Chapter 1

The End

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. It would be cool if I did… Then again doesn't everybody think that?

A dark puddle of blood formed around Kagome. She was sprawled out, face up, across the ground. Her vision was blurring, the crimson sky above her was spinning. She desperately tried to cling to consciousness.

Her wound was severe; the demon had almost managed to pierce through her entire abdomen. The pain was absolutely unbearable. Even in her own era the chances of surviving a wound like this were near to none. And even that little hope was extinguished; she knew whatever had pierced her was poisonous.

It was getting harder to breathe. Her heart was beating faster. Her eyes were fluttering. She gasped; greedy for air.

Her eyes started to close. She couldn't die… She wouldn't die. She contorted her face into an expression of utmost determination as she desperately tried to stay conscious.

She could here hastened footsteps coming towards her. She tried to summon up her strength to turn her head. She couldn't manage it. She felt her muscles tense up, she could feel pain searing through her veins. The poison had spread.

She could hear Inuyasha calling her name, he was getting closer. She called out his name, her voice was raspy and barely audible.

She felt quick stab of pain. She started coughing blood. She couldn't turn her neck to let it fall from her mouth. 'I'm going to choke on my own blood' she thought bitterly.

A gentle hand slid around her back and sat her up. The other turned her head to the side so the blood wouldn't drip all over her.

"Kagome," whispered a familiar voice.

Kagome's heart lifted at the voice. 'At least I won't die alone,' she thought to herself.

Kagome started to relax. She slowly started to let go of consciousness; she was tired of struggling. Her eyelids started to close over her big brown eyes.

"Kagome don't!" yelled the voice, "Kagome wake up! Don't let go. Don't stop fighting!'

She felt the hands holding her upright tighten their grip. She felt a surge of energy enter her body. Not much, but enough to open her eyes once again. Kagome pushed herself to breathe. She once again struggled to stay conscious. She saw a handsome face with amber eyes staring down at her.

"I-Inuyasha" mumbled Kagome, the sound barely leaving her lips.

"I'm right here," said Inuyasha, he pulled her in closer so that she was resting on his chest.

"I-I've got to go," Kagome managed to say before gasping; her throat was constricting.

Kagome's eyes shut against her will, and she drifted off into oblivion.

"No Kagome," said Inuyasha as his eyes started to brim with tears, "Please".

Kagome didn't respond she lay limply in his arms. Her head had fallen back and her eyes closed as if she had fallen into a deep slumber.

Inuyasha felt a surge of demonic power issue from within him. He quickly released a hand from Kagome and grabbed his tetsusaiga.

He heard a little high pitched mumble from beside him.

"Not now Myouga," he replied gruffly to the little flea demon at his side.

He did not want to change to a demon now. He did not want to damage Kagome's body. He did not want to be full demon right now.

Despite his tight grip on the tetsusaiga his eyes flashed red. He could feel power streaming out near the right side of his chest and into his veins.

'What the hell is happening?' he thought angrily.

He felt the tetsusaiga starting to heat; it was starting to burn his hand.

He didn't let go of the sword until he felt his hand start to throb with pain. He glanced down at his terribly scorched hand, and then back to Kagome.

'What is she doing lying there? She can't be dead. Kagome can't die. She couldn't actually be dead. She has to go home and see her family, she has to…She can't really be gone' all these words, thoughts, unbearable feeling rushed through Inuyasha's head.

"KAGOME WAKE UP!" he yelled angrily, his mind baffled and numb from everything that had happened.

"WAKE UP!" he yelled as he grabbed her with his other hand.

This time his eyes slid out of focus and back in as those of a demon. His nailed lengthened and thickened. He felt horrible pain emanate from his mouth as longer fangs started to grow in his mouth in the place of his regular ones. He was in his demonic form now. Even in his demonic form he still had overwhelming feelings of frustration and absolute agony. He squinted as he felt tears rising. He was so frustrated. Was there nothing he could do? How could he allow something like this to happen again? A single tear slid down his cheek as he clung to Kagome's lifeless body. He tightened his grip on her, "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"Caught it," piped Myouga as he caught the tear in a oddly shaped beaker-like cup.

Inuyasha didn't respond. His eyes were still hovering over Kagome's expressionless face.

"There's a way you can save her," said Myouga.

I had to look up what side of the body the heart is on. Ahhh… My patheticness (I made that word up! xD

The thing that Myouga catches the tear in is sort of like a beaker… Something old fashioned.

Sooooo how was that for a first chapter? Liked it hated it? Tell me in a review! Constructive criticism, opinions, ideas, any random comments would be greatly appreciated. On another note isn't it strange to call a chapter 'The end'? Ohh well! The next chapter is called 'A new beginning'. Can you guess why ; ) ?