Chapter 2

Two hours after lunch team 7 sat in the classroom alone still awaiting the arrival of their sensei, Ino and Sakura had were arguing once again about Sasuke

"You know he's going to date me first," Sakura taunted "Haven't you heard Sasuke-kun doesn't like pork so how would you have a chance Ino-PIG!"

"Well I KNOW he doesn't like brains," Ino hissed as she flicked Sakura's forehead. "So why would he date someone with a giant forehead like you."

"Shut up Ino-pig!"

"Make me Forehead-girl!"








"FOREHEAD!" Naruto's head struck the table once again,

'Don't they ever stop?' he thought 'And where is our sensei he's almost as late as Kaka…' Naruto's head snapped up his body tense, his fingers biting into the wood of the table. 'Hokage-ojiisan wouldn't do that to me…would he? No I mean he likes me… doesn't he?' Naruto's thoughts were cut off as the door slid open.

"Yo!" said the silver haired jonin, before he could say anything else the classroom was fill with a very loud crunch as Naruto's hands took two chunks out of the desk he was sitting at.

'I guess that cleared things up,' Naruto thought 'Kami-sama hates and I am destined for eternal anguish, and suffering' Kakashi merely raised an eyebrow, at Naruto before continuing.

"Meet me on the roof for some introductions, and I'll explain your first mission." Kakashi said lazily before vanishing in a poof of smoke. Ino and Sakura raced out the door, Kogane got up stretched and let out a yawn that revealed his dagger-like teeth. Before pawing the side of Naruto's head and telling him to head up to the roof. Naruto raced after the girls as Kogane let out a sigh shaking his black mane as he padded up the stairs behind his older brother.

Naruto made it to the roof in time to see Ino and Sakura glaring at each other sitting on opposite sides of a bench. Naruto sat between them and immediately became the subject of their combined glare. "Okay so how about you introduce yourselves, you know you name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests." Kakashi was met by two blank stares and annoy/amused stares respectively from Naruto and Kogane. "Okay then I'll go first. My name is Hatake Kakashi…I like…things, I dislike…other things, and I'm not telling you about my hobbies."

"All we learned is his name." Sakura murmured.

"Hatake Kakashi, likes Kurenai-sensei, dislikes being on-time, hobbies reading perverted orange books in public." Naruto said with a smirk, which both girls noticed was slightly like Sasuke's. Kakashi's one visible eye crinkled in a smile.

"Naruto so you were listening when I taught you about information gathering." He said happily. Both girls were at once enlightened and confused about this exchange. Naruto just muttered under his breath

"I didn't need to gather that information, it was blatant after being around you for a week."

"Ok so you with the pink hair your turn." Kakashi said.

"Haruno Sakura, I like Sasuke-kun, my dreams are to be with Sasuke-kun, I dislike Ino-pig and Naruto. Naruto was thinking to himself

'What the hell did I do?'

"Next would be the blond in the purple," Kakashi said trying to hide his sweat drop at Sakura's words

"I'm Yamanaka Ino, I like arranging flowers and Sasuke-kun, my dreams are to be with Sasuke-kun, I dislike forehead girl and toads." Naruto once again had a thought

'So why does one hate me and the other not.'

"And though I know you Naruto introduce yourself anyway." Kakashi said with a smile. At least what looked like a smile from the way his eye crinkled. Naruto sighed

"Uzumaki Naruto, I like ramen and training with my brother, I dislike the three minutes it takes to cook ramen and people who judge others unfairly. My dream is to become Hokage."

"All right now that that's done I can tell you about your mission tomorrow. It's a survival test, and it is the true genin exam."

"WHAT?" shout the three very vocal students.

"Yes the Academy exam determines who has enough skill to take an exam done by a jonin instructor, the exam done by the jonin instructor has a fail rat of 66 percent, so only about 30 percent of your class will pass. You will all meet at tomorrow morning at the team seven training grounds, be their for 8 in the morning, oh and don't eat breakfast you may through up." The last he said with a smile before poofing away in a cloud of smoke.

"Okay just so you now he wants us to show up just a bit before 10am, 9:30 at the earliest. And eat breakfast if you can, he has something planned." Naruto said as he got up and walked to the stairs. He never made it as he was forcefully spun around, and held up by his collar by an angry looking Ino with an agitated Sakura behind her. "What'd I do?"

"Three questions," Ino said in a surprisingly even voice "How do you know our sensei? Why did you tell us that? And why should we believe you?" Naruto blinked for a moment. As Sakura glared over Ino's shoulder

"First Kakashi-sensei was the one that taught me when I wasn't in class."

"Ya I remember that now he came into the class a long time ago, and you left with him." Sakura said suddenly, the glare fading away.

"Anyway," Naruto continued "the reason I told you that and the reason why you should believe me are the same, like it or not we're a team now so I have nothing to gain from lying to you, once we pass this test and start doing real missions we will have to watch each others backs, any lie I told you would hurt the team." Both Ino and Sakura blinked and looked at each other they hadn't thought of it that way. "Ano…can I go now?" Naruto asked hesitantly. Ino let him go with out saying anything, "uh thanks? Come on Kogane lets get a little bit of training in before tomorrow, I still haven't mastered it yet and I wanna get it down as soon as possible."

"Hai Niisan." Kogane yawned as he got up from where he was quietly napping.


Ino and Sakura watched Naruto walk down the stairs, when he was a few minutes away well out of ear shot.

"Wow I didn't know Naruto thought that far ahead," Ino mused somewhat to her self.

"Ya, I knew he was at the top of the class with Sasuke-kun but I always thought he was just lucky." Ino nodded her agreement. There was silence for a moment, before Ino spoke again.

"Naruto's kind of cute don't you think?" she asked

"Ya he's… WHAAAA?" Sakura nearly screamed


"That's Naruto! Naruto can't be cute!"

"And why not?" Ino said not sure why she felt slightly angry at her friend/rival

"Cause he's Naruto!"

"So? He's still a boy and all boys have the potential to be cute when they aren't being disgusting."

"Ya…but still its Naruto, can you explain this to me?" Sakura asked a little confused

"Well it his eyes." Ino replied

"His eyes?"

"Ya I guess, he just as those really deep blue eyes that seem to go on forever and…" Ino stopped mid sentence and seemed to be thinking

"Please don't tell me you falling for Naruto!" Sakura pleaded

"What? NO I like Sasuke-kun! It's just I thought about how you can usually tell what person is feeling from their eyes, and I realized that most of the time when Naruto smiles his eyes are closed."

"So a lot of people do that. It's not like anything is wrong with him he's always so happy and energetic."

"Ya I guess your right, and that's another thing that makes him cute, all that energy like a little kid."

"Ya annoying."

"Sometimes," Ino said then with a look from Sakura she burst out laughing "Ok a lot of the time, and he might look a bit better if he wasn't in all that orange all the time." As the two girls continued they were unaware that their entire conversation had been overheard by one Uchiha Sasuke who had been searching for his rival. Yes they had been spied upon by Sasuke whose face now resembled Naruto's for the grin it was sporting.

'The easiest way to lose a fangirl," Sasuke thought 'give her a new target.' Elsewhere Naruto was in the middle of training when he sneezed suddenly with out warning.

"Hmm someone's talking about me."

The next day Naruto woke up to a surprise, all his orange jumpsuits were gone; all he had was one pair of orange pants and a black sleeveless shirt, he picked up his little frog wallet Gama-chan. He was full to the brim from Naruto saving the money the third sent him every week. And he had more in a bank account that he could with draw from. After putting that thought aside for now Naruto went through all his daily hygiene activities. And tightened the Chikane braces on his forearms and his shins, before putting his clothes on, the orange pants were darker than his usual ones, and the sleeveless shirt seemed to cling to his chest, displaying the hard packed muscle that training with Kogane had put on him and without the sleeves, you could see the definition and tone in his arms. Tying on his hitai-ate Naruto had a quick breakfast of Ramen and a carton of milk before running out the door. Completely oblivious to some of the looks he was getting from some of the younger girls, though he did stop once because he had sworn he heard maniacal laughter, coming from near by. Shrugging his shoulders Naruto ran to get Kogane before he headed to the training grounds.


Ino and Sakura arrived at 9:30 like Naruto suggested, if he had actually lied to them they could find and kill him later. But so far as it turned out there was no sign of him or Kakashi arriving before they did. They both had a light breakfast earlier again figuring that they could blame Naruto for any negative consequences to their actions. They had only been waiting fifteen minutes when they heard Naruto's voice.

"INO! SAKURA!" Both girls turned to look at him and both had similar reactions, both girls blushed slightly at the sight of Naruto's muscled upper body. Neither of them noticed Kogane…not that he cared.

"Still say he's not cute?" Ino whispered

"He's… cute." Sakura muttered, 'But he's Naruto he CAN'T be cute' Inner Sakura moaned. The girls were at a loss as to why they were attracted to both boys. Where Sasuke was dark and Mysterious, Naruto was bright and open. Where Sasuke was cold and closed to all but a few, Naruto was warm and friends with almost everyone. Where Sasuke had small lithe muscles that spoke of speed, Naruto had a larger more defined body that radiated power. They quickly realized that they needed to discuss this away from Naruto.

"Naruto-kun could you please wait over there us girls have some things to talk about." Ino asked,

"Uh sure Ino." Naruto said walking a distance away before realizing something "wait, since when am I Naruto-KUN?" he said to him self out of range of Ino's hearing, "She couldn't possibly…naaaaa." Naruto laughed shaking his head. Ino and Sakura were crouched down talking in low voices.

"Okay what happened and why does Naruto look so hot?" Ino asked

"I..I..I don't know it might have something to do with him not being in that orange…thing he wore all the time." Sakura replied

"I think your right," Ino agreed "that thick orange thing he wore never showed what his body looked like, so everyone always assumed he was pudgy, or something."

"Well not everybody."

"What do mean?"

"I think Hinata knew. I mean she has those eyes and she's always watching him."

"Ya your right, she would always hide when he was around but almost never took her eyes off him."

"But I don't think she ever talked to him…actually I'm sure she never talked to him."

"So we have two options help her get the boy she likes…or we get another boy to argue over."

"This is a tough decision, Hinata is a nice girl but Naruto's almost as cute as Sasuke-kun." 'Oh my god did I just say that!' Sakura thought

"I say one of us goes after him, Hinata had her chance she knew he was hot when no one else did." Sakura thought for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.

"But how do we choose who gets who?"

"Jan Ken Po for first choice?"

"Hai." Sakura agreed

"Jan." Started Sakura

"Ken." Continued Ino

"PO!" they shouted together. Sakura had rock, Ino had paper.

"YES FIRST CHOICE!" She nearly screamed

"First choice of what?" Both girls jumped as the voice of their sensei was above them.

"Oh uh…We're going shopping later and I get to choose the first outfit to try on." Ino lied.

"Ah alright." Kakashi said from behind his book

"Ya I need to go shopping today, someone took all my jumpsuits this was all I had left." Naruto said walking up. Ino and Sakura had grins on their faces, as they each grabbed one of Naruto's arms. Not the body grip the use on Sasuke but they had both latched onto him.

"Why don't we go together Naruto?" Sakura asked

"Uh…sure the more the merrier right?" Both girls grinned somewhat evilly, Naruto looked at Kakashi with eyes that screamed 'HELP ME' Kakashi cleared his throat, with a small cough that caught the attention of the girls.

"I will now explain the purpose of this test." Declared Kakashi as he held up two bells, "Your Objective is to get a bell from me, excluding Kogane as he comes or go's with Naruto."

"But Kakashi-sensei there's two bells and three of us." Interrupted Sakura

"I know whoever does not have a bell by lunch will be tied to one of the training stumps and will watch as the others eat lunch in front of you, and will be sent back to the academy." The three genin's eyes widened.

"WHAT!" they screamed simultaneously.

"Yup," Kakashi said as he tied the bells at his waist "oh and come at me with intent to kill or you'll definitely lose." The girls disappeared each running in to the forest around them. Naruto and Kogane stood their staring at Kakashi as if waiting for something. Kakashi smiled behind his mask, "Begin!" Naruto and Kogane ran at Kakashi, who sighed and leapt into the air kicking both at the same time. Both disappeared into poofs of smoke. "Why did I teach him the Kage Bunshin?" He muttered to him self as he took out his copy of 'Icha Icha Paradise'.


Meanwhile, in the forest Naruto, Kogane, Ino and Sakura were all in a small clearing. The girls looking nervous,

"Okay here's what we're going to do, we're going to split into two teams, I'll go with Ino and Kogane will go with Sakura we'll come at Kakashi from two sides. Me and Kogane with charge from the forest as the both of you cover us with kunai and shuriken, aim for his waist if your lucky you'll cut the bells off if your not he still has to dodge me and Kogane's attacks."

"Doesn't that mean only you will get the bells?" Sakura ask a little angry at not being paired with Naruto.

"That's just it Kakashi-sensei said we had to get the bells from him he didn't say we couldn't share!" Naruto said with a grin. Both girls nodded Ino blushing slightly as she thought

'Me and Naruto alone in the forest…he's all mine!' she thought laughing maniacally in her mind.

"Alright but before we split up," Naruto's hands flew through seals, "Jinteki Yajuu Kage." There was a small poof of smoke as Kogane transformed appearing in the same outfit as Naruto. "Alright Ko (nickname not typo) take Sakura and circle around when your in position give the signal and I'll attack." Kogane rolled his eyes

"I know niisan, lets go Sakura-san." Kogane replied as he headed into the forest.

'At least he looks kinda like Naruto' Sakura thought as she followed after giving Ino a glare.

"Alright Ino their gone lets get into position." Naruto said standing up.

"What!" yelped Ino 'Naruto is so forward' she thought. Naruto raised an eyebrow,

"You know our mission get the bells from Kakashi?" he replied giving her a strange look.

"Oh right sorry my mind was wandering." She answered 'Great now he thinks I'm a strange or worse an airhead.'

"Alright but you need to pull it together come on lets go." He said entering the forest in the opposite direction Kogane and Sakura had gone. Ino followed quickly eyes locked onto a certain portion of his anatomy as she slunk along behind him (if you don't know I'm not telling). When they got into their position Naruto handed Ino his shuriken holster. "Pen him in so me and Ko can get close." He muttered

"Easy." She whispered back. As they crept a bit closer, until they could see the clearing Kakashi stood in reading a little orange book.

"Remember once you hear the signal launch everything at him, me and Kogane will handle the rest."

"What's the signal?" Ino asked concerned, she didn't want to screw up their chances.

"Trust me you'll know it when you hear it." Naruto said with a grin. It was only minutes later when a lion's roar echoed over the training area, Ino couldn't help but grin at the signal as her and Sakura burst from the trees at the same time, releasing swarms of shirikens and kunai into the training field. It seemed to rain metal as Kakashi dodged most of the projectiles before it seemed he was struck several times, only to use the replacement technique and trade places with a log. The moment he used the replacement Naruto and Kogane burst from the trees charging his position as the girls leaped back into the forest to get out of the way. Naruto was in the lead as Kogane came from behind and leaped of his back coming at Kakashi from the air.

"Shishi Kata: Beast King Fist!" Kogane growled his right hand and claws glowing dark orange, Kakashi's eyes went up following Kogane, which was a mistake as he wasn't watching Naruto.

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu!" Kakashi's eyes snapped down in time to see two clones grab his arms while a third put him in a full nelson from behind. The original Naruto dived for the bells, Kakashi gathered chakra to his legs and leapt up, completely forgetting about Kogane above him. Kogane's clawed palm strike sent Kakashi back down just in time for Naruto no snatch the bells and roll away. As soon as he got to his feet he ran towards Ino and Sakura. Kakashi kicked Kogane away and threw off Naruto's clones before racing after him Naruto tossed a bell to Sakura and one to Ino just as Kakashi caught him. And before anything else could happen the buzzer went off indicating lunch.

"I guess your going with out lunch." Kakashi said to Naruto.

"Why? We completed our objective." Naruto asked

"You don't have a bell." Kakashi replied.

"You never said we had to keep them, you said and I quote 'Your Objective is to get a bell from me' I got a bell from you, actually I got both and I'm sharing them with Ino and Sakura." Naruto declared defiantly

"I see," Kakashi muttered, "girls are you sharing your bells with Naruto?" Both girls looked at each other before answering together.


"Then," Kakashi began "you all pass." He said as his eye curved upwards in a smile. "It seems that at least one of you figured out the meaning of this test." The girls looked slightly confused, so Kakashi continued, "The true point of this was to test your teamwork. I was once told 'those who disobey the rules and regulations are trash, those who disregard there friends are worse than trash." The new genin's all nodded in comprehension. "Oh and girls I'm going to borrow Naruto for a couple minutes before you take him shopping." The girls grinned, and Naruto shivered but didn't know why as he walked over to where Kakashi was waiting.

"What's up?" Naruto asked after they were a distance away.

"What was that jutsu Kogane used it seemed pretty powerful."

"Oh the beast king fist? Its part of the lion style that were still working on you condense your chakra around your hand and when you use a palm strike or a punch you release the chakra in an explosive wave. Kogane is better at it than I am since his chakra is denser than human chakra." Kakashi nodded in understanding.

"So was that full power?"

"For how quickly we attacked it was, if he had time to gather more chakra it would have been more devastating."

"Your going to have to show me full power sometime."

"Hai sensei." Naruto grinned.

"Okay now you can go shopping with Ino and Sakura." Again a shiver ran down Naruto's spine. He was almost to where the girls were waiting when Kakashi called out "And remember Naruto look underneath the underneath!" Naruto was confused and just figured it was Kakashi being Kakashi but for some reason the girls were glaring at their sensei as Naruto approached them.

"So where we going first?" Naruto asked. Then the girls shared a look, 'why do I have a bad feeling about this'. He thought.


Ino and Sakura had dragged Naruto to the shinobi clothing store they went to, and in a flurry of fabric had loaded him up with half a dozen outfits to try on in various shades and colors. Ino had to sit down for a bit when she 'accidentally' walked in on Naruto with his shirt off. In the end Naruto ended up with slightly baggy dark orange ninja pants that tightened around the ankle, black shinobi sandals, a net shirt with sleeves that ended at the elbows and a black jacket with dark orange stripes on the sleeves and a red spiral on the back. Naruto bought several copies of this outfit.

"Thanks for helping me get some new clothes." Naruto said grinning

"No problem Naruto." Sakura replied as Ino was still unable to form coherent sentences.

"Hey you want to come for ramen with me?" he asked the girls

"No we have something's to do maybe another day."

"Alright see you later" He said running off. As soon as he was gone, Sakura turned to Ino.

"Can you talk yet or are you just going to drool?" she asked wryly

"Oh my god forehead-girl he is so hot." She half moaned. Sakura stared at Ino as if she had grown an extra head.

Meanwhile on the rooftop of a building across the street a certain indigo haired young girl's face had invented several new shades of red as she had watched her crush try on different clothes with her Byakugan.

Also observing Sakura and Ino was a certain Uchiha. He was laughing manically in his head, so as not to be caught, as he watched the two fangirls slowing become more attracted to his rival, the grin on his face was rather disturbing. As he remembered burning all of Naruto's jump suits and the effect it had on the girls in the village.


Hinata carefully followed Naruto always being careful to stay out of sight using her Byakugan to keep an eye on him from around corners. She was so concerned with being spotted by him that she was un aware that she had been spotted by two others until,

"Hinata why are you following Naruto." Came a voice from behind her. She turned slowly a blush forming on her cheeks, to see Ino and Sakura giving her a strange look.

"Ano...I…I'm not following Naruto-kun." She lied

"Hinata we've been following you follow him for about ten minutes, your following him." Ino accused

"Ano I…" Hinata murmured

"Why are you following our teammate!" Sakura repeated Hinata muttered something. "What was that?" Hinata muttered again "Tell us or we'll tell Naruto you were following him." Hinata's face paled.

"I…I was…trying to ask N-Naruto-kun t-to go on a…" she trailed of near the end

"You want him to go on a what?" Ino asked with a knowing grin.

"A-a-a… a date" Hinata answered her face flushing to the roots of her hair.

"So why don't you." Sakura asked

"H-he might say no." Hinata murmured in response

"And he might say yes." Ino countered "Any way we just wanted to tell you that eventually one of us is going after Naruto we just haven't figured out which yet. But when we do neither of us will be afraid to ask him out. Bye Hinata." The last they said together as they walked off. Leaving Hinata alone with her thoughts.

'I have to ask him.' Hinata thought 'But he might say no.' another part of her countered 'But Ino mention he might say yes.' 'Or she could be trying to make you look like a fool!' 'But she said her and Sakura may be asking him out soon and they were the most popular girls in our year.' 'Ya but remember how he looked when he was changing' a third part spoke up 'wouldn't you just like to…' 'BAD HINATA BAD!' she mentally screamed, when all was quiet in her head she had one final thought 'I have to at least tell him how I feel.' It was at this point se realized she had no idea of where he was. 'Ok next time I see him alone I'll tell him how I feel.'

Meanwhile Naruto had just walked into his and Kogane's private training area. Only to see Kogane looking confused.

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked

"That cute blue haired girl that usually follows you isn't here to day."

"What cute blue haired girl?"

"She's about nose high on you, blue hair, white eyes, puffy jacket." Kogane replied with a yawn as he stretched.

"Sounds familiar, but I don't remember anyone ever following me." Naruto said trying to think of who the girl was. Kogane stared at him

"Are you really that poor of a shinobi that you can't tell when someone is following you?"

"Hey! I'm an excellent shinobi I am completely aware of my surroundings!" at that moment a child with a long blue scarf jumped at Naruto from the tree above him, screaming,

"FIGHT ME!" Unfortunately for him his scarf got caught on the tree he just left causing him to miss his target entirely and end up at Naruto's feet. "You managed to stop my attack that's what I expected from my honored rival!" He said jumping to him feet.

"But I didn't do anything you just got caught on the tree." Naruto muttered "Hey kid who are you?"

"I am the future Hokage. I am Konohamaru!" Naruto was speechless for a second, then he started laughing

"Hahaha that's too big a name for a twerp like you!" He laughed then Konohamaru kicked him in the shin. "You little brat!" Naruto growled as he lifted the boy up by his scarf.

"I'm the Hokage's grandson!" Konohamaru sputtered 'they always leave me alone when they find out' he thought. Until Naruto's fist smacked him in the back of the head.

"Brat! Think I care! Screw this, later Kogane we'll train tomorrow." Naruto said walking away. About Fifteen minutes later he noticed the boy following him with obvious disguises. After and hour of running around as he tried to lose the kid, he just gave up. "Look I don't think their should be a bush in the middle of the street." Konohamaru threw away the branches.

"Exactly what I expect of my rival." He laughed

"Look kid what do you want?" Naruto asked tiredly

"You must teach me the jutsu you used to defeat the Hokage."

"Oh you mean the…"


"Hey Ojiisan checkout my new jutsu." The Hokage turned to see Naruto with a grin on his face.

"Ok Naruto show me." If possible Naruto grinned even wider

"SEXY NO JUTSU!" there was a burst of smoke and where Naruto had been standing was now a VERY well proportioned young girl. Sarutobi's nose gushed so much blood he went flying back and passed out from blood loss.

End Flashback

"Sexy technique." Naruto said with a grin. "I think I can teach you that!" Naruto said with a smile "lets go back to my training area."

3 hours later

"You got it Konohamaru!" Naruto exclaimed as they both sat down "So why do you want to be Hokage any way?" he asked the young boy.

"Every where I go all anyone calls me is honored grandson, I want people to recognized me for who I am not who my family is." Konohamaru replied.

"You'll never be Hokage that way." Naruto said eyes down. Konohamaru

"What do you know!" he yelled

"I know what it means to be Hokage." Naruto answered

"So do I the Hokage has to master over a thousand techniques, and be the strongest shinobi in the village recognized by everyone."

"That's what a Hokage has to be, but that's not what it means to be Hokage."

"Then why don't you tell me what it means." The young boy snapped

"To be Hokage is to be a protector, to be the one who guides the village in times of peace and war. To be Hokage means to care for everyone in the village even if they hate you. That is the meaning of Hokage."

"How can you hate the Hokage."

"Konohamaru, everyone respects the Hokage but not everyone likes him. There is no easy way to become the Hokage." Before they could continue you there discussion they heard something.

"Honored grandson! Honored grandson where are you? Honored grandso…Found you!" The owner of the voice leapt into the clearing his hitai-ate tied like a bandana, he wore black sunglasses and a black uniform. "Honored grand son come with me the excellent teacher Ebisu I will ensure that you become Hokage!"

"No I won't go with you I'll learn from Naruto-niisan!"

"What can you learn from him." Ebisu said with a disgusted tone of voice

"I learned this SEXY NO JUTSU!" Konohamaru transformed into a beautiful brunette with only smoke keeping her from being nude. Ebisu gawked then rubbed his nose.

"Such a foolish technique will not work on a gentleman like me." He said as he started to drag Konohamaru away.

"Oh Ya!" Naruto called as he stood up. "try this KAGE BUNSHIN!" and the clearing filled with Naruto's

"Shadow clones advanced but not overwhelming."

"I'm not done yet, for your insult of my jutsu I must now show you my undefeated technique…HAREM NO JUTSU." Every single Naruto turned into a beautiful naked blond, and they swarmed all over Ebisu. Whose nose erupted in a spray of blood that sent him into the trees. Another poof of smoke and the clones were gone and Naruto was back to normal. "and that's why I'm going to be Hokage." Naruto grinned as he turned to Konohamaru "remember if you want to be Hokage you'll have to go through me." Konohamaru grinned and nodded.

"Rivals!" Konohamaru declared

"Rivals!" Naruto agreed. Mean while A certain Hokage was watching,

"So Naruto combined the Kage Bunshin with the Sexy No Jutsu. What a stupid technique…I'll probably fall for it." He sighed.


The next few days involved Team seven training and doing a D-rank mission in the afternoon, in those few days the girls learned that when it came to taijutsu they were far behind Naruto. Their ninjutsu was on par with Naruto's since they didn't count his Kekkai Genkai as he wasn't aloud to use it during team training sessions, the girls hadn't really seen much of it and they were only told a little bit about it. So in order to find out more about their teammate they asked Kakashi if Naruto could some them what he could do with his Kekkai Genkai.

"Well I suppose you do need to know what your teammates are capable of, Naruto do you have any problems with that?"

"No sensei, I figure they should know what I can do."

"Alright then show us."

"Hai sensei, Ekikane no Yoroi (liquid metal armor)!" Naruto's skin seemed to ooze mercury until every part of him even his hair was covered. "Ko attack."

"My pleasure." He growled in his human form, hands flashing through seals as he ran at Naruto. "Shishi Kata: Assult of the Pride!" eight more Koganes appeared in human form, as they began to rain a deadly combaniation of blows upon Naruto. Who stood their unmoving until the clones poofed away.

"Kakashi-sensei would you like to try?" curious Kakashi threw a kunai at Naruto

as a tired Kogane sat down. It struck Naruto in the shoulder and bounced off.

"Interesting defense, absolute?"

"No, but I'm working on it."

"Any attacks?" Sakura asked interested..

"Of course," Replied Naruto with a grin, as the liqid metal was reabsorbed. Naruto pointed a finger at a tree. "Gin Tama." As a dart flew from the tip of his finger peircing the tree. "ands only the least of them. My best technique is a but harder to preform though."

"Can you show us?" Ino asked

"Okay gimme a second I'll need a target. Kage Bunshin." A single clone poped into existance by Naruto. And ran across to the end of the field. Naruto gathered chakra into his hand, and raised it shoulder level "Gin Yari (silver spears)." Naruto plunged his hand into the ground the rest of the team watched as deadly sharp spears that shined like silver shot from the ground like crossbow bolts, the clone could even dodge as four peirced it causing it to poof away. "I need to make it faster though its kind easy to dodge." The girls were impressed Kakashi was amazed.

"Naruto whats the range on one of those spears?" Kakashi asked

"Depending on the terrain and its metal content, one hundred, two hundred meters why?"

"no reason just curious." Kakashi replied lazily while he was thinking 'that coould be the ultimate assasination technique, its quick silent and deadly'. The rest of the afternoon Naruto showed off a few more moves before he had to rest and recover his chakra.

The next couple of weeks were all devoted to missions, sadly they were all D-rank missions after weeks on end of solid D-ranks Naruto was ready to burst.

"I swear if we have to catch that cat one more time I'll put it out of its misery!" Naruto growled though no one else said anything they all agreed. Even Kakashi was getting tired of nothing but D-rank missions. As they walked into the mission office the Hokage looked up.

"Ah yes I have mission for you right here, Mr. Togesaki needs his garden weeded."

"NO!" Shouted Naruto "We're tired of doing these crappy D-rank missions give us something better!"

"Naruto!" bellowed Iruka as he stood up from behind the mission desk. "your genins all that's available for you to do are D-rank missions and C-ranked missions. And every team has to do its fair share of D-ranked missions."

"Fair share!" Naruto stammered "We've done thirty atleast give us a C-ranked mission please!" The Girls were shocked that Naruto had dared talk to the Hokage like that. But he only laughed. Before he could say anything Sasuke walked into the mission room followed by a smoking jounin.

"Hokage-sama Choji and Shikamaru have clan business for the next month and Sasuke needs to add to his mission record so could he be paired up with another Genin team?"

"Of course Asuma I was just going to assign Team 7 a new mission and they could use an extra hand, that is if Kakashi doesn't mind?" the Hokage asked.

"Not at all Hokage-sama."

"Alright then Team 7 and Uchiha Sasuke, I am giving you a C-rank mission you are to protect a bridge builder named Tazuna from bandits until he has finishied the bridge. Ah here he is now." A half drunk old man wandered into the room.

"These are the brats that are supposed to protected me?"