They came one spring evening. A solitary extraterrestrial craft, landed on an empty field in Central Park. Almost immediately, crowds had gathered to witness this astonishing event. Earth's first contact with an extraterrestrial race.

After a few tense minutes, a hatch opens up. Five beings almost angel-like, dressed in long robes, with high domed heads and somewhat sinister eyes, emerged from the craft.

There was a brief moment of silence, then the central figure, apparently the leader, raised his finger. Immediately, blaring hip hop music played from the craft. At the beat of the music, the five figures started to dance in a hip hop fashion. Their moves were wild and unpredictable. The leader did flip flops before an astonished onlooker, spun around three times on his hand, and flip flopped back into position. At the end of the song, the aliens ended their dance, and seamlessly gazed at the crowd with their arms crossed, as if expecting a response.

After a few tense seconds, the crowd stared at the aliens with astonishment. Then someone in the crowd spoke up.

"Oh my God! We were just SERVED!"

At this revelation, the crowd gasped. However, one person in the back seemed unfazed by this turn of events. As he took a drag on his cigarette, he turned and faced you, the reader:

"Respectfully submitted for your perusal --- Kanamits. Height: a little over nine feet. Weight: in the neighborhood of three hundred and fifty pounds. Origin: unknown. Motives? Therein hangs the tale, for in just a moment we're going to ask you to put your hands together, figuratively, with homies from another galaxy and another time. This is the Twilight Zone."