I do not own Danny Phantom or X-Men: Evolution in any way or form. This fanfic is for entertainment purposes only.


>> Chapter One – Christmas Suprises

>>> Amity Park, Oregon

Danny Fenton stood outside his home, watching the snow fall on the ground with his clear blue eyes. His parents were currently looking for ghosts with their various assortments of anti-ghost weaponry and his friends and older sister were playing in the snow, tossing snowballs at each other as they laughed with cheer.

His parents have been fanatical ghost experts since their college days, but when they finally managed to build a portal that would've made it possible to enter a dimension known as the Ghost Zone, it failed. The Ghost Zone was a limbo of sorts, an infinite green space with purple doors and windows that could lead anywhere hovering in plain sight, where people who had some regrets and ties to the mortal realm went until they moved on. Most of the ghosts were violent, but there have been some occasions where a good ghost had been spotted.

The Ghost Portal itself took up a good chunk of the basement wall and was shaped like an octagon with a five feet radius. Inside the octagon was what looked like a swirling green mass of energy, which was the actual portal itself.

It was Danny's meddling with the Ghost Portal that changed his life forever. He was electrocuted by the activation of the portal while he was inside of it and turned into a ghost himself! His attributes pulled a 180 as his untidy black hair turned into a snow white color, and his clear blue eyes turned into a glowing neon green. His white and black hazmat suit was inverted so now it was mainly black with white gloves, boots, belt and collar.

Ever since that day months ago, Danny has carried with him the responsibility of fighting the ghosts that escaped from the Ghost Zone, as well as keeping his identity a secret. He has the ability to transform from his human side to his ghost side at will and vise versa. As a human, he looks like any regular 14 year old would look. He wore a white shirt with red trimmings, a pair of baggy blue jeans, and oversized red sneakers.

His most recent encounter, however, was his own fault. Among his family and friends, Danny was known to be a Christmas scrooge, mainly because of his parents' arguments over the existence of Santa. He went to blow off some steam in the Ghost Zone by blasting some Christmas ornaments and accidentally blasted a Christmas book that was written by a ghost known as the Ghost Writer. Danny was sorry for blasting something that didn't belong to him, but not sorry that it was a Christmas book that he blasted, which caused the Ghost Writer to seek revenge in the form of a story with Danny as the main character.

Ever since Danny was returned from the Ghost Zone, his world has been turned into one big story book, with the Ghost Writer narrating and using everything around him to make sure the story stays in rhyme, even the people. It wasn't until Danny would learn his lesson that the story would end.

Danny just stared at his parents as they ran through the streets with their weaponry, his father wearing his day-glow orange jumpsuit and his mother wearing an aquamarine jumpsuit with red goggles. "Maybe this is the moral… in the same way my folks love their old Christmas quarrel, everyone celebrates in a way of their choosing."

He turned his gaze towards his friends, Sam and Tucker, and his older sister, Jazz, all three of them still playing in the snow. "I was so busy whining I started abusing the ones I loved most and I ruined their cheer…" Then he cracked a smile. "I'll try to be better, come Christmas next year."

Then Sam walked up to him, pulling her black coat closer to herself. "Uh, nice sentiment, but what are you? A greeting card?" Sam Manson was one of Danny's best friends and the total opposite of what she was capable of being. She was a Goth activist who was totally loaded with cash but refused to use any of the money she had, so she was far from spoiled and popular. Sam always wore black and had medium-length black hair with a short high ponytail.

"Yeah," Tucker said as he raised an eyebrow, adjusting his red cap. "Why are you talking in rhyme?" Tucker Foley was for all intent and purposes a Techno Geek but he was also one of Danny's best friends; he's always seen with some kind of PDA on him and seems to have the voice box of a parrot because he never seems to stop running out of things to talk about. Tucker always wore a red cap and glasses, along with a yellow shirt and green cargo pants.

Jazz closed her eyes and shook her head, tossing her long red hair over her shoulder. "Such a dork…" Jazz was Danny's older sister and acts like a conceited snob, putting her nose where it doesn't belong. Although she acts this way in public, she's proven to be a caring sister who Danny can trust. Jazz always wore an aquamarine headband and a long-sleeved black shirt with khaki pants.

These three were the only people Danny trusted with his secret; that he was half ghost.

Danny then gazed at the three of them with an expression of shock. "We're not talking in rhyme…" He then raised his fists in the air and yelled with cheer. "WE'RE NOT TALKING IN RHYME!"

His two friends watched with puzzled expressions as Danny ran off inside the FentonWorks with a wide grin and a spring in his step. "Ooo-kay…" Sam said. "What was that all about?"

Tucker shrugged, adjusting his red and white scarf. "Beats me, but that's definitely the most cheer I've seen in him all day, especially today."

But as Sam and Tucker continued pondering this, they never saw the looming shadow that approached them, that is until they felt the ice cold temperature of a snowball collide with both their heads.

They both fell forward in the snow as Jazz stood triumphantly behind them with a big grin, wearing a purple coat. "Next time, I suggest you don't leave yourselves open."

Tucker looked up at her, his face covered in snow. "Cheap shot."

Danny watched out of the kitchen with his red coat hung over his shoulders, holding a cup of hot cocoa in his hands as he sat down on the couch next to the fireplace. He took small sips from the cocoa as he went over the effects of one of his newest powers.

'The Ghostly Wail…' Danny thought as he continue to sip on his cocoa, listening to the sounds of his friends and sister still playing, along with the occasional gunfire from his parents' anti-ghost weaponry. He chuckled a little at the thought, but the Ghostly Wail's tremendous display of power wouldn't leave his head. 'It's different than the rest of my powers, not only because it can dish out all that damage, but… it's so hard to control…'

He looked at his reflection in the cocoa and thought back to when the Christmas trees came to life under the Ghost Writer's control and tried to take Danny out. Had it not been for the sheer numbers, he could've taken them out with regular ecto-blasts, but he knew that would only leave him drained and at the mercy of ghostly Christmas trees.

"You alright, Danny?" Jazz asked as she sat down next to him, her purple coat hung over her shoulders too. Danny turned to her and blinked, he didn't even notice her walk in.

He shrugged and cracked a smile. "I'm fine, just thinking." Danny said.

"Danny, what really happened? I mean, I know you hate Christmas, but even you wouldn't have the nerve to take our presents and blast them on purpose." Jazz said with a worried expression, referring back to when Danny was still in the Ghost Writer's story.

"Honestly, even if I told you it would sound crazy." Danny said, sighing as he said it.

Jazz managed to crack a smile. "Hey, you were right about Youngblood, weren't you? Besides, I think having a half ghost little brother who saves our town from other ghosts fills up my quota for weird and crazy things."

Danny chuckled and went into detail onto the story of the Ghost Writer. How he went into the Ghost Zone to blow off some steam; how he accidentally blaster the Ghost Writer's book and he took revenge by trapping him in another book, causing everyone, along with the Ghost Writer's narration, to speak in rhyme; how the toys, the trees, the reindeer and everything else, was a direct result of the Ghost Writer typing out his story with Danny as the main character; even how he entered the Ghost Zone and caused him to stop his rhyme by using the word 'orange'.

"Why orange?" Jazz asked.

Danny was trying to hold in a snicker as he replied. "Hehe, 'cause nothing rhymes with orange."

Then Danny told her about how he blew up the Ghost Writer's terminal, but he was still speaking in rhyme, and the Ghost Writer told him that now the story wouldn't end until the lesson was learned.

"Sooo… I'm guessing that's why you jumped up in joy screaming about how you're not talking in rhyme?" Jazz asked.

Danny blushed with embarrassment. "Yeah… although I am sorry that I messed up Christmas for you guys, I mean talk about ironic."

Jazz look toward the fireplace and wrapped the jacket closer around her body. "It's alright little brother, I know mom and dad make you feel bad with their Santa arguments every year."

"Yeah, remember that one time the turkey came to life?" Danny asked.

"You mean like everything else mom cooks?" Jazz replied.

Danny couldn't help but laugh. "Good one, are the rabid sausages still in the fridge, or did anyone get rid of them?"

"I'm not sure…" Jazz wondered. "I think dad managed to subdue them long enough to eat them."

"Um… ew?" Danny responded.

>>> Bayville, New York

Charles Xavier, a bald telepath and founder of the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters, sat in his wheelchair looking intently at the holographic screen that his mutant-detecting interface Cerebro was showing him.

One of the greatest minds on the planet and one of the most powerful mutant telepaths, Charles Xavier is an idealist. He founded the Xavier Institute not only as a safe haven for mutants, but also as a place where mutants can train to control their powers and be able to use them efficiently for the greater good.

It was basically a school for mutants.

At the moment, Charles was taking a look at the information he had gathered from the place of origin of the most recent mutant signature he had detected. If the articles he had read were any indication, then he wouldn't like this at all.

Extrapolation Complete

Identity Confirmed

Name: Daniel "Danny" Fenton

Residence: Amity Park, Oregon

Age: Fifteen

He had read a lot about this place; in fact just recently, the so-called ghost activity in this place was becoming headline news, all the way from ghost attacks to invasions. The most recent one involved the entire town supposedly being pulled into another dimension.

Originally, he thought this might be increased mutant activity in Amity Park, but Cerebro wasn't picking up any mutant signatures there over the course of the attacks, so he left it alone for now. Obviously there must've been a more practical explanation, but ghosts?

It wasn't until now that he grew worried. Rogue and Scott, two of his founding students, were still in New York investigating the angel sightings reported in the newspapers, so he had no choice but to wait until everyone returned from their holiday vacations to investigate this new mutant signature further. It was rather ironic that this signature would surface during Christmas Eve.

"Charles, I found some news articles about Amity Park that I think you should see." Hank asked as he walked in. He was a mutant, but his mutation involved what most people called 'turning into a beast'. He gained the composure of a well-built gorilla, as well as the agility and strength of one, but his fur was blue. He managed to keep his sentience, so he now teaches at the Institute after being discharged from his teaching job as a Chemistry and Gym teacher in Bayville High due to his mutation.

Charles narrowed his eyes as he laced his fingers and watched the holographic screen in the domed room. "This is very strange… I've seen the news reports about this place, but it surprises me that I would receive a signature now, when this activity has been going on for months. Very peculiar…" Charles then turned his wheelchair to face his friend, pulling his interface from his head and placing it on the console. "So, Hank, show me what it is you've found." Xavier said.

Hank walked up to the professor, wearing a pair of glasses and a long-sleeved yellow sweater as he placed a couple of news articles on the professor's lap. Xavier took a look at the articles and his eyes widened. He glanced back at the holographic screen which showed an image of the black-haired blue-eyed boy whose x-gene was activated and then glanced at the image the newspaper was featuring with the headline 'Public Ghost Enemy Number One', a white-haired green-eyed ghost boy.

"Hank…" Xavier said. "Do you see any similarities between the boy shown in the front page and the boy Cerebro detected?"

Hank took a look at the newspaper once more and glanced back and forth between the two images. "Do you think this is the same boy? Using his powers?" Hank asked.

"I believe that may just be the case." Xavier answered.

"Then why did Cerebro detect him now? According to this news article, this 'ghost' has been around for at least half a year. Shouldn't Cerebro have detected him much earlier than that?" Hank asked.

Xavier sighed. "I'm not quite sure. We'll need to look into this further once the students return from their vacations. Right now I'm more worried about how he's using his powers."

"What do you mean?" Hank asked.

"Whether or not this boy is indeed the mutant we're looking for, his public use of his powers will lead to the world learning the existence of mutants, and if the town's reaction to him is any indication, then it won't be something we'll want to look forward to." Xavier answered.

Hank nodded. "I see what you mean, this boy could put us all in danger is we don't talk to him soon. Maybe he can also help us to understand how he managed to evade Cerebro for so long." He said.

"Yes, maybe there's something to these ghost attacks in Amity Park after all…" Xavier said.

Hank nodded and adjusted his glasses. "So, shall we play another game of chess?" He asked with a smile.

Xavier chuckled. "Well it is Christmas Eve, we should be enjoying ourselves," He then began to wheel himself out of the room with Hank in tow.

>> To Be Continued…

Next chapter, Christmas vacations are over and Danny's scholarly (as well as ghostly) duties are back to full swing, but he also receives a visit from some kind of headmaster for a school for gifted youngsters (yes we all know who) in the east coast. Will Danny go to Bayville or will his duties as Danny Phantom keep him tied to Amity Park? Stay tuned for another episode of… PHANTOM MUTANT! (Okay, I promise that's the last time I make myself sound like a corny television announcer)

Also, before anyone jumps at me with the idea that Amity Park is in Illinois, it's not. I watched a few episodes to make sure and had it not been for the episode Kindred Spirits I might have said it was in Illinois.

First of all, every time the Fentons go to Wisconsin, it always takes more than one day, so it's obviously pretty far away, and I don't mean one state over. For a second, I was thinking maybe Amity Park was based in the same state that Amityville is in, New York, since the distance seemed to fit. Obviously they had to be in some kind of shore, since the pirate ship from Pirate Radio was sunk in the ocean, and in Fenton Menace they visited the same pirate ship in a submarine. But if you watch Kindred Spirits in the part when Sam and Tucker are flying the Specter Speeder, when Sam asks Tucker where they are, he answers that they're somewhere over the Wyoming/Colorado border, so considering they were headed to Wisconsin, and their town is next to the ocean, then they had to be somewhere in the west coast. Then I noticed that Oregon has a town/city called Amity, so I figured it's based off that town/city, which is in the northwest region of Oregon.

If that doesn't help you understand my reasoning over the state I chose Amity Park to be in, then send me a message, although I think my guess was spot on.