Chapter Twelve

"If anyone doesn't want to do this they have to say right now because once we do there is now going back. The ministry will react instantly, any wizard will be able to kill any of us with no repercussions." The three boys all nodded at her.

"Never liked the wizarding community to begin with." Van said casually with his hands in his pockets.

"The way I see it there is no other way out." Nate said looking at the worn out house in the distance.

They all looked at Jakx. "The customer is always right." He said Finn smiled at him.

"Lets go then."

They all headed towards the Burrow.

Van kicked in the front door and casually sauntered in. He turned and smiled. Finn casually followed him in then Nate and last but not least Jakx who had to stoop to fit into the house.

They were looking into the kitchen. Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger were all sitting at the dining table and were all thoroughly shocked at the unannounced entrance.

"If I were you I wouldn't stand up or make any stupidly fast movements, because if you do we are going to have to kill you."

The group stared at them with open mouths. There was a racket from the right hand side of them and they all turned to see Arthur Weasley running down he stairs. He saw the intruders and grabbed his wand. Finn shook her head and snapped her finger. Jakx swung an AK47 to point on Arthur's direction and in a flash he was dead.

Finn turned back to the table. The girls were screaming and Fred and Charlie had launched themselves over the entire table. The room was soon in chaos. Finn knew the guys could take care of themselves she just had one concern and he was running directly at her.

Finn kicked Harry Potter in the face, then in the groan then in the stomach. For someone who had fought Voldemort so many times and won he fell surprisingly easily. Wizards always forgot about physical prowess and depended on their magic. Finn grabbed him around the collar and dragged him through the kitchen until they were in the back yard. With a grunt and a heave she tossed him the length of the garden because someone was coming up behind her. She turned to see Moody running at her.

He pulled his wand and a jet of green light flashed at her, Finn jumped over it quickly changed so she had her claws. She landed in front of Mad Eye. She snatched his wand from him in a lightning fast motion and crushed it to dust. He actually tried to punch her. She easily ducked it and grabbed his fist forcing it back and with her other hand she grabbed his neck. He nails dug into his flesh.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to do this." She growled at him, "Since that day when you thought you had me. I should have finished the job." She squeezed until he turned a sickening shade of purple. "Well ya know what now I will and I won't even have to use magic you son of a bitch." She tossed him in the air and he collapsed in a heap at her feet. She kicked him in the stomach. "Brand this." She shot him in the head and he stopped squirming.

She turned and headed towards Potter again but was stopped when a giant of a man known by Rubeus Hagrid appeared in front of her, He bellowed and lunged. Changing more she went on her hands and dodged him letting her legs skid beneath her. He got up from the ground and kicked at her again. His foot connected with her stomach and she was launched into the air. At the highest point of her elevation she started to drop. A hand grabbed her wrist.

She looked up to see Van holding her hand. His black mist wings were fully extended on either side. She smiled at him.

"Need help?" He asked.

She nodded and he started to fly to the ground. His mouth had blood around it and she wonder who he had sent to the worst level of hell, their level.

He dropped her so her feet landed on Hagrid's shoulders. She kicked the side of his head as hard as she could, it only made him stagger a little. He grabbed her by the leg and tossed her until she hit the side of the house and fell to a heap on the ground.

She was dying. A hit that hard had defiantly made its mark on her body. She heaved her self up by her hands, she could make it she just had to change…

The werewolf lifted it head to see the half giant running towards a boy. She knew what she had to do. She got up on all fours and ran at the thing. Giants were dangerous but it was worth the risk. She had never had giant before and wanted it with every fibre in her being.

She jumped on the things back and let her teeth sink into its neck. The thing made an awful racket. And grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. As it dragged her over his shoulder she scratched its face. He yelled again and she bit into his wrist that was holding her. The man collapsed in pain and something tackled her from the side.

She got up and recognized the thing from the alley in London. It was just as big and just as dangerous as ever. She glanced over and saw the boy she needed to get to him but this thing wasn't going to let her past. She growled threateningly. The thing was about to lung but stopped it staggered and fell down. There had been a bang and the things chest was covered in it's own blood. The werewolf knew it was time to change back.

Finn stood up and wiped the blood from her mouth it tasted foul.

She turned and saw Nate holding a silver pistol over Lupin's dead body it had changed from the wolf to the human form. Nate had recently put another bullet in Lupin's head to make sure he was dead. He looked up at Finn.

Something caught in the corner of Finn's eye. It was a women, she had long blonde hair and was screaming. Finn had never seen her before. She smelt of the woman that had pink hair. She was running directly at Nate.

"NATE! RUN!" Nate turned and saw the woman but it was to late. A flash of green light hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground with a thud. "NOO!" Finn screamed and ran over to him, the woman was beside Lupin's body. Finn fell to the ground beside Nate's head.

His eyes were still open, slightly shocked. "Nate…no, come on…wake up, please Nate it wasn't supposed to be like this. Nate." She looked at the woman who was crying and screaming out Lupin's name. Nate's body went up in a burst of red flame until it was no longer there.

Finn had never in her life been filled with such hate. She got up and tackled the woman. Finn was on top of her with her hands around the woman's neck.

"You killed him," She growled at the woman she could feel the woman's life slowly leave her. "You took him from me, and you will pay for that." Finn slowly lowered herself to the woman's ear and whisper in her ears. "He took your love and you took mine, see you in hell." With that the woman died.

"NO! TONKS!" Finn turned and looked at Harry Potter. He was trying to get up he had a broken leg. Finn got up and walked over to him.

"You know it is funny, I was hired by Voldemort to kill you and instead of giving yourself up easily all these people had to die." She knelt down until she was eye level with him. "And you know what?"

He was shaking and didn't venture a guess. "You are still going to die." She stood up and got the gun from the back to her jeans. "Good bye Potter." With a squeeze of the trigger he was dead.

Finn hadn't expected to get out of it alive, she knew this was it. She was done. She wanted to go out doing what she had always done. Nate was dead, he had died in front of her. Van had died as well. One of the twins had stabbed him with a crucifix that was on the wall. Finn had found him in the living room. He had smiled saying, "S'okay Finn, I will be back. I am going to wake up in that run down old building in Transylvanian once more. Just going to wake up same as always. Anyway I took the bastard with me. Come find me kay?" Finn had nodded the tears on her cheeks falling a hitting the dust were he had been lying. She knew she wasn't going to find him again. Unlike her vampire buddy she wasn't going to wake up again in a coven. She didn't actually know where Jakx was probably flown the coup but that was fine by her he had served his purpose for her.

She was now standing in front a giant armchair looking at the Dark Lord in some castle in northern England. Voldemort had felt the exit of Potter and sent a Deatheater to collect her. She knew he wasn't going to let her go he was going to kill so everyone though the great Voldemort had killed Harry Potter, instead of some werewolf assassin.

Peter Pettigrew was practically ecstatic at the though of his first actual murder. Avada Kedavra wasn't enough to kill a werewolf. So Pettigrew was going to do it with that hand.

"You did a good job,"

"I don't need you to tell me that." He looked up at her impertinence.

"How dare you speak to me in that fashion." He growled at her.

"Look, I know I am here to die and not receive the rest of the money, I am not as stupid as you seem to believe I am." She scoffed at him. "I was fine being a hit man, but then that damn Sketter woman ruined it for me and now I am here waiting for you toady to get the nads to kill me so lets stop the farce and do it."

"You seem eager to die."

"Wow, what gave you that idea." Voldemort observed her. He snapped his fingers and Pettigrew advanced. He wrapped his hand around the girl's throat. It burned…she was in pain…she almost felt her neck snap under the terrific grip before everything finally went dark.

The End

A/N: I know it was a little grizzly but we all have our dark side so here was mine hope you liked it.