before long Harry managed to catch her off guard with a simple stunner. Harry revived Keira and helped her off the floor.

"You've got some pretty good moves, we could work on speed and tactics but still pretty impressive."

"Thanks, you're an alright dueler yourself," she replied jokingly.

Cami's duel went a similar way and soon the group was leaving the Room of Requirement at intervals in pairs. Keira was glad George asked if he could walk her back to the common room, she enjoyed spending time with him. She enjoyed spending time with him a lot. All through dinner they had talked, never running out of things to say. He made her laugh more in one meal than she thought she had laughed in her whole life. She always did want a guy that could make her laugh… Once they reached the common room Keira wasn't ready to go to bed and it seemed that George felt the same way so they sat down on the couch facing each other.

"So tell me more about your joke shop."

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't know… everything. What kinds of products do you have?"

"Well we have a variety of sweets that will make you sick in order to skip class, and some sweet that will give you feathers or change the color of your hair. We have potions and fire crackers and gag gifts; we also have a line of defense merchandise that has been selling rather well lately."

"What kind of defense stuff?"

"Cloaks, hats, jewelry, even neck ties. They all have protection spells in them that will repel mild to moderate curses. Actually… stay right there." He got up and ran up the stairs towards the boy's dormitory. He wasn't gone long before he came back with something in his hand.

"Close your eyes." He said. Keira did and felt something going around her neck. "Alright open them."

She looked down and saw a delicate chain with a red stone teardrop pendant at the end around her neck. She opened her mouth to ask what the necklace was for but George beat her to it.

"Before you ask it's one of the new necklaces on our defense line and I want you to have it. I don't want anything to happen to you and since you're now on Voldemort's most wanted list, I thought this could at least help a little. It's smaller and more discrete than the other necklaces and I thought the color would suit you, and it does." He smiled. His smile was one of those smiles that not only melt your heart but turn you into a complete puddle of goo. And Keira certainly felt like a puddle of goo right then and decided that instead of opening her mouth and saying something stupid, she leaned forward and kissed him.

She could definitely get used to kissing George Weasley.


"I love you," Sirius said as Hermione cuddled into his side and wrapped his arm around her.

"I love you too. What are you thinking about? You look… worried."

"It's just… after seeing Keira duel Harry today and learning that she's on Voldy's hit list because he wants revenge on you getting away, I don't want to lose you again now that I've finally got you back and I don't want to lose my daughter now either. I want to ask you to not fight in the battle when it comes but I know how well that worked last time. I'm just… scared."

Hermione wrapped her arms around Sirius and he pulled her closer. "I know, I'm scared too, but that just means that we have something to fight for doesn't it? What does Voldemort have to fight for? Power? That is nothing compared to what we have because we are willing to do anything to save the ones we love. We have to believe that all the stories we hear when we are young are true, that good always triumphs over evil in the end."

"You're right. How did I end up married to someone so smart?" He tapped her nose teasingly.

"I guess you're just really lucky that James was already dating Lily." Hermione said with a very serious look on her face.

"Oh really? What about now?" And with that he rolled on top of her and started tickling her mercilessly. They rolled around on the bed laughing, forgetting for a moment that they were in a war and just concentrating on their love for one another.

They paused to catch their breath and Sirius looked down at Hermione and kissed her ardently. Hermione moaned and let her fingers get tangled in his hair and their tickling fight quickly became a battle of tongues.

A/N: Well I hope you liked it! This chapter was a lot of Keira and George, I really like them. But next chapter should have a good amount of Sirius and Hermione if it goes in the direction I'm thinking of right now.

I'm hoping I'll be able to write more this weekend after doing my homework and studying for my art history test.

Please review! They motivate me!