Author's note : The "inspiration" came from one of P55's musicvideos... Chaptertitles come from the text she wrote on it, so it belongs to her

Now There's No Doubt About It

Twin Brother. She had a twin. Of course, she'd known it for 3 years now. She still had to deal with it each day. Sometimes when she closed her eyes, she could imagine him. Sometimes she dreamt of him. Never the way you think.

Hey sis! Leaving already ?

What are you doing here, Lyle ?

Call it Fate. Or Irony. Maybe she deserved it. Him.Maybe they weren't that different. Maybe she was worse. At least she knew exactly what he wanted. She saw it each night, right berfore leaving the Centre, when he came to kiss her goodbye.

Why... Am I not allowed to wish my dearest a good night ?

I don't have good nights, Lyle.

That was his knew game. Walking into her office, with a sick smile on his lips, a disgusting glare in his eyes. Perhaps she was paranoïd, but she still had the feeling that each night, he kissed her more and more closer.

Since when ?

Since you entered my nightmares...