In the farthest reaches of the Ghost Zone lay a small village that most ghosts avoided like the plague. There was a ring of trees and strange plants that formed a natural barrier around a small group of huts. Strung around the entire village were strange charms and magical relics littered the village. Walking around the village were ghost unlike any other. They were more zombie-like then ghost like.

At the far end of the village there was a large hut divided into two rooms. One room was a combination bedroom and kitchen. The other room was decorated very strangely and gave off a bad vibe. Several shelves contained magical tomes and bottles full of strange spell ingredients. Dangling from the ceiling were crystals, animals skins, and stars. There was even a skylight. There were musical instruments on the far wall and a set of cages. In the center of the room was a huge table with a bronze basin filled with a green liquid. There were also several bones on the table along with a tablet.

Standing over the table was a young teenage ghost girl about fourteen years old. She had light green skin, neon green eyes, long black hair and a pair of fangs. She was wearing a pair of black stiletto knee high boots, netting, a black leather skirt, black halter with diamonds encrusted on it, a pair of white gloves, a gold necklace with an amethysts pendant, skull earrings, and a purple cloak. Her name was Nadera, High Priestess of the Ghost Zone. She was a master of the dark arts including the art of voodoo.

Nadera waved a hand over the surface of the basin and gazed intensely at swirling pictures forming inside. "So my patience has finally paid off. After six hundred years the time for my revenge draws near. Soon all the pieces will be in place and I will gain what should have been mine. So those who hurt me will pay."

The pool of water displayed the picture of two ghosts fighting. The scene was of a recent battle between Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius. Both halfas were using their powers against each other in an endless battle between good and evil.

"Fools, if only they knew the truth. But of course they have no idea of their origins. And if I am to gain my power they must stay in ignorance of the truth. I must weaken both them and their human halves if I am to be successful and for that I will need help. The Prophecy will come true for me not them!" she snarled.

She glanced at the tablet that rested next to the basin. It had been in her collection for centuries. "This day has been foreseen since the fall of Pariah Dark. Even Clockwork can't deny the truth behind this prophecy for it was him who stated it! He has tried to stop me in the past, but this time I will prevail for I have destiny on my side!"

She picked up the prophecy and began to read it, the words glowing with power as she invoked the ancient words.

Centuries ago a father and son ruled the land of the dead in peace.

Loved by their people and adored by their family they feared nothing.

Both killed in battle they await a chance to be reborn and live again.

Guarded by the Guardian of Time, he will find them the place to live.

Born to the realm of humans and bodies of humans on opposing sides.

Neither one remembering the other or what their lives were before.

Father will be born to a human of power, wealth, and great might.

His heart will be filled with nothing, but rage and loneliness.

The son will be born to a pair of hunters who will hunt his past kind.

He will have friends, a sister who loves him, and be a hero to all.

Again and again the father and son will battle for personal reasons.

They will be unaware of the truth about their relation between them.

But soon their past memories will return to them in dreams of fear.

The two will struggle to survive against a strange, but familiar foe.

But when the moon of the ghosts and the stars of the humans align,

A gateway between the two worlds will form connecting the two.

Only at this time can the ultimate power be gained or lost forever.

But be wary of the heart of humans and a mother's love for her child.

"I have long since deciphered the meaning of the prophecy. For my plan to work I must move in the world of humans and bring the two halfas here soon. Before the moon and stars align so that I might be prepared for the ceremony. Servants! Attend to me now!" Nadera cried out.

The zombie ghosts entered the room and bowed respectfully at their priestess feet. They were one hundred percent obedient to her and followed all her commands without question. She loved ordering them around.

"You called for us Mistress?" the leader of the zombies, a black a green skulled one, asked in a dull voice.

"I need you to scour the Ghost Zone and find me these items. I will need them for a potion. Hurry and find them before I lose my patience with you. Now go!" she commanded and with a bow they were gone.

"Its so hard to find good help these days. Now where was I oh yes, my ancient foes. Soon they will pay. Enjoy your freedom and piece of mind for now, because soon you will both be my prisoners," she cackled as the swirling portal showed the two halfas sleeping in their beds both having nightmares.

Danny was in his bed tossing and turning. He clutched his sheets tightly in fear and was talking softly in his sleep. "No, stop leave me alone. What's going on?" he moaned softly.

Danny found himself in a huge dinning hall sitting at an elegant table filled with strange, but familiar food. It was a feast fit for a king. All around him were servants attending to his every needs. A huge emerald fire blazed in the fireplace to his right. Sitting at the table with him was a man and a women, but he couldn't make out their faces.

"Father, I fear you are making a huge mistake. The people of the Zone must be assured of strong leadership. After the defeat of Pariah Dark surely they want strong leadership to keep order," he found himself saying.

"Son, you don't understand. It is precisely because of what Pariah Dark did during his rule that we must listen to the people and try to rule fair and just. If we frighten them to much or try to control them they will rebel against us and all of the Ghost Zone will plunge into enternal chaos," replied his father. His voice sounded very familiar, but Danny couldn't place it.

"Your father is right my little phantom. We must be cautious with every step we take or risk losing control. I must leave you to now. I'm needed elsewhere. Will you to be alright together?" the women asked kindly standing up. Although he couldn't see her Danny could feel nothing, but kindness and loving coming from her.

"We'll be fine Mother don't worry so much. Father and I will deal with the people today. You take care of your business. Will talk more at dinner," Danny reassured her.

"Yes my love you needn't worry about us. Daniel and I will be just fine. Go run along now and take care of the castle's needs. We'll be fine," the man assured her giving her a kiss.

"I know you two will be fine, but what about…"

Suddenly Danny woke up to the sound of a car alarm going off. He was sweating like crazy and had twisted the sheets around him so tightly he almost couldn't breath. His heart was pounding like crazy.

"What was that all about? I've never had a dream like that before. It seemed so real, but it couldn't be. Why would I be dreaming about the Ghost Zone? It doesn't make any sense," he told himself.

He got up and walked over the window. Opening it up he gazed up at the stars watching them glittering like diamonds. He loved the stars they always made him feel so good and peaceful. Whenever the clouds covered them he always felt strange. It didn't make much sense.

"That strange feeling makes as much sense at that crazy dream. Why am I worrying about it so much? It doesn't mean anything. I should go back to bed and try and get some sleep," he said closing the window.

As he headed for bed he suddenly felt an intense burning on his right palm. He clutched it tightly and ran to the bathroom. Filling the sink with cold water he plunged his hand into the water. Soon the pain was gone. When he removed his hand he saw nothing that could have caused the burning sensation. "Okay I'm officially freaked out. Better talk to Sam and Tucker about this tomorrow."

Danny didn't know it, but at the exact same moment Vlad was in his Packers decorated bathroom trying to figure out what could have caused the burning sensation on his palm. He had woken up from a strange dream and then ran to the bathroom after his hand started burning.

"What is going on? Why does my hand hurt and what's with the strange dream? In all my time as a halfa none of this has ever occurred. Something is up and I intend to find out exactly what is going on," Vlad vowed not realizing he was being watched.

"You do that Plasmius. You and Phantom try to figure out what is going on, but I promise you that by the time you do it will be to late. Soon all the pieces will be in place and the ultimate power will be mine!" Nadera said laughing manically.