A/N: This story is a true story but with Sara and Nick playing the part of myself and my husband. Please remember that as you read.
Sara was thirty weeks or six and half months pregnant with her and Nick's first baby. After a miscarriage in December of the pervious year she was scared when she found out she was pregnant again in February. After they had passed the twelve week point they couldn't have been happier.
"I'm off to my 2:30 doctor's appointment." Sara yelled as she grabbed her bag.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Nick said as he came into the living room.
"Yeah, they are only going to measure me and listen to the baby's heart beat." Sara said as he headed for the door.
"Okay, well call me when your done." Nick said as he kissed his wife before she was out the door.
"I will."
Doctor's office
Sara signed in and sat down. She couldn't help but rub her tummy every chance she got. Nick would laugh at her when he would catch her doing it. After what seemed like forever the nurse called her back.
"Mrs. Stokes"
Sara got up and went with the nurse. "Your regular doctor is tied up at the moment is it okay that you see the mid-wife?" the nurse asked.
"Sure, it's not a problem, I've seen her before."
"Okay just have a seat on the table and she will be in shortly."
Sara sat down and waited. Finally the Mid-wife came in.
"Mrs. Stokes, how are you feeling?"
"Okay let's see what we have."
Sara laid down on the table and lifted her shirt.
"Hmm" Said the Mid-Wife.
"What?" Sara asked.
"Well, you haven't grown very much. Since you are 30 weeks you should be about 29 or 30 centimeters your only 27."
"Is that bad?" Sara asked getting a little nervous.
"Well, I want to go ahead and do an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. You think you can come in next week?"
"Well, can't we do it today? That way I won't miss any work?"
"I'll see if they can squeeze you in."
About ten minutes later the nurse came in and said they could and for her to go have a seat in the lobby.
Sara had left her cell phone in the truck so she used the one in the lobby to call Nick.
"Hey Honey"
"Hey are you done?"
"No they want to do an ultrasound. Apparently I'm not growing like I should and they want to check everything out."
"Do I need to come up there?"
"No I don't think its anything I'll call you when I know something."
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too."
Another ten minutes go by and they finally call her back. As she is laying on the table the technical starts to look at her.
"Well, your baby is small." Was the only thing that was said.
A few minutes later she gets up and leaves asking Sara to stay put. When she comes back in the mid-wife and her nurse are with her. The all look at the screen and ask Sara to go back to the lobby.
"Hey it's me. They just did the ultrasound and I'm waiting to hear what they have to say. As soon as I know I'll call you okay." Sara said. She really wasn't worried.
"Okay, Love ya!"
Sara laughed. "Love ya too!"
After another ten minutes. Hurry up and wait. Sara thought. She was taken into a room that she had never been in before. They had her lay on the table then hook her up to a machine that monitored the baby's heartbeat.
"Can I call my husband?" Sara asked in confusion.
"Not right now we need to monitor the baby's heartbeat. Do you know what you're having?" the nursed asked.
"Yeah, a girl we've named her Bethany Pearl." Sara said with a smile.
"That's pretty." Said the nurse "Okay I'll come check on you in a bit."
The nurse did check on her a couple times and finally after about an hour Sara was getting pissed. Finally the doctor came in.
"Okay what is going on? I know you aren't keeping me here because my baby is small if that was the case you would tell me to eat more." Sara said
"Your right we aren't keeping you hear because the baby is just small." The doctor said.
The "just" part got Sara's attention.
"Honey" Oh this is not good. Sara thought"the cord is wrapped around your baby's neck twice." That is when the tears started. "We are waiting to hear back from a specialist. There is a good chance you could be having this baby tomorrow."
But my due date is Nov. 10th today is Sept. 2nd. Sara thought. "I need to call my husband." Sara said as she tried to calm down.
"You will, but first we need to see what the specialist says." The doctor said with a smile.
"Okay" was all Sara could say at the moment.
A few minutes later the doctor came back in. "Sara, honey, you are going to have this baby in about two hours." The doctor told her calmly.
"Two hours?" Sara said in disbelif.
"You can go into my office and call who ever you need to."
The first person Sara called was Nick.
"Nick, you need to meet me at the hospital."
"Hospital why?"
"The cord is wrapped around Bethany's neck and they are going to do an emergency C-section on me in about two hours." Sara said between her sobs.
"HOLY SHIT" was all Nick could say. "I'm on my way."
The next person she called was Catherine.
"Yeah, you need to get to the hospital."
"I need to get to the hospital?"
"I'm having a C-section."
"You're having a C-Section?" Catherine's voice repeated a little louder than before.
"The cord is wrapped around the baby's neck."
"THE CORD IS WRAPPED AROUND THE BABY'S NECK" Catherine all but screamed.
In the background she heard Warrick's "WHAT?"
Sara couldn't help the small laugh that left her lips. "Yeah"
"We are on our way."
After that call was made Sara left the doctor's office and went to the hospital. After changing her clothes she laid on the hospital bed and cried. Catherine and Warrick were the first to get to her bed side.
"I don't want to know how many traffic laws you guys just broke." Sara said with a small smile.
"Good because it would take forever to tell you all of them." Warrick said.
"Where is Nick?"
"Right here." Nick said as he rushed into the room. Once Sara saw Nick the tears came again. After about twenty minutes it was time.
"Okay here we go." Said the nurse.
Once in the OR they gave her an epidural and Nick was brought into the room. After a few minutes they heard "First Cut" from the doctor.
No more than two minutes after that they heard what sounded like a mouse squeaking.
"Is that her?" Sara asked as the tears started to roll.
"Yes honey that is our little girl."
Nick went to cut the cord and after about five minutes the NICU doctor brought Bethany up to Sara's cheek. "Say Hi to Mommy" before Sara could turn around to look at her they were gone.
A/N: I'm going to stop here. Let me know how far ya'll want me to go with this story.