A/N: I still don't have a new beta so sorry for any mistakes, also please let me know if you see any so I can fix then.

As always reviews are love.
Chapter Five: To afraid to Listen

Eric's kitchen


Eric sits at the table rapped in is blanket staring at his coco puffs. His eyes are puffy and red; he looks tired even though he just got of bed

"So Donna ran off, it's not the end of the word. There are other chicks." Hyde said half heartedly trying to cheer Eric up.

"But it is, she'll come back all tan and be completely over me, or worse she'll never come back."

"Na, I don't think Donna can tan, she and Jackie spend hours at the beach and she comes back as pale as ever." Hyde laughs at his own joke.

"Why do I always have to fuck everything up? Hu? I wanted them to brake up since they started dating, I wanted her to come running to me. But then what I did I do when she did? I said I don't want to be your second choice. I'm such an idiot, I take being her last choice if it meant being with her." Eric hits his head against the table.

"As much as I could give a shit about you and your girl problems I do get what your saying. And I would sit you down and tell you haw to fix it like I always do but the truth is I don't know how. You completely embarrassed and rejected her she probably wouldn't take you back now if you actually were her first choice." Hyde smirks, picks up his beer and wonders to the basement.


Eric's Basement


Hyde takes a seat next to Jackie and stairs at the TV.

"Eric still mopping?" Jackie asks

"Like always."

They sit in silence

"I'm so fed up with this, its boring as hell, Kelso and Donna are gone, Eric checked himself out and God knows were Fez is." Hyde sighs


"Well I'm sorry but it can't be that you're having fun? You just got dumped and you sit her and watch TV all day."

"Yay well I have nothing better to do OK?" Jackie fold her arms

"Nether do I, let's just watch, talking doesn't work for us."


The two look back towards the TV. After a few minuets Hyde glances as Jackie, she looks back at him. There eyes meet and they kiss.

They pull apart and look at each other disgusted. Hyde pauses on sure of what to do. Then as he whispers a 'fuck this' he kisses Jackie.

Present Day

The Foreman's livingroom

"And well Jackie you know how it went from there" Hyde finished

"But why Jackie?" Kelso asks

"Because she was so different and she was there, she was like the forbidden fruit that you have to steal and then crake open the hard shell but then it just the perfect fruit inside."

"Wow" Jackie exhaled

"And I was so used to forbidden lust. When I went for chicks I always went for the ones that would cause me the most problems. I was a big fan of sabotaging my relationships and going for my best friends girl friends."

"When did you get so in tuned with yourself?" Donna asked

"Years of therapy sessions." Donna laughs

"Anyway yup I've only ever really gone for the unavailable or forbidden girls, Donna, Jackie and well Laurie, but that's kind of a whole different story."

"You slept with my ex wife? Fez asks defensively.

"Fez everyone has slept with Laurie." Everyone laughs.

"So went for Jackie because she was forbidden fruit, yada yada yada, but that doesn't explain your relationship or why you ran of with Eric." Kelso states clearly annoyed that the story seems to be going nowhere.

"Ok, so after a few more weeks Hyde and Jackie get me a plan ticket…"

"And he chases after Donna still love struck and depressed while Jackie and my relationship grows."

"I happy to have Donna back but—"

"He flips out when he find out me and Jackie are together"

"But I don't say anything."

"He sort of assumes I'm still hung up over him and can't believe I've moved on…"

"With a girl with Jackie! So anyway I sort freaking out and confused because senor year is soon over and I sort of—"

"Need to reaffirm his supposed heterosexuality."

"And make sure I'm not left alone without Donna or Hyde."

"And he need to show me one up."

"Anyway I buy a ring for Donna."

"I tell him he is crazy because he is, he and Donna broke up over a ring last time."

"And he doesn't want to see me end up with Donna, married."

"But the idiot shows Donna the ring and for whatever twisted reasoning she accepts." Hyde finished.

"I accepted because I loved Eric and I didn't want to loss him over something stupid again. I too was afraid we would get back together only to loss each other in college."

"Donna's motivation explained ladies and settlement." Hyde snickers.

"Ok so great you may or may not still be hung up over but your avidly seeing me while Eric seems quite interested in forgetting all about you by marring Donna. I don't see how anything has progressed." Jackie huffs

"Well the story doesn't end there…"


Eric Forman's basement


"So you and Donna are really getting married then." Jackie had finally fallen asleep and Hyde left his room to find Eric reading a book on the couch.

"And you're really sleeping with the Devil." Eric replied not looking up.

"What are you reading that is so captivating?"

"Its call Left Hand of Darkness It wouldn't appeal to you" Eric replied still not looking up. Hyde took out a popsicle and sat down looking at Eric. Finally he put down his book. "I take it a Jackie had a good time tonight."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean I couldn't help but hearing…sitting right here and all."

"What the fuck man, your as bad as Fez. Why the hell are you reading down here anyway?"

"When I returned from the bathroom, Donna had skillfully taken over the whole bed, so I came down here." Hyde snorted.

"So, is she good, I mean is it worth putting up with her?"

"Yay man. You wouldn't now it, but she's talented and energetic."

"Whatever you say." Eric started to put down his book

"What do you mean by that?"

"I just don't get, why Jackie? How Jackie?"

"She was there, and she was willing, I was bored, what can I say?"

"You were bored?"

"Yes, Kelso and Donna were in California, you were mopping over your lost love, I was sick of mopping, enter Jackie, hot willing and able Jackie." Hyde smirked.

Eric couldn't help but laugh, "But its not just that…" Eric trailed off


"Come on you know? Jackie's um a girl"

Hyde rolled his eyes "Here's the thing it kind of hard to get laid when you can't go out of town because of school and work and kitty. And it sort of hard to find anyone here because its well here and even if I did its hard to hind because everyone is everywhere."

"So you're just using Jackie?"

"Fuck Forman. She's using me too, I'm the rebound guy. Why do you care anyway?"

"I just don't get it where did she come from"

"Listen Forman I'm sorry your having trouble coming to terms with the fact I'm not pining after you and your not the only one getting laid."

"No! well maybe, it just weird…"

"Here's the thing I like sex, I really like guys but its not as if I'm completely opposed to girls. And she's there; I'm there she's there. It's not the complicated."

"Sorry I didn't realize sex was so simple for you."

"Not everyone's you Erica." Eric hit Hyde.

"Fuck off. So what if I've only ever had a crush on two people, so what if I've only had sex with one girl. So fucking what!? I'm fine with that and I actually what to spend time around people who care about me! I actually what to love people. I don't try sabotage all my relationships, I'm not a fucking closed off rock! And if that makes a girl then fuck that, I don't want to be manly. And fuck the stupid stereotype Red and you and everyone around me want me to be. So fuck you Hyde! I will go and get married and I will go be happy and loved while you can just fucking rot away and have sex with Jackie until you can't keep lying to her or she figures out your lying or better yet just wait until you mean all the thing you tell her. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with Jackie here in Point Place?" Eric stocked away and slammed the door behind him.
