Where Does My Heart Belong?

It's my first story, so I hope you guys like it…

Chapter 1 – Confession
I collapsed on the floor crying in her room. "What can I do?" I thought to myself, "I love Roy but it's like everybody in The Super Smash Brothers Castle expects me and Link together…I can see it in Link's eyes, the love he has for me, he would do anything. I can't break his heart like that…but while I am worrying about not breaking his heart, I am breaking my own." I sobbed quietly into my hands so nobody would hear me.

Peach and Samus suddenly ran in. Peach ran by my side and out her arms around me. " What is wrong, Zelda?" she looked so concerned I only cried harder.

"I can't tell you…" I said between sobs. If I told anyone, it would ruin the peace within the castle. Everybody was happy…Pikachu was with Pichu, Samus with Captain Falcon, even Peach was content with Mario, event though she denied it. If I told even my best friend Peach, I would ruin the whole order in the castle…

"Please Zelda…Just tell us. We can help you, you know we are your closet pals." Samus said it gently and her voice was so soothing that I gave in. I couldn't hide it anymore.

"If I tell you this, you girls can't say a word about it…nobody." Peach and Samus nodded their heads. My lip trembled as the words went out of my mouth, "I…I love Roy, not Link, but Roy." The words felt so good once they were out of my mouth…it was a relief.

I looked at Samus and Peach's astonished expression, and couldn't help but frown. "I knew they wouldn't approve. It was dumb to tell them…" I thought while I waited for a response. "Say something, anything you guys…" I said anxiously.

"We…we don't know what to say…we all thought you loved Link…what happened?" Peach frowned.

"Well…it started on the night of the Valentine's Day dance…


"Zelda, I need to go, the guys are waiting for me…is it okay with you?" Link asked, looking at the clock.

"I suppose…" I said upset. Link always left in the middle of a dance, and I was getting irritated.

"I knew you would understand." Link gave me a quick peck on the lips and dashed off.

"The love that Link and I once had was gone…it was just somebody everybody expected. Link and Zelda that, Link and Zelda this, Link and Zelda everything! It was getting old, and Link never spends enough time with me. I tried to tell him once, but he had to go, as usual." I thought as a slow dance came up. "Now I am alone, with nobody to dance with…"

"Zelda…" I looked up at my name. It was Roy…and he looked so handsome. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked.

"Yes, it would be wonderful." I answered and he took my hands.

We were far apart at first…but soon we kept getting closer and closer towards each other. Eventually, my head was on his shoulder, and it felt right. I took a deep breath and smelled Roy's cologne.

"Link never smells like this…in fact, he never smells like anything." I thought to myself. "But I like Roy's cologne…"

As the night wore on, Roy and I danced at every slow dance there was. After the dance, Roy asked to take me home, and I gladly accepted. When we got to my room, he took me into his harms, leaned down and kissed me passionately. I was surprised at first, but I saw bright lights and it felt so right, I kissed him back.

After our kiss, I was still in his arms and he whispered to me, "I love you Zelda…" and took off.

That night I couldn't sleep, because I realized something that could change my life forever: I love Roy too.

End Of Flashback

I sighed after I told the story. I looked at Peach and she was staring at me dreamily. "What a romantic story…" she said.

Samus nudged her and looked serious. "What can we do about Link then?"

Since it's my first story, comments and suggestions would be welcome…