Author's Note: Typed this up randomly in an attempt to keep having to do homework at bay.

The waves splashed merrily up the shore, clinging to the sand and swinging back cheerfully into the ocean. The sun beamed down on the beach, its light glaring and fierce. The wavering heat hung in the air like thick silvery yet invisible lines. All around him, his classmates ran around, chasing each other while others dived in and out of the water. Watanuki cursed at this class trip and huddled miserably under the umbrella. The umbrella was unneeded, however, because of the dark clouds of misty spirits that only he could see hovering around. There were so many of them that were drawn to human activities, and as an added bonus for them, he was there as well. There were so many of them that Watanuki could barely see through them. They blocked out even the sunlight and its warmth, leaving him sitting grumpily surrounded by groping squelching masses of spirits. The teacher had come along earlier and attempted to coax him down to the sand where his other classmates frolicked and even commented on his pale unhealthy-looking skin that was chilly to touch. He had merely grimaced at the teacher and convinced her that he was not sick. She disappeared after a while, probably to a hotdog stand or something.

A spirit burped nosily in his ear, wrapping itself around an arm. Watanuki glared at it but did nothing. It would be too strange for him to be running down the beach flailing his arms at nothing in front of his classmates. They already thought that he was weird enough. The spirits fluttered uneasily for a moment and Watanuki blinked, startled out of his brooding.


The spirits rippled, and uncoiled. Watanuki jerked his head up, insults spiked at the tip of his tongue at the familiar tone. He was stunned for a second as the spirits drifted away, the sunlight revealed to him, the heat enveloping his body in a gentle embrace. He squinted upwards, lifting an arm to shade his eyes from the sudden light that threatened to blind him. Doumeki was standing in front of him, framed by the golden sunlight. His usual expressionless face on, he leaned forward and nodded at Watanuki.

"Aren't you going down to the beach?"

Watanuki could feel the edges of his lips curve up ever so slightly, his mood already lifting at the absence of spirits. He stood and brushed the sand off his legs, snapping loudly at Doumeki, who was already walking away.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sheesh!"

Watanuki stomped after Doumeki, the feel of sand rushing over his feet and toes, tickling the soles of his feet. The sun kissed the top of his head lovingly and the breeze stroked his cheek lightly. As he ran after the retreating figure in front of him, Watanuki decided that maybe this class trip wasn't so bad after all.