Chapter One: The Beginning

Disclaimer: I SO own Inuyasha and Harry Potter... ha HA yeah, I wish! Well as you can clearly see I don't, but some day I surely will, and shall give Inuyasha a better ending. Before you ask: Yes, I have seen all the episodes of Inuyasha.

Kagome Higurashi, the modern-day reincarnation of the Shinto priestess Kikyo, was a crucial member and the deciding shot in the final battle against the evil villain Naraku. Her purifying arrow pierced his demonic heart, ending his years of treachery against most of the people in Japan's Feudal Era. When these events came to pass she was 25 years old, and madly in love with Inuyasha, who looked nothing like his true age of 78 ( he was half-demon, after all).

After the horrific battle, Inuyasha took Kagome by his side and announced his true feelings - he was in love with her, and wanted her by his side for all time. She asked about his former love, Kikyo, but Inuyasha told her that she had only wanted him as a human, and he never really loved her. However, Kagome wanted him how he is and loves him for who he is - and that's what is important.

A couple months had passed, spring giving way to summer, and all was right in the Sengoku Jidai. Sango's young brother Kohaku was back to his true self, memories intact, and could live without the Shikon no Tama shard embedded in his back. The lecherous priest Miroku and demon hunter Sango were happily married, against all odds. One sun-filled day, Inuyasha decided that he must ask Kagome something. Something...important. He asked her to meet him by the Bone Eater's Well later.

Kagome arrived a little earlier than expected, and waited patiently for Inuyasha. She passed the time introvertedly, her thoughts dwelling on the exploits that they had all survived - and what lay ahead. All of a sudden, Kagome's body began to glow a deep purple. An incensed Kikyo stalked out from behind a tree, her face losing its emotionless mask and giving way to intense hatred directed at Kagome.

"You... you took my Inuyasha away from me... I am nothing in his eyes. As my revenge, I'll make it so YOU disappear forever, and won't have the slightest memory of what happened between you two! You'll never come back to this place, remaining locked in the time to which you belong!"

"You can't do this." Kagome pleaded, struggling to break free from the shield of demonic energy binding her.

"I can, and I will. Without your annoying presence to distract him, he shall remain ever faithful to ME, and we will descend into Hell arm in arm!"

"That will NEVER happen! Inuyasha will never...could never..." Kagome began to faint.

Kikyo laughed at her and finished the spell. Kagome fell to the ground, her appearance quickly beginning to resemble her previous form as a fifteen-year-old - the age she was when she fell down the accursed well in the first place. Kikyo walked over to Kagome's still form, placing a hand to the girl's forehead. She muttered another spell, then pushed Kagome back down the well.

Inuyasha darted from the trees and ran towards the clearing. His keen senses had allowed him to see and hear most of what went on, but a tangling forest and various creatures kept him from approaching the women until it was too late. Kikyo, not missing a beat, grabbed his arm lovingly and gazed into his eyes, which burned with hatred for her. "Inuyasha, forget about that twit. Come with me, and I'll help you remember what we once had..."

"No," Inuyasha growled.

Kikyo looked taken aback. "We...what?"

"You heard me. I said NO!" Inuyasha wrenched himself from Kikyo's grasp, and dove down the Bone Eater's Well to return Kagome. His eyes widened in fear and shock as his feet touched bottom instead of transcending to modern Tokyo. A glimmer in the corner of the well caught his eye. The Shikon no Tama was on the floor of the well. Inuyasha retrieved it. The realization finally dawned on him - he would never see Kagome again. He would never again see that funny box with the odd pictures, never again run from her Grandfather's mostly-untrue legends, never again play Onii-chan to young Sota. His eyes welled up with hot tears, which he would not wipe away. He wore them like a badge, and stared at his fist through blurry vision. Clenched in his hand was a gold wedding band. Inuyasha bowed his head with closed eyes, put the ring in his pocket, and leapt up to face Kikyo, nearing his full-demon form's power with his rage.

"You took her away from me, you bitch!" He smirked, and his claws raked forward to grab Kikyo by the neck. Her eyes widened as she began to choke.

"Inuyasha...please...all I wanted...was for be...with me!"

"Well, you aren't going to be here much longer... say hi to Naraku for me in hell, bitch!"

Blood stained the grass as one swipe of Inuyasha's claws brought Kikyo to a final end.

The news of Kagome's vanishing shocked and saddened her friends. Sango, Miroku, Rin, and Kohaku made a plan. So they all took the Shikon Jewel…

My Note: Ok, I've got almost to Ch. 6 written already, and my Editor is working on it... I am grounded from the comp right now, but I will work on it as much as possible.