Menvy: Ok so I have made it to 5 reviews and I have decided to update since you guys like it. I like the idea bunches so I hope you will keep up with it yeah.
Rei: I liked it I mean Envy's hot but still him being shorter is sad!
Menvy: I know but it works out that way since I'm going to :whispers to Rei:
Rei: :giggles madly: No way really? That's going to be hot!
Menvy: I know :Claps hands together: so let's get started ok! Here are some thanks to…
kristieliby: What the feck are you doing reading my stories? Why don't you just ask me for them at school?
Me And My God Complex Yeah I couldn't think of anything better to put I mean Hoenheim is Envy's dad and Trishia is Envy's older sister so It seemed to work best.
Chibi-chibi-kunI'm really happy you like it! And I'm glad John likes it too!
Livy: Yeah it hurts me on the inside too! I is such a bad person! Hehe not really you will forgive me for it soon trust me.
xxDream TheaterxxYeah my grammar isn't exactly A material but I think you'll live and I'm glad you like the pairings this is my first attempt at a high school fic so I hope it works out.
Menvy: Now then with that out of the way let's get rolling!
DIS: I own nothing! Sadly if only I could own you Envy! There would be problems…horrible Yaoi problems…
Classes from Hell
'Oh my god! Would this day never end! I am still in my first period! What the fuck is up with this!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That Mustang guy has gone on for an hour at least :checks watch: only 30 minutes! WTF! Someone shoot me in the head pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeee! I wanna die now!' Envy mentally shouted to himself, without realizing it he allowed his head to fall foreword and hit his desk…hard… "OW! What the hell!" The green haired boy exclaimed standing up so fast his chair fell over. The sound of the chair hitting the floor and the boy yelling caused a certain blonde that was sitting beside the boy to jerk awake and fall out of his own seat.
Oh my god! Would this day never end! I am still in my first period! What the fuck is up with this!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That Mustang guy has gone on for an hour at least :checks watch: only 30 minutes! WTF! Someone shoot me in the head pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeee! I wanna die now!' Envy mentally shouted to himself, without realizing it he allowed his head to fall foreword and hit his desk…… "OW! What the hell!" The green haired boy exclaimed standing up so fast his chair fell over. The sound of the chair hitting the floor and the boy yelling caused a certain blonde that was sitting beside the boy to jerk awake and fall out of his own seat."Envy I would appreciate it if you would not cuss in my class and I would also appreciate it if you wouldn't sleep while I'm trying to talk Ed!" Mustang yelled stopping his little rant. Envy ignored him proceeding to kick the desk. Whilst Ed stood up looking around.
"What…what happened?" Ed asked oblivious while Envy mumbled curse word after curse word beside him holding the spot on his head that he had hit on the desk. It was probably red under his black headband. Mustang had a vein throbbing on his head and held up his fist.
"Sit down, both of you." He growled glaring. The two boys did as they were told a few laughs went around the room and Envy continued to mumble, once more tuning out whatever Mustang was saying. Ed went back to a now difficult task of trying to sleep. This was going to be a looooooong day.
First period with Moofy
Geometry with Clara Psiren
Moofy (I'm contemplating whether or not I should keep calling him Moofy, call him Wrath, or think up a different name for him…) Moofy sat quietly in his Geometry class. The class had started only a few minutes ago and they're teacher Ms. Psiren was a nice women with short shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She was pretty; at least Moofy thought so, she was wearing a simple outfit of a gray knee length shirt, and a light blue button up blouse. There we two boys in the class that had sparked Moofy's interest he hadn't caught they're names yet but he was sure he would know soon enough.
"Hey you in the back, the cute one." Ms. Psiren called suddenly cutting off his train of thought. "What would you like me to call you by, it's written here that you haven't responded to your real name in the past years."
"Um, yes I uh. My brother and sister haven't ever called me by my real name. No one has I have been referred to as Moofy for as long as I can remember. I'm sorry if that causes a problem for you." Moofy said allowing his long hair to cover the blush that had spread across his face.
"No it's no problem I like it, it's cute Moofy." Clara smiled warmly at him and looked back down at her list. "Ok, Alphonse Elric."
"Here" The boy sitting infront of Moofy said. It was one he had been watching. He was taller then Moofy without even having to compare with short blonde/brown hair and brown eyes. He had a fair skin tone and wore a simple pair of jeans with a red short sleeved shirt. The shirt had a symbol in black on the back of it. It looked like a snake wrapped around a cross.
"Ok, and Fletcher Tringum."
"Here." The second of the two Moofy had been watching he was probably shorter then Alphonse with kinda long but at the same time short blonde hair and light blue eyes. He was wearing (insert outfit description here (I'm sorry I don't really know how to describe his outfit someone please help me out if you do you get a cookie!)
"Alright then that's everyone. So I guess we can start now huh." Clara said "Hm, but I don't really know what to say you guys all know what your doing and who I am right, so I guess you guys can just talk to each other until the end of class. Try to keep it down though the other teachers won't approve of it. I'll give you guys your books at the end of class ok." Clara smiled going to sit behind her desk while people whistled, clapped, and yelled YESSS! And went to talk to their friends.
"Hey are you new here?" Moofy heard someone ask him, he looked up and saw that Fletcher had been the one to ask he question.
"Well kinda I used to be in a private school this is my first time in a public school." Moofy replied brushing some of his hair out of his face.
"Oh I though it was odd I had never seen you before." Fletcher smiled. "So I guess I can help you out you don't wanna get on the wrong foot with anyone lest yee want to be beaten to a pulp." He continued. "But it's ok I'm helpin out Alphonse here also he's new here too."
"Hi." Alphonse greeted waving to Moofy.
"So what do you say want to hang with us or fend for yourself?" Fletcher asked.
"Well I have nothing better to do what could it hurt?" Moofy smiled.
"You social status." Someone butted in turning around they saw a nasty looking girl glaring down at them. She was kinda tall with bleach blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She had blue eyes and wore only a white tube top that was being held up by hope and prayer, and a waaaaaaay to short blue jean skirt. Moofy remembered her name being Krista (sorry guys but I currently can't find anyone to use as a bitchy prep in this story so gotta come up with some of my own and name them after the preps at my school!)
"Hanging out with freaks will only get you down to the bottom of the social food chain. Though looking at you, you probably belong there. Not to mention your brother I mean honestly what is he gay? He looks like a girl."
"Don't talk about Envy like that!" Moofy exclaimed standing up. Wishing that Ms. Psiren were still in the room sadly the woman had stepped out.
"Oh defensive of you faggot brother?" Krista sneered, by now the rest of the class was watching, most hoping for a fight. Moofy balled his hands into fist and clenched his teeth he wasn't about to let this bitch get away with talking bad about Envy.
"Oh, he looks mad Krista what do you think he will do try to hurt you? Ha! He's like the shortest high schooler I have ever seen." One of Krista's friends Karly laughed beside Krista she was dressed equally slutty with brown wavy hair.
"Yeah I agree, he wouldn't stand any more of a chance against us then his brother did against those jocks last year! Remember how I got my sister to get them to beat him up?" Krista laughed
"Yeah and he came to school with a black eye and could barely walk."
"That was you!" Moofy yelled, he was pissed off now good thing he had taken his medicine lest he turn into Wrath.
"Damn right!" Krista said "And there is nothing you can-" BAM!
Moofy jumped on Krista digging his fingernails into her shoulders and pushing her to the ground after landing a punch to her face. He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back leaning close to her ear. "If you ever hurt my brother again I swear to god I will fucking kill you." He growled pulling hard on her hair to make sure the point got across.
"Ow, get off me!" She shrieked her lip was busted open where Moofy had hit her.
"Say please," he growled once more wrapping a pale hand around her throat and squeezing hard. She automatically began to gasp for air.
"P-p-pl-ea-se!" she gasped clawing at his hand. He tightened it and her eyes began rolling back in her head.
"Moofy stop!" Fletcher yelled gripping his shoulders he pulled the smaller boy of the girl. She sat up holding her throat coughing.
"You're a freak! A fucking freak just like your stupid brother!" Karly shrieked. Moofy looked around the scared classroom to the two people that had asked to be his friend. He pushed Alphonse off of him and ran out of the room.
'I'm sorry! I'm sorry Fletcher, Alphonse! Why, why did I hit her? I'm sorry Envy!' Moofy screamed to himself mentally. 'They're wrong! You aren't a freak Envy, I'm not a freak…am I? Moofy stopped and leaned against a row of lockers. Pulling his knees to his chest he wrapped his arms around them and lay his head down and cried.
'Why, why do they say those things? They're wrong! But…what if they aren't…now I failed! Envy told me to make friends and I failed him. Fletcher and Alphonse think I'm a freak now just like everyone else!' Moofy cried thinking about all that had just happened, when he felt a hand on his shoulder he flinched away. "Don't touch me!" The distressed boy yelled.
"But we want to help." Moofy looked up at Alphonse.
"Yeah what happened in there wasn't your fault she shouldn't have talked about you brother like that." Fletcher said.
"Then you don't think I'm a freak?"
"Nope not at all!" Fletcher smiled at him Alphonse nodded, "Come on let's head back and find a way to pass time until the class ends." Moofy nodded and smiled maybe he hadn't failed after all.
Back in class the three sat together and compared schedules. Moofy's schedule was:
Geometry with Clara Psiren
English with Rose Thomas
Chemistry with Kain Fuery
Lunch (same as Envy's the school has lunch at the same time)
History with Jean Havoc
gym with Izumi & Sig Curtis
Study hall (again the same as Envy's)
Multimedia with Sheska Franklin (also the librarian)
"Cool we have all the same classes…weird." Alphonse said.
"Yeah that is kinda odd." Moofy agreed. "But who cares if it happens it happens."
"I am with you there." The three laughed.
First period with Greed
Algebra2 with Frank Archer
'Gee this has got to be one of the boringest 20 minutes I have ever gone through.' Greed thought to himself leaning back in his chair. Their teacher was a tall creepy man that Greed already despised...well Greed despised almost everyone so i guess that doesn't really count for much. Anyway he was a bit taller then Greed with pale skin and short blackish hair, and sharp grey blue eyes that apeared to have no light in them. He was wearing a pair of loose black slacks and a white dress shirt...that he left untucked. He was leaning against the front of his desk one hand in his pocket taking role.
As i already said Greed despised him, same said for his group, all of which shared this class with him. They were a girl Named Martel who wore camo baggy pants and a black beater, with short blonde hair and a tattoo on her arm. She was cool, there was also Dolcetto and Roa Dolcetto was only a little shorter then Greed (though he seemed really tall when compaired to Envy) He had a good muscle bulk going and wore loose clothing, his attire for the day was a pair of loose black pants and a sleeveless white shirt (i am open for suggestions on whether i should change this or not...i'm not feeling so creative right now). Dolcetto had short hair that spiked back at the top where it was blonde and was brown at the bottom. He claimed it was natural no one believed him...
Roa was thelargest ofthe group it wasn't that he was fat but he was huge as in my muscles eclipse the sun huge!He towered above greed and the first time Envy had tried to look at his face he fell over...yes Envy is that short HAHA FEEL MY PAIN! Roa had short hair that for some unseen reason was white...yeah white he had also been held back a few years so...oh well. He had creepy eyes that people seemed to evade. Today he wore loose dark blue pants that were tucked inside his large black boots and a black fitted tee.
Greed had checked all of their schedules and had at least one of them spread out in all of Envy's classes. He had spent this much time getting close to the boy this year he would get him whether he wanted it or not.
The spread went like this…
Biology2 – Martel
Calculus – Roa, Martel
World History – Dolcetto
Lunch – All
English – Greed, Dolcetto, Roa
Art – Martel, Dolcetto
Study hall – All
Drama – Greed
Gym – All
Martel had a bit of hate in her for Envy. She liked Greed a lot and he only cared about Envy she was happy to hand Envy over to his abusive ways. She knew a lot about Greed, and how twisted he could be. It was one of the reasons why she liked him.
The foursome was currently passing notes to each other planning out what they would do.
Hey Greed,
what do you see in that kid Envy anyway?
- Roa
'haven't I already told him a million times?' Greed asked himself writing down his answer and flicking the note to his friend
I've already told you. He interests me, he's one of the only people I can't get that I want!
Besides I could get a lot for him at the devils hang out. Just imagine what he would look like completely bound, scared and sweating to a bed of silk sheets? What can't? You have no imagination at all. And his body build is so small he would be so fun to take by force, To hear him scream and writhe in pain while he was mercilessly pounded. Oh, I would like that a lot, I wonder if he's still a virgin…
Hm, wet thoughts…
-Signed the one and only, your lord and master!
Roa sighed its a good thing Greed's brain still worked…The older teen smirked and flicked the note at Martel she looked at it and turned to look at Roa. He pointed to Greed who was, writing god only knows what. She opened the sheet of paper reading through the contents. A blush spread over her cheeks and she looked royally pissed. Oh Greed was gonna get it after class. They all knew Greed wouldn't be in a rush where he was going they almost felt sorry for him…almost! He was practically stepping into hell. Greed's schedule was as follows:
Algebra2 with Frank Archer
World History with Basque Grand AKA Satan himself Greed hated the man with a fiery passion
Biology with Zolf Kimblee
Lunch (same as Envy)
English with Lara Ishtan
Agriculture with Vato Falman
Study Hall (same as Envy)
Drama with Alex Armstrong /Gym with Izumi & Sig Curtis
Greed had everyone he hated the poor guy was gonna have a rough year. And now Martel knew what he thought about poor, poor kid…
Menvy: well that's chap. 2 for you what do yah think?
Moo: I like the note…
Terry: Perv… I like it too…hehehe
Menvy: well review yeah!