Okay...I made this fanfic for Sho (and the other members) So, I hope you like it! And I hope others will like it too!

English is my third language...TT; so please don't flame my english, it's already enough that my best male friend does that u.u;

Mikoto OOC? Well, I did not really know how she was in her younger years, so I made from her a spit fire .. Later she will be like the loving mother we know today. Just have some patience xD

Dear Diary,

It's been a week now since I married with Uchiha Fugaku. His father (the clan leader) wanted a wife for his oldest son Fugaku, and wanted a 'beautiful' one, so Fugaku's children would not only be strong but also have the beauty from their mother.

I never have thought I would marry Uchiha Fugaku, Actually I did not even want to marry him. No, when we first met we bumped into eachother and I fell backward. He looked at me with an annoying look in his eyes,

He didn't even apologise or even helped me to stand up, so I stood up out myself and started to shout at him for being an ass, a jerk. That was 10 years ago.. When I was 12.


"Hey!" a 12 year old Mikoto shouted at the person infront of her "Atleast you could apologise you know! It is rude to ignore a lady! Rude! Hey- Don't ignore me by walking away! I'm still not dont with you!"

"What" he asked annoyed as he turned around to look at the girl in front of him, she had hair length till her shoulder and a black mesh shirt with black pants. He smirked when he saw her blush but it soon faded and he saw the fury in her eyes.

"I said--"

"Mikoto!" a young woman with short black hair and equal black eyes ran up to her daughter, shouting at her daughter as she ran up to her.


"I'm so sorry Fugaku-san" the young woman bowed. "I am sure Mikoto here is also sorry for that she bumped in you, isn't that right Mikoto?" her mother glanced at her.

"Whaaaaat! Are you joking! Tha-" Her mother placed her hand on Mikoto's back to make her bow.

Whispering, her mother said, "That is the son from our clan leader, show him some respect Mikoto!"

"Sorry.." she said harshly, glancing at the boy infront of her 'What is he looking at!'

"...You do not have to apologise"

Before Mikoto had the chance to answer he was already walking away from them, leaving Mikoto and her mother alone.

"Mikoto" 'this is it, now I'm going to get it'

"Yes mother.." she said quietly as she looked at the ground.

Feeling arms wrap around her she blinked in surprise "Mother?" she asked surprisingly.

"Mikoto... That was the son from our clan leader, I want you to have more respect for them" she whispered in her daughters ear.

"What the... Did you not see what that baka did! Or was it my fault!" she asked breathless. "I did saw it Mikoto, but you know that we have to have respect for our clan leaders family or God knows what will happen! Besides... Your father would be very disappointing if he heard this, so let's end this topic, ok? And no buts" her mother smiled at her and patted Mikoto's head.

"Grmbl, okay.."


That was our first meeting, after mother and I went back home we did our usual things. Mother made dinner, and I helped her with the house-stuff.

When I woke up the next day I didn't feel like being anymore angry at Fugaku, nothing that day could get me mad.

After 8 years of no word of Fugaku I turned 20 on the first day from June, it was a sunny day, and I was almost ready for marriage.


"Hmmmm...!" a twenty year old Mikoto woke up with a beautiful smile on her face and got out of her bed, making herself ready for today 'twenty now, now that they can't take away! I finally can leave the house! But, then I have to marry. Sigh, all those dumb perverted Uchiha's.' she smiled as she danced around in her room.

"Mikoto, will you come down?"

"Yes mother, I'll be right there" she answered cheerfully as she discarded herself from her white top to get one of her navy blue shirts one she always wore when she did not have a mission. Looking around in her closet she thought about what she should wear with it.

Deciding to go with navy pants 'as usual, heh, they can't blame it me' she smiled when she looked at herself in the mirror. With the years she had let her hair grow and it came now by her lower back.

Getting out her room she closed her door and walked cheerfully downstairs, greeting her father with the usual morning kiss, hugging her older sister with a 'morning' and hug her mother.

Uruchi looked almost the same as Mikoto, only she was more 'manly' you can say, she trained and went on missions while Mikoto was more a housewife type but that did not mean she did not go on missions, she did go but not as much missions as her older sister.

"You're happy today, I wonder why" Uruchi teased.

Sticking out her tongue she said "Of course! You do know what day it is, right?"

"No idea, annoying little sister's birthday?" she winked at Mikoto "Joking, congratulations Mikoto, you're surprise will wait"

"Awww...Why?" Mikoto pouted. "Here" her mother gave Mikoto her breakfast and returned her smile.

"Mikoto" her father said and the room went silent. "Yes father?" she calmly asked. "There is a letter arrived for you." her father over handed it to her daughter and smiled for a moment. 'Okay...he smiled...? There must be something going on...'

When Mikoto opened her letter her father, mother and sisters eyes were upon her and she frowned at them. Looking at the letter,

Dear Mikoto,

I heard your birthday was today, so with this, congratulations with your birthday. I was wondering how you were doing those 8 years I have not seen you '8 years? huh?' Mikoto thought as she continued to read Always that you went with your father to parties from my family you seemed to try and avoid me.

Mikoto glanced from the letter to her father "What is this!" she asked with anger in her voice.

"What is what" her father answered easily.

"This! Who- no, why-, wait!" Mikoto blinked confusedly at her father and decided to continue the letter.

I hope you will not avoid me tonight, so I gave a party as your birthday present, I hope you and your family will come on your party. Of course, that will not be the only birthday present that I have for you. I do hope you will come,

Sincerely, Uchiha Fugaku.

Mikoto looked dumb founded at the letter, she looked at her father to her sister, to her mother. "What is it Mikoto?" her mother asked curiously.

"I... I.. How could you!" she spat out at her father who just raised an eyebrow "How could I what?" he asked calmly as he looked at his youngest daughter who was now a young lady.

"This.. This.. guy!"

"Some more respect for the clan leader's son, Mikoto" he eyed her suspiciously. "M-more respect! You know what he can? He-"

"Mikoto, that's enough!"

The room went silent and Mikoto kept her eyes locked on her fathers. "I am not going" she finally said after a moment of silence.

"You will" her father said and continued eating his breakfast, breaking eye contact with Mikoto.

Mikoto looked at her sister who only shrugged casually and then at her mother who only smiled. "Fine" she muttered.


I don't know how, but in the end, I always did what my father asked me. So, I did went to the party.. The biggest surprise in my life, I was so shocked really, I would never believe he would ask me, that bastard.


Entering the Uchiha mansion she looked around and saw a lot of partying, waiting for her. "Mikoto!" she turned around to the voice and saw one of her friends walking up to her. "Maya!" Mikoto smiled as she hugged her friend.

She wore a navy skirt who ended at her knees and a grey shirt with short sleeves. Maya wore a.. very showing dress, her skirt ended just below her butt and the mesh shirt she had on revealed quiet a bit of skin.

"Happy birthday girl! 20 now, wow, how does it feel?"

"I feel older now"

They both laughed and as Mikoto waved good bye at her parents she walked to her friends and saw her parents talking to the other adults ... correct, Fugaku's parents.

Sighing she tried to smile as she walked to her other friends and started to talk about what not, guys, weapons, and all.

"May I have your attention please" a voice interrupted everyone, and the room became quiet, everyone glancing at the one who called out, Uchiha Fugaku.

When Mikoto looked at him she saw he had changed alot from the 14 year old guy she had seen. His hair was still short, he looked mature now...

"Thank you." He looked around, wondering where Mikoto was, when he saw her he smirked slightly "I thank you all for coming. Today is a very special day, the birthday from Uchiha Mikoto, she turned today twenty. I also like to ask her or she would come over here." Suddenly all eyes were upon Mikoto and she turned red from embarrassment.

Walking slowly towards Fugaku she shot him a glare and saw his mouth curl into a smirk. "What do you want" she whispered when she stood next to him. Ignoring her he continued "A nature beauty, isn't she? I planned this party not only for her birthday, but also to ask a question."

he eyed her for a long second and continued "I had to wait eight years to ask this question, around the time young women can be asked to marry, so.." he looked at her and sat down on one knee in front of her, taking a small box out his pocket.

Mikoto was shocked, what was he doing! She looked fearfully around for her father and mother, when he opened the small box she saw there was an engaging ring in "Will you marry me, Uchiha Mikoto?" he asked smoothly which made her shiver.

The room was still quiet and waited for Mikoto's answer but how could she answer him! She did not see him for eight full years! And when she was 12-- then suddenly she saw her father who only nodded at her, saying to her she has to.

Mikoto felt like her world broke. How could they!

Fugaku noticed that her eyes were unfocused, but didn't say anything about it.

Slowly, trying to find her voice, she whispered "...Yes.." rising up her arm, separating one finger from her other fingers, waiting for him to slide the ring on her finger.

Taking out the ring out the small box he moved it on her finger, closing her hand he kissed her hand tenderly.

He stood up and finally said "Party, it's twice a party."

"Will you dance with me?" he whispered. Blinking twice she remembered what just had happened. "But of course, Uchiha-sama" she saw him flinch at that and smirked. "You do not have to call me 'uchiha-sama' just call me Fugaku" he said as he led her to the floor when there was slow music on.

He wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck "Why did you do this!" she hissed at him, feeling the eyes upon them as they danced.

He smirked slightly, leaning closer to her and hearing her breath stir. Chuckling slightly "because I want a fierce woman at my side, who is not also beautiful but has brains aswell, that's not what I can say about your friend Maya" he whispered huskily in her ear.

"You think I will give up so easily!"

"I already said, I want a fierce woman beside me, and since... Our first meeting years ago you already showed me that you were the right one."

Trying to break out his hold on her she felt his grip tighten, "Going already?" he chuckled.

"If you do not watch out with your tongue I will personally take care of that you will have no children"

She heard him again chuckle and felt her heart leap in her chest.

"This marriage will not be easy for you" she said harshly "You will have to force yourself upon me if you want any children."

Suddenly he became quietly and she wondered or she had said something wrong. Before she could apologise he already said, "Don't worry, you will be mine."

"We will see about that" she answered, smirking slightly. Before Mikoto knew it his lips were pressed against hers, feeling his softy lips against hers she responded.


How angry I was at the end of the part, how could they! And to him! I still couldn't believe it... I hoped it was a nightmare, I really did! But when I woke up the next morning I pitched myself so hard that I accidentally made myself bleed.

It was stupid, but, I did not want to marry him! Never! What would have happened when I would have said no? When I walked downstairs I just sat on the opposite from my father without saying a 'good morning' I.. I didn't know what would happen now.

When would we marry? Why didn't I know a thing of it? I mean, I am also part of this marriage, so I have to say something as well, right?


"I'm going to shop..." she whispered. Her mother eyed Mikoto's father worriedly "Do you want I go with you, dear?"

"No thanks mother. I want my mind off .. the whole plan, and off the idea my father gave me away without telling me!" she shouted slamming her fist on the table, clenching her jaw and glaring at him.

She got mad that her father was ignoring her "Atleast you could have told me!" not caring it was her father whom she was shouting at. "You... How could you call yourself a good father! Giving away your daughter like that! Atleast you could have told me!"

He had enough of this "Mikoto, sit down, I did not gave you awa-"

"Sit down? Do I look like a dog to you?" she shouted yet again. "You did not give me away? Excuse me? You never have told me that, that, that bastard! Would ask me, you knew it all along!"

"Mikoto!" her father said firmly which made her stop, and blink.

"You are my daughter and since you are now twenty and still have no man found, I did it for you. Fugaku's father came to me, and." he started to calm down and closed his eyes before continuing

"And asked me or you already had a man to marry with. When I said no and that I was looking for one he said that his son, Fugaku, was looking for a wife, since he had 'interest' in you I decided to help you both look for a partner."

Without a word she walked out the kitchen, outside the house.

It was a warm day and deciding to not wear any navy blue clothing she wore a white shirt, dark green pants who ended at her knees.

"Sigh… Fathers are so … so … urg!" Mikoto bit her lip, trying to control her anger as she walked in Konoha not knowing someone was following her.

"Mikoto" a voice called out. Still being angry she turned around and shouted at the person "WHAT!" before realizing it was … Fugaku. "Oh, it's you."

"Well, I'm happy to see you too" he said annoying, rolling his eyes.

"No, I had a perfect day until I saw your face" she saw him smirking and raised an eyebrow

"perfect? You wouldn't say so"

"Ah, shut up!" she turned around again and wanted to walk away but a hand grabbed her wrist and pull her back to him. "Hey! You pervert! Let me go!" she shouted, seeing the eyes from many villagers on her

"What?" Blinking in surprise

"Keep it down. You're not really acting as a grown up woman." Before she had a chance to answer him he already said, "We need to talk"

"Talk? Talk about what?"

Rolling his eyes he sighed "Can we talk somewhere were it is not too much crowded?"

"Sure…" she answered plainly. Seeing him turn around and walk away she followed him.

When they reached the gates from Konoha she locked gazes with him "So? What do you want to talk about?"

Rolling his eyes he looked annoyed at her "What do you think?"

"Uhm…?" blinking a couple of times, she really didn't know what he wanted to talk about but then a flash from yesterday came back, he kissed her hand, and had asked her to marry him.

"Yes…" she sighed, closing her eyes.

"You don't see happy with it that we're going to marry"

"No, really?" she said sarcastically. He smirked "Are you still mad about what had happened eight years ago?"

Fugaku saw that she became angry and sighed "Okay, I apologise from what has happened then, it was entirely my fault. Do you forgive me?"

Blinking in surprise she never had thought he would ask apologise, why would he? He's will be soon the clan leader, surely he doesn't need to apologise, right?

"Uhm.. Yes" she whispered locking gazes with him, she saw him smile at her and couldn't help but blush which was followed by a chuckle from his side.

"Something else baka?"

"Has your mother never told you to respect others?"

"Yeah, but she never told me to respect a baka like you"

Smirking he closed his eyes "Yeah, there is something else."

"What might that be?" she asked curiously

So, what do you think of it? I hope you liked it. Monday I'll start on chapter 2 and post it friday I think...We will see, so, see you in the next chapter. xD