Thank you for the reviews. Yes my characters were a bit ooc, so I understand if you're upset by it. So I apologize.

Chapter Three: Now what's going on

Elena opened her eyes. She got up swiftly and scanned the area.

A bloody battle with dead bandits lying all over the field chilled the tactician.

"Huh? What happened here?"

Wasn't she at the tent earlier? Or was that a dream? She rubbed her head, "What is going on here?" So the guy in the moon was a dream in a dream? This was giving her a headache.

"Ah! Lady Elena! You're well!" cried Mathew as he pounced on her from behind. Elena fell forward and giggled, "Oh, it's you, Mathew!" and landed on the ground.

Everyone came out from behind the thief. Eliwood shook his head, "What are you doing, Mathew? You do know that's our tactician and not an enemy's spy."

"I know, I know," smiled Mathew, "I was just happy to see our Elena back with us!"

Elena grew worried; I wonder… she pinched herself on her cheek, ok, this is reality…but what was I doing falling asleep in battle? "Lord Eliwood," called Elena.

Eliwood walked towards her and pushed Mathew aside. He sat down besides her, "Yes?"

Elena smiled shyly, "Was…was I…er…did I…fall asleep…?" Why can't I can't I talk straight! That's not I wanted to ask him!

He chuckled, "How to put it in words… aha..." he laughed and later he coughed.

Elena placed her hands over her mouth.

Mathew patted the red-head's back, "Milord, it seems that you're not able to walk or talk after the bandit swung its mighty ax! We need Serra or Priscilla!"

Lyn placed her hands on her hips, "Those two?" She turned her head at Serra's direction, "Our young princess is badly injured and," she turned the opposite direction, "Priscilla is resting from all that healing."

Elena's eyes widened, "Ah! It was my fault! I fell asleep! If only I paid more attention


Eliwood grabbed her shoulder to the side, he whispered in her ear, "Let's get out of here…"



Elena slowly nodded and asked the group if they know any inn that is nearby. Pent raised his hand like a school boy, "Lady Elena, I spot one before we were driven into this skirmish. It's down south and not too far from here."

Elena bowed, "Thank you so much, Lord Pent."

Bartre snorted, "He calls you 'lady' and you reply 'lord'…man…the caste system seems messed up."

Dorcus playfully punched Bartre's arm, "I think you're over thinking."


"Never mind, you two," said Hector, pushing his way through between them to be in the front with Lyn, Eliwood on his horse, and the young tactician.

Both of them shrugged for no reason and followed after him.

"Elena, would you like to ride with me on my horse? You seem to be not well…" offered the Knight Lord.

Elena shook her head, "It's alright. You're the one who is unwell."

Eliwood sighed, "You care too much about other people than yourself, huh?"

Elena blinked, "What makes you say that?"

He chuckled, "Well, for one thing, I bet you would jump in front of someone if an arrow is targeted."

Elena blushed, "You bet?"

The two continued to walk in silence.

They finally reached an inn. The innkeeper showered his gratitude on Elena and the warriors. They get to sleep in the inn for free. The only trouble was that there was not enough room for everyone to rest.

Canas spoke up, "Well, he said there are ten rooms. How about the most injured comrades? The top ten would rest in comfy beds and the rest of us would sleep outside!"

Hector smacked him on the shoulder, "HEY! SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!"

Elena raised her hand, "Um…I agree with him. I like the idea. That way when we travel…" she paused. Uh…what was I about to say?

Eliwood supported her, "When we hit the road again, we would be ready to take on any surprise ambushes and attacks. Right, Elena?"

Elena smiled and nodded and a pain flickered in her head. She rubbed her head back and forth and ran outside. Eliwood saw her and ran after her.

Lyn, not noticing anything, threw her hands in the air, "All the wounded ones, line up here!"