Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom

A/N: Okay this is the final chapter,although it seems to be somewhat of an abrupt ending, I couldn't think of anywhere else to take the story and I didn't want to continue just making stuff up for the sake of making it up. Anyway I hope everyone likes it. Thanks so much for everyone who reviewed. You made my first fic a great experience! There is a short epilogue at the end of this chapter. Thanks again!

Tears and Triumph


Sam felt the sickness and dizziness fading as Vincent ran out of the house into the thick woods surrounding the mansion. She started beating her fists against him, kicking, and shouting hoping Danny or one of the others would hear her. Vincent kept running, branches slapping her from both sides as he moved into a denser area. Doubling her efforts she managed to set him off balance and he stumbled, sending her crashing painfully to the ground and almost knocking the wind out of her. Scrambling to her feet, she started to run but he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back down gasping in pain. Vincent forced her to her back and pinned her, slapping one hand over her mouth and placing the other hand at her throat, pressing down so it was impossible for her to make any noise. Sam felt fear slam into her as she looked into the man's face. His eyes were wild, his pupils dilated, his face contorted with rage and she knew he meant to kill her.

"It didn't have to be this way Samantha, I was ready to give you everything I owned," he whispered harshly. "And yet you would still choose that freak!"

He pressed harder against her throat cutting off her air and she thrashed, seeing dark spots floating in front of her eyes. Somehow, she managed to move and rammed her knee up into his genitals. He gave a hoarse gasp and loosened his hands enough so that she managed to get her teeth around the skin on the hand over her mouth and she bit down hard. Swearing he rolled off her clutching his hand and drawing his knees up to his chest, trying to relieve the pain she had inflicted on his nether region. Sam rolled to her hands and knees choking and gasping for breath, her lungs on fire. Unfortunately, he recovered before she did. He stood, bent over slightly, and grabbed her shirt, tearing it as he started to force her to her feet.

Sam's hand came in contact with a hard rock on the ground and she clutched it to her chest as Vincent spun her around and backhanded her, splitting her lip open, before pulling her hard up against him, as he backed her into a tree, trapping her hands between them. He crashed his lips down on hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth, and shoving his leg between hers. Sam could taste the blood in her mouth and felt as if she would retch as his hand painfully squeezed her breast. He trailed his tongue down the curve of her neck and she shuddered in disgust before he cruelly bit her shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain. He pulled his head away and sneered at her. "I'm going to enjoy making you pay for that little trick." Sam spit in his face defiantly and when he drew back slightly, raising his hand to strike her again, she worked the hand that was still clutching the rock out from between them.

Opening her mouth, she let loose a loud scream. It echoed through the woods and she knew Danny would hear and she raised her hand, smashing the rock into the side of Vincent's head. He fell, taking her with him and sobbing, she hit him again and again wildly until she realized he wasn't moving. Dropping the rock as if it had scalded her Sam scrambled backwards and she stared at him in horror. Oh, god I killed him…I killed a man. Sam pulled her legs into herself like a child and rocked back and forth not knowing that she was still screaming hysterically.

Danny flew over the mansion, his eyes searching the woods frantically, cursing the thickness of the trees and the fact that the sun had not fully risen. He could hear the others calling Sam's name and felt hopeful that, with them here, they would find her quickly. He felt guilt swamp him when he remembered coming to on the floor of the parlor to learn that she was gone. I should have been stronger, stayed conscious…No, I can't go there, I have to concentrate on finding her. He jerked out of his musings as a loud scream tore through the air. His heart plummeted and he felt icy tendrils of stark fear shoot through him. He turned quickly to where the sound had come from, only to speed up as the screams continued. Danny flew through the trees, turning himself intangible so he could go faster. Catching a movement from the corner of his eye, he stopped abruptly.

"Sam!" he yelled as he landed, running toward the screaming, which sounded as if it were right next to him. He nearly tripped over the prone body of Vincent Masters as he came upon them. Sam was curled up in a ball, staring at the man, still screaming. He ran over to her, transforming, and grabbed her by the shoulders realizing his mistake when she started screaming even louder and started pounding at him, kicking and desperately trying to wrench herself away from him.

"Sam! Sam, it's me Danny!"

She did not seem to hear him as she continued to struggle against him. Danny heard the sound of the others as they ran toward them, heard the gasps as they saw the man on the ground, but tuned them out, focusing only on Sam. He dropped to the ground, wrapped his arms around her tighter, and pulled her into his lap. Refusing to let her go, he talked to her steadily, stroking her hair and ignoring the screams.

"Sam…Sammi it's okay…it's Danny. Her struggling seemed to slow down, the screaming stopped, and he continued to talk. "Sammi I'm right here baby, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again. I love you." After a few minutes, Sam stopped struggling all together and Danny felt her go limp, looked down at her, and saw she had finally just passed out.


Danny sat at Sam's bedside, holding her hand, stroking her hair, and talking but he got no response. Everyone had tried to get Danny to leave long enough to eat something and get some rest but he had refused. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander. Her injuries were numerous, but nothing serious. She had a concussion, a laceration on her cheek, a broken rib, numerous scrapes and bruises and a nasty bite mark on her shoulder, but she had not been raped for which Danny thanked god. She had been out for 12 hours now and although the doctor's had assured him that she was simply resting in order to let her body heal, he could not help but worry that she might not wake up. His parents had contacted the Manson's who were trying to get a flight from India. Maddie had told them not to worry and that Sam was being well taken care of.

Jazz had briefly explained to Danny and Tucker that she had contacted Jack and Maddie as soon as the three of them had left Amityville to go after Sam and had decided to tell her parents about Danny's secret. She had known that they would need help at Vlads' and hadn't wanted Jack and Maddie to go after Danny Phantom, thinking he was involved in Sam's kidnapping. Jazz had apologized to Danny but he simply shook his head and said it was fine, it should have come out long before. He opened his eyes with a start as he heard a noise, leaning forward as he saw Sam shift her head on the pillow and moan quietly.

"Sam? Can you hear me?" Slowly Sam opened her eyes to see Danny looking back at her.

"Danny?" she croaked, her throat sore and abused.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Danny asked her as he ran his hand over her hair.

"Sore" she answered, smiling at him before moving her eyes around the room. "Where…"

"At the hospital." Sam nodded before her eyes widened in remembered horror.

"Danny, is he…dead?" Danny hesitantly nodded and Sam felt tears well as she closed her eyes. "Oh god, no…I killed him, he's dead because of me." Danny got up from his chair and sat down on the bed next to her, gently pulling her into his arms for a hug before framing her face in his hands.

"Sam look at me. You did nothing wrong." He wiped a stray tear from her eye. "You protected yourself, that's all. He's dead because of what he did, not you. Don't you dare blame yourself for what that bastard caused, understand?" Sam stared into Danny's blue eyes and nodded, hearing the truth in his words. She knew that her guilt would not end simply because of what he said, but she felt it lessen, knowing he was right. She closed her eyes as Danny shifted, laying down and holding her, and feeling safe, let herself drift off into an exhausted sleep.



"Danny! Where are we going?" Danny had arrived at Sam's house early this morning, waking her up and telling her that he wanted to show her something. Danny just grinned at her.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise."

It had been a year since the kidnapping, and Sam had healed quickly from her physical injuries. She had spent a lot of time talking with Jazz before she could fully accept what had happened that night, and her sleep was plagued with horrible nightmares for months afterward, often finding herself waking screaming hysterically. Danny had spent many nights at Sam's simply calming her, and holding her as she slept, but slowly the nightmares had faded and they were a rare occurrence now. They had graduated along with Tucker at the end of last year and now all three of them had successful careers with Tucker heading the computer department at Axiom Industries, Sam, the public relations manager at the Environmental Protection Agency office in Amityville, and Danny ran the aerospace training program at the space center.

"Are you ready?" Danny asked her handing her her coat as he put his on. Danny walked over to her, pulling a black handkerchief from his pocket. "Turn around." Sam looked at him suspiciously, as she obediently turned around and let him tie the handkerchief around her eyes firmly so she could not see.

"You had better not let me trip and fall on my ass Danny Fenton," she grumbled as he turned her back toward him. She felt heat zing through her veins as he pulled her up against him, sliding his hands down to cup her backside as he breathed in her ear.

"Trust me; I'm much too attached to that beautiful ass to let that happen." He kissed her neck before raising his head and wrapping his arms firmly around her waist.

"Hang on" Sam heard him say before she felt the energy waves that told her he had transformed into his alter ego and he gently floated up through the roof. She held on to him tightly as he flew them across town, slightly unnerved because she could not see, but she trusted him implicitly, so she relaxed in his arms and enjoyed the feel of the cold wind on her face and the warmth of his body so close to hers. When he landed several minutes later and steadied her on her feet, she shivered involuntarily as the cold winter air seeped between them.

"Cold?" Danny asked and Sam noticed his voice sounded a little strained.

"A little, are you okay?"

"Um fine, why?" he replied in a slightly shaky tone.

She shrugged. "You sound a little funny."

Danny turned her so that he was standing behind her and groaned a little. "Okay, okay, I did something. I thought it was a really good idea at the time but now I'm afraid you're going to hate it and I should have talked to you first and just promise me you'll give me a head start before you hurt me…"

"Danny, just shut up and show me already." He gave a sigh and raised his hands, untying her blindfold and slipping it off. Sam opened her eyes to find that they were standing in the middle of an empty field. Confused she turned around in a circle to see if she had missed something before turning to face Danny.

"Okay, I'm really sorry but I think I'm missing something."

Danny looked slightly ill as he changed back to his human self and reached into his pocket, drawing out an envelope and handing it to her. Frowning, she opened the envelope and pulled out a packet of papers. Opening them up and starting to read she saw it was a deed to a piece of land listing Daniel James Fenton as the owner. Sam looked up at Danny as she lowered the papers.

"You bought this?"

Danny swallowed hard. "Keep reading there's more."

Sam looked back down to the papers and flipped through them. Behind the deed, there was another piece of paper and she pulled it out to read. It was an amendment to the sale of the property, undated, adding an additional owner. At the bottom was a space for two signatures, the names printed underneath. Daniel James Fenton under the left line and under the right was Samantha Emily Fenton. She stared at the paper in shock for a second as the meaning sank in. Shaking, Sam looked up to see Danny nervously standing in front of her holding a ring in his hand.

"Sam…I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone, and I don't want to ever think about facing this world without you beside me. I want us to build a home and raise our children here." He stepped forward and raised a shaking hand to cup her face, his thumb wiping away the tear that slid from her eyes.

"You're my best friend, my lover and I want you to be my wife…Sammi will you marry me?"

Sam, unable to speak, nodded her head and threw her arms around him as he caught her to him, lifting her feet from the ground. As he set her back on her feet, he pulled back a little, took her left hand in his and he slipped the ring onto her finger, never letting his gaze leave hers.

"I love you," he whispered as he pulled her back into his arms and leaned forward to kiss her.

"I love you Danny," she whispered back as his mouth covered hers.