
Akira Tosiyama

So, yet another disclaimer. I still own nothing found within, except for perhaps Akira. And maybe Phonsey. But he probably won't be in this chapter. Darn.

SumixPhonsey FTW!

This chapter will be weird, just because it's my version of the Ancient Egyptian past. It's based on fanfictions, roleplays, and notes. It's not very true to the manga or anime at all, but I like it this way.

I realize that Akira is very MarySue, so please forgive that. If you don't like it, don't read it. I really don't like Akira that much, and she's me. So I'll understand.

Chapter 21

Baku turned to Ryo. "Who put you in charge, anyway?"

Ryo's eyes got wide. "You can be in charge if you want, Yami."

Baku laughed at the expression on Ryo's face. "Baka, you really need to learn to stick up for yourself more often. It's fine if you want to be in charge. So long as I get to tell my side of the story first."

"Well, I was actually thinking that maybe… Yugi… should…" Ryo trailed off, looking at Bakura.

The Thief King's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"Never mind. You can go." Ryo quickly amended.

"That's what I thought you said. Now. Where to begin…"

"How about the beginning, stupid." Kaiba said loudly.

Bakura whirled around, glaring. "Fine. Just remember, Set, this is going to make me feel pretty pissed off at you."

Kaiba shrugged.

Baku glared once more at him, then began his tale.

"About five thousand years ago, a boy was born to one of the pharaoh's priests in Egypt. His mother died soon after he was born, and his father hated him. You see, he had very pale skin and white hair. The priest took him before the pharaoh, asking what to do with him. The pharaoh was disgusted by the lack of color in the boy's hair and skin. They called him a monster.

"However, the pharaoh's wife took pity on the baby, taking him under her wing and naming him. Bakura. Soon after, his father had him sent to an outlying village, Kul Elna, to be taken care of. He was given to the first family the guards saw. It so happened that Kul Elna was a village of thieves, and the family he was given to was the head thief and his wife. Unfortunately for the boy's real father, who was probably wishing the thieves would kill him, the head thief and his wife immediately fell in love with Bakura.

"For three years, he lived the way most young children do, playing with the other children of the village, getting into trouble, and so forth. Then, one day, some royal guards came into Kul Elna. They found Bakura, and informed his 'mother' that they were to take Bakura back to the royal city for a while, as he had recently become an older brother. His father had taken another wife, and she had given birth to a baby boy. However…"

Bakura suddenly choked up. He reached out and scooped Haru into his arms.

"However, the baby was born severely ill. He had a disease that left him weak and unable to move on his own. Without medicine he would have died within a few days.

"He also had white hair and pale skin. Well…" Baku looked at Haru. "White and black hair.

"His mother had died in childbirth, and the priest was left again with a 'monster'. He remembered his other son. He figured he could send for him, see if he bonded with the new baby, and send them both back to Kul Elna.

"When Bakura arrived, they took him in to see the new baby. He was amazed to see someone else with white hair, and they bonded instantly.

"So, the priest decided to wait for the baby to be old enough, then send them both back to 'that thieving village'. Until then, Bakura was left to play with three other young people in the palace, the children of the other priests. Set, Isis, and Malik. Eventually, after he and Malik had explored the palace, they discovered another young playmate: The pharaoh's son. Atem.

"With the exception of Isis, the young boys had many fun days together. But the day finally came for him to return to his family. His real family. The only family he would ever know. The head thief and his wife immediately loved the new baby as well, as they were unable to have children of their own. The guards left instructions and bottles of medicine, then left. Bakura's mother named the baby Haru.

"Bakura was very protective of his new brother. He rarely went out to play unless he had Haru cradled against him. When he did go out, he became best friends with a young girl whose family had recently moved to Kul Elna. Her name was Kisara."

Baku paused again, this time to glare at Kaiba.

Kaiba interrupted now, "You were the one who… never mind. I don't believe in this crap anyway."

"Whatever, Kaiba. You know it's true. Anyway," Baku continued with his narrative.

"So Bakura's childhood continued normally. When he was ten, his father started teaching him how to be a thief. He proved to be very adept at it, and he and his Ka made huge leaps forward."

"His what?" Iggy interrupted.

"His Ka. It's a monster-like spirit that can be used in battle, or in thieving. His was very powerful and could go through solid objects. Very useful for getting into tombs and such. Anyway, when he was…"

Fang interrupted next: "Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?"

Baku glared at him. "Does it matter? As I was saying, when he was fifteen, he and Kisara went on their first date. They went into the city and went to lunch and such. He was very much in love with her." Baku glanced longingly at Akira.

"One year later, everything went terribly wrong. Kisara, Bakura, and Haru had gone into the city to pick up some more medicine for Haru. When they returned… the entire village had been burnt to the ground. Everyone…" Baku choked up again. "Everyone was being slaughtered. The pharaoh's men were dumping the people, still living, into a large cauldron. They were using the souls of the people to create the Sennen Items."

Everyone looked in disgust at the golden Items various people were wielding. Akira was crying silently.

Baku continued. "Bakura, Kisara, and Haru went back to the capitol to try and find out why this had happened. Bakura marched them right up to the palace and through the front doors. They walked into the throne room. It was the biggest mistake of Bakura's life. When they walked through that door, three people immediately fell in love. Love at first sight. Feh." He looked very annoyed at this. "The pharaoh was now the young Atem, as his father had passed away a week before. He fell in love with Kisara. The high priest Set and Kisara fell in love with each other." Baku stopped, glaring at Kaiba.

Kaiba looked disgruntled. "It's not my fault. She fell in love with him, too."

"Whatever. I hate you, you know that, right?"

Kaiba sighed. "Yes."

After another evil look directed toward Kaiba, Baku continued yet again. "To make a long story short, Bakura ended up killing his biological father, stealing the Ring, and being killed by the pharaoh. His soul was trapped in the Ring, and every few years, when he found a suitable host, he would take over that person's body." He gestured at Ryo. "Ryo here was my last host. Hopefully for good, now that I have my original body back."

Gazzy looked confused. "What happened to everyone else?"

"Ah yes. Basically, everyone but Haru died. Haru lived for many years after that, surprisingly, and he married and had children. Ryo is one of his descendants. The pharaoh's soul was trapped in the Sennen Puzzle, and he had a few hosts through the years. The latest being young Yugi here. Set and Kisara were reincarnated quite a few times, and they are the Akira and Kaiba you see before you. That concludes my part of the story. And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go into a corner and brood." He walked into a corner, and, well, he brooded.

Ryo looked around. "Well, that was Baku's side of the story. Anyone else want to share? Any questions?"

"Why does Baku hate the pharaoh so much? He didn't even do anything." Fang said.

"Were you not listening? The pharaoh killed him, tried to steal his girlfriend, and was partially the cause of his whole village being killed." Kaiba said, drawling slightly.

Fang glared, but didn't comment.

Ryo glanced around. "Well, that's that, then. Who wants to go next?"

"I think Baku got most of it right, actually." Akira commented.

The pharaoh looked indignant. "What?! He left out everything about me!"

"So he got all the important parts." Kaiba pointed out.

Yugi glared at him.

Ryo looked around one more time. "Well, we could let the pha-"

He was cut short by the door opening again. Reno appeared in the doorway, this time flanked by Rude.

"So, I asked Mr. Shinra, and he said just to bring all of you with items to him. Oh, and those six." Reno said, pointing to the flock.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm not just going to leave my brother here." Baku said, grabbing Haru protectively.

"Hmmm. He'll just have to come too, then." Rude said. "But we're going now."

Those that had been commanded to follow him, did. Reno took up the rear, and the proceeded through hallways, stopping before some ominous looking doors.

"Oh my, how cliché." Baku said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" Reno said, knocking on the doors.

The doors slowly creaked open.


So, I'm stopping there. I don't know when this will be updated again, as it's summer and I have work and friends to attend to. And I'm not happy with the direction the story is going. Maybe I'll write some other stories.

To fans of this story, sorry. It kinda sucks now. Just go back and read the first few chapters and think of better days.

1,716 words