Disclaimer: I do not own, Neji, Tenten, or Hinata. I don't own any of the characters on Naruto including Naruto himself. Kishimoto-sama is responsible for their creation. I only hope that I can do these great characters justice


I've fixed the formatting! If you're reading this right now and you've already read the chapter,

this is because I've fixed the formatting


so now it's not all wierd and stuff. You can read it again if you want to

I did edit the chapter slightly.


TenTen's Pov:


The day I first decided to visit the manor, it was a sunny day in June.

The day was hot, and I was a little bit sweaty, but I felt proud of my own achievement.

I had managed to maste an incredible move, and it was of my own creation.


Through research and practice I had somehow learned

how to seal my weapons into scrolls.

With just a bit of my own blood, and a quick swipe of my hand,

I can send weapon hurling at an opponent with incredible speed and accuracy.

With two scrolls, the number of weapons doubles, and with a bit of chakara string,

I can create a trap of steel on the ground and send the already thrown weapons

back into attack mode repeatedly.

In this manner, creating a deadly whirlwind of steel, I felt confident

that I had become more than a match for any of the guys on my team.


Unfortunately, on that day, both of my team mates were busy.

Ever since Lee somehow managed to learn a move before any of us,

even our team prodigy,

Gai-sensei has been giving him special attention.

Early in the morning before I could even open my eyes, those two would be up and running.

They must have traveled great distances outside of this village,

because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find them.

This left me with only one other option…Hyuuga Neji.


Back then, I still didn't know him very well. We got along ok, for the most part, but

we never really interacted that much. I suppose he considered both of us to be weaker than him,

too pathetic to bother with at all… A guy who couldn't do ninjutsu or genjutsu,

and a girl who's only skills were to hurl metal around and create chakara strings.

He must have been pretty upset when he found out who had been placed on his team.


But of course, he never really showed any reaction…he hardly did back then.

I remember he once told me that on the day his father died

he promised that he would never show expressions of grief again.

The sad thing was, I don't think he could ever find much to be happy about either…

He had always preferred to be alone.

During the academy days, he threw himself into training and study.

Getting stronger was his way of coping…I guess.

He eventually lost the ability to express happiness as well.

I promised him that someday I would help him learn how to express his feelings.


His reply was, "What's the point. Emotions are useless to a shinobi."


I don't know why, but that statement made me sad, so I angrily retorted:


"Shinobi without emotions turn into nothing but heartless killers."


"But that is what we are…We are trained to be killers. That is what we do.

Any person who does not understand that

should not become a ninja."


Those answers as well as the complete calm manner to which he made those statements

struck a bit of fear into my heart.

That was why I was so hesitantly standing

outside the doorway to the Hyuuga manor, on that sunny day.


I was incredibly nervous. I had never really met a Hyuuga before Neji…

I didn't know if all his family members were going to be like that or not.

And I was going to attempt to practice a move that I had just mastered

against one who seemed to view life as a killer so lightly.

What sane girl wouldn't be just a little bit frightened?


I've always believed in fate. Divination is my second hobby (besides practicing with weapons that is).

Some people have asked me why I believe in fate…

and the reason is simple.

Miracles and tragedies happen everyday, things unlikely to occur still happen, because it's destiny.

If destiny did not exist…then why out of all the Hyuugas in the manor that day,

was it Hyuuga Hinata who ran out at that exact moment

looking as if her feelings were crushed by a monster.


In truth, it was because of her story that I was brave enough to even step inside that place.

Much less commit the actions I would subsequently commit.

My anger got the better of me, and today I am thankful.

Otherwise who knows what course history would have taken…

And that destiny decided to give poor Hinata an ability that she never had before,

just proves that some things in life are meant to happen.

As shy as she was back then, that she was able to pour her heart out

to a complete stranger,

no matter how badly she stuttered the words...

I still consider a miracle.


I was standing in front of the door when it suddenly swung open.

The speed of the swing, plus my own nervousness, prevented me from dodging it.

As such, it hit me smack in the face…

it hurt, but I was more stunned than in pain.

I fell down in a heap, and I think I might have even lost consciousness for all of three seconds.

But the next thing I knew

was that I was lying on the ground,

with an incredibly adorable girl crouched above my head,

staring at me through tear-filled crystal eyes.


"S-Semimasen, Gomenasai…I'm so sorry. I d-d-didn't mean t-t-to…I…I…I'm s-so sorry.

Please forgive me…and p-p-please, d-don't t-t-t-t-ell my fa-a-f-ather. G-Gomen"


"Ai yah, kami-sama!

Would you please stop saying you're sorry?"


The girl looked about as frightened and nervous as a small mouse. Her fingers were twitching constantly…

and if I didn't know any better I would have thought she was going to do a henge.

As I got up off the floor, I dusted my self off lightly.


I noticed that she was still on the ground, kowtowing as if her life depended on it.


It felt so awkward.

Even now, I still get a sweat-drop every time I remember this incident.


"G-Gomenasai…please don't tell my o-ot-t-tousan. He's already s-s-so angry with me…

I th-th-think that… I think I…he m-might even…oh please don't tell my father.

I beg of you…"


"Hey, hey…calm down…it's going to be alright." I said.

Bending down, I tried to help her stand up, but she wouldn't budge.


"P-P-Promise me y-you won't t-t-tell, my fa-father."


"Okay, I promise. But only if you tell me…

why you're so scared.

Why are you so scared of your own father?"


I myself was an orphan. Truth to tell, being such wasn't even all that uncommon in a ninja village.

However, growing up I still sometimes wished I had a father.

And to me, a father was certaily not supposed to be someone you feared

in such a way that you would kowtow before a complete stranger.


Wasn't he supposed to be someone you loved, who loved you in return?

Wasn't he supposed to be someone who comforted you, and encouraged you as you grew?

For me, this was what a father was supposed to be.


And yet for this girl, that someone was the very source of her unhappiness.

I was curious…fustrated, and a little confused all at the same time.

So I picked her up off the ground,

a little bit forcibly perhaps,

and dusted her off like I did myself earlier.

I set her in front of me, and decided to act like any big sister would.


"Now tell me. What's the matter? Why do you seem to hate your father so much?"


At this her eyes widened, she blinked, and then loudly exclaimed.

"Oh no! I d-don't h-hate him! I couldn't…He…He…"

At this, she started to bow her head except this time with tears in her eyes.


"He t-thinks I'm w-weak. I'm t-too weak to be a-an H-Hyuuga.

He d-doesn't l-love me.

He thinks I'm…useless."


At this, she begans to really sob. I felt so bad for her.

I felt even madder at this father of hers, but that wasn't important at the time.

But I felt uncomfortable with her in front of me acting like that,

so I told her to buck up and stop crying.

Her face tilted up again, and she stared at me.

She seemed to be looking a little too hard

and so...


"What? Is there something on my face?"


I touched my forehead…and it felt a little bit sticky for some reason.

I took my hand away, and realized that my head was bleeding.

I didn't feel pain at all…well, much pain anyways.

But of course, head wounds always bleed the most…


"Oh, I'm sorry! A-a-and I-I'm c-clumsy as well...!

This is all m-my f-fault! I'm so sorry…y-you can tell my father.

I-It's y-your right…as a g-guest…I-I…I deserve to be punished."


"Oh sheesh, for crying out loud. Fine. Take me to him then.

I'll tell him. But he won't punish you. Why would he? It was an accident!"


"Y-Y-You…d-don't know my f-father."


"Geez, what a… If he thinks he's going to touch one hair on your head, you just watch me.

I'm going to tell him just how bad of a father he is to make you so afraid of him.

Nobody should be punished for something that's only an accident.

If he's anything like my team mate Hyuuga Neji, then I think I can handle him.

After all, I've handled that guy for a whole year now.

Come on... Hey, now what's the matter?"


"I-I…I j-just r-remembered…f-father's training with…c-cousin Neji today.

He's your… t-team mate!?"


"Yeah… he's the reason why I'm here in the first place!

And I have to admit, that guy's kind of creepy. But don't worry. I can handle him.

We even practiced together and he hasn't killed me yet.

I have to try a new move on him…


Don't be scared. If worse comes to worse, I'll protect you.

If either one of them dares try anything, they'll be sorry! Believe it!"


I honestly don't know where that expression popped out of.

Maybe I had heard it from somewhere before,

or maybe I had accidentally heard a particularly loudmouthed baka say it before

without noticing and somehow it stuck in my head coming out at that exact moment.

But it was strange.

Right after I said thosewords…somehow her entire face just changed.

It was like she was a completely different person.


With a brand new determined expression, she picked her head up.

She seemed to have come to some kind of conclusion within herself, as she marched towards the doorway.

Standing at the entrance of the doorway, she looked back at me and said, "Come."

And so I followed her through.


Author's Note: -

This chapter has two main purposes,

a) to get the characterizations down

b) to expand upon the relationships as I see it,

at least between the members of Team Gai, at this point in time.


The timing of the story is prior to the chuunin exams.


Hopefully I'm setting this up in a way that,

it doesn't seem that unlikely to have happened.


Minorly, I also wish to explore the possibility of different interactions,

such as the interaction between Hinata and Tenten.


Tenten's personality as it is portrayed here

is based off of the databook's description of her as being a "busybody",

hence the title.


I want people to tell me if I've done this okay so far...

if it seems at all likely that these characters would act this way if they were put into these situations


Please review my humble fanfic!!

I know it's not that good, but if you can just tell me where it sucks

Even flames are welcome!