Ickle Ficlets Volume II

First chapter edited, I'm not happy with these first ficlets really – later chapters are better. And people reading these from the beginning will want the best ones, not these bad old ones. It creates a bad impression. Please, if you're reading this for the first time, I suggest starting from Chapter 10, where they start being named after pie, until I've edited 1-9. Thank you!


FICLET 1- Moustache

'Dude, where's my moustache?' asked Ron.

'On Ginny,' Harry replied promptly.

'Sheeeeet.' Ginny nodded appreciatively, stroking her impressive whiskers.


FICLET 2- Astronomy

Hermione was trying to teach Harry and the Weasleys rudimentary astronomy. 'No, no you guys, the earth revolves around the sun.'

'He-re-tic! He-re-tic!' chanted Fred and George.

'Burn her!' screamed Ron, holding a torch to the couch.


FICLET 3- Beard

Dumbledore was contemplating his reflection in the mirror. 'Severus,' he sighed. 'Do you think I should wash my beard?'

Snape growled. 'I think you should, yeah. Yeah, you should wash it, then shave it off, nail it to a Frisbee and fling it over a rainbow.'


FICLET 4- Recommendation

'Hermione,' said Ron tentatively. 'I'm looking for something to read. Do you have any suggestions?'

'Try this,' Hermione flung a book into his lap.

'Is it any good?'

'No. It's dreadful, but quite short.'


Step 1 of 9 completed… more to come!