Angel has a dad? Buffy thought to herself. She just wasn't sure if Giles was Angel's real dad or his adoptive one. She had never stopped wondering what had happened to Angel since she had seen her last. They had promised each other forever.

Forever friendship

Forever love

Forever each other.

It was supposed to be him and her forever against the world and eventually together in a forever home. But things don't always work out as they plan. Forever is a long time after all.


Buffy had been trying to find Angel for weeks. His cell phone was always off and she didn't have an inkling on where he could be. He hadn't even told her anyone had visited the foster home other than fostered him. Normally anytime someone walked into the foster home he would ring her immediately with the details, but this time nada.

'Angel, please find me.' she prayed.

Buffy had ran away from her foster home 2 weeks ago and had immediately started searching for Angel. As unglamorous as living off the streets was Buffy was used to it. She found it easy to survive and find enough food and shelter normally. But this time she was desperate to find Angel and that was all that mattered.

It took one more week for Buffy to start getting weak. She hadn't been eating properly and now that it had been snowing she struggled to find shelter and keep warm.

It was a week later when she was wondering around searching bins for food one night when she noticed some twinkly lights from a window. She crept quietly over and peered through the window. Inside she could see the flashing lights were in fact a Christmas tree and she was now viewing a small family enjoying their Christmas dinner. Buffy was amazed she hadn't noticed it was Christmas. She had been so preoccupied with finding Angel that the world had flew past her and she was less than a mere ghost, at least a ghost would observe. She had seen nothing the last few weeks.

Buffy moved nearer to get a close look and there he was.

Her Angel.

He was smiling and laughing with what must have been his foster family.

She had never felt so hurt, betrayed or angry in all of her life. Being unwanted by foster families was nothing compared to being unwanted by your best friend.

While she slept on the cold floor he was tucked up in a nice warm bed.

While she foraged for food in bins he was sat down eating a whole turkey.

While she had no one he had a family.

And while she had been spending weeks trying to find him he had obviously not cared to find her.

These were the thoughts running through Buffy's mind whilst she dragged herself away from the house and collapsed in an alley way to cry.

She laid in the alley way for 2 nights when they found her half starved and when she recovered she went home with a foster family and never out a foot wrong. What's the point in running if there is no one to run to?

/End flashback/

Buffy headed to her History class late because she had yet to find her way around campus.

As she walked in everyone stopped to look at her. His included.

Does he have to be everywhere I am? She thought.

There was something different this time however. His eyes weren't cold and full of hate. They showed pity and maybe a little bit of hurt.

'He can show all the hurt he likes. He's the one that left me.' She thought. And with that she took the empty seat and forced herself to keep her eyes on the professor the entire lecture.