Mariah Chapter 9: "Thank God I Found You" (Epilogue)
It's been almost three months since Inuyasha arrived at Kikyou's apartment that night. He decided to move Kikyou and Kaede into a three-bedroom loft. Of course, neither female disagreed to the idea. It was much better than that other place anyway.
Kaede was back in school starting the twelfth grade. And Inuyasha eventually convinced Kikyou to attend college, part-time anyway. She still worked at the day care center. She was currently enrolled in college, studying to become a pediatrician.
Kikyou was the first to arrive home. She sat her bag on the coffee table. She slouched on the couch and released a contended sigh.
"Tired, are we?"
Kikyou looked in the direction the voice came from. "Inuyasha? I didn't expect you home until later."
"Miroku's locking up tonight," he said. He walked in the living room and sat next to her.
"Oh, okay. Well are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Kikyou rose from the sofa, but Inuyasha stopped her.
"Nah, you're tired. Rest a bit. Come here."
Inuyasha laid Kikyou's head on his shoulder.
"I have something to tell you…"
Just then Kaede waltzed into the living room. She closed and locked the front door. Spotting the two of them on the sofa, Kaede sat next to Kikyou.
"What's up," she greeted them, cheerily.
"Kikyou was about to tell me something," Inuyasha replied. "Until you interrupted us."
"Oh," Kaede blinked. "Well, I'll leave you two alone."
"Kaede, wait," Kikyou called out to her. "I want you to hear this, too." Kikyou paused.
"Well…" Inuyasha said.
"Well…" Kaede repeated.
"I'm pregnant. Inuyasha, you're going to be a Daddy. And Kaede, you're going to be an Aunt."
Inuyasha and Kaede both paused to take it all in.
"I'm a… I'm a…" Inuyasha stammered.
"And I'm a…" Kaede also stammered.
"Uh… yes…" Kikyou blushed.
"That's great," Inuyasha shouted as he rose from the couch. He picked Kikyou up in his arms and spun her around. "KI-KI!" He sat her down and planted a kiss to her lips.
"Oh-my-God," Kaede cried as she, too, rose from the couch. "Ki-Ki… I'm going to be an Aunt! I'm too young and beautiful for this!"
She and Inuyasha began talking at a very fast pace. They were planning baby showers, Christenings, clothes, presents, and anything else they could think of.
"Slow down," Kikyou chuckled. "Don't you guys think you're moving too fast?"
"Sorry," they both said in unison.
Inuyasha and Kaede sat back on the sofa again.
"You know what," Inuyasha said as he placed a hand to Kikyou's flat belly.
"Hmm?" Kikyou rested her head on his shoulder. Kaede rested hers on Kikyou's arm.
"We're officially a family."
"Mmm… I like the sound of that." Kikyou closed her eyes and sighed, again.
All three of them found what they were looking for: Stability, peace, love, and importantly, a real family. It may have taken them years and years of sacrifice, heart break, and hurt, but they found all of the positive things, in each other. And thank God they were finally together.