By: n33n

Okay, a new approach to the whole Lily James madness. James is arrogant and charming as ever…Sirius hot, yet maddening at the same time…Remus, quiet and thoughtful…Peter-that worm, and Lily? Oh, Lily's still feisty and kicking. Kicking James in the OUCHES.

Chapter Fifteen


James stiffened noticeably in the old armchair he was currently sitting in, and had been pondering what he was going to do.

James, James, James…The voice that haunted his dreams, both in wakening and sleep. Soft, gentle, and music to his ears.

The one person he could not bear to look at for the moment, not after that crushing rejection, when he had been so hopeful, that maybe--finally Lily would say yes…

But alas, he was proved to be greatly wrong. 'Lily was so hesitant in her answer,' James thought very sadly, and a lump formed in his throat most unpleasantly.

"James?" An uncertain voice, most definitely belonging to the person of his affections, asked again.

James forced a fake, wide smile and made himself turn around to meet her, the girl who had caused him so much grief and sadness.

'She's so pale,' was the first concerned thought that came to his mind. "Hi there, Lily!" James said in an excessively enthusiastic voice that sounded quite unlike his own.

"James…" Lily began for the third time, looking quite tired and sad as well.

"It's fine weather we're having out here, isn't it?" James asked, looking outside, clearly not noticing it was raining rather hard and thundering most profusely.

"It's pouring outside, James. Dreadful rain," Lily said, pointing at the foggy window, wanting to get in at least a few more words before James managed to interrupt her again.

"Ah, oh well. Would you like some lovely sweet pastries Padfoot's just nicked from the kitchens?" James offered heartily, generously shoving a plate underneath her nose.

Lily shook her head no and wiped at the sticky sugars that had stuck to her nose. "I-"

"Take one, Lily. They're delicious," James said in an insisting manner, promptly interrupting her by shaking the plate slightly in her face.

"Oh, fine-thank you." Lily gingerly took an apple cinnamon curl from the plate. Their fingers brushed very lightly just as Lily reached over to get one at the side. Lily's bright eyes snapped upwards to meet James's, but he was looking past Lily, as if he wanted nothing more than to concentrate on the delicate engravings on the stairwell.

"James, we really must talk," Lily said firmly after taking a small bite of her pastry. James still did not look at her, but placed the plate of desserts down on a nearby table.

Instead, he asked happily, not meeting Lily's eyes, "Aren't these good? I'll have Padfoot nick some more later if you'd like."

"James." Lily was growing tired of James dodging the subject. She really needed to talk to him about her feelings…and most importantly, them.

James suddenly dropped his happy demeanor, and a frosty one took its place very quickly. "Yes, Lily?"

"Listen, James, I-"

"You've come to give me more heartache? I've had my fill, thanks. I won't be bothering you anymore," James interjected coldly, and Lily felt despair wrap around her.

"James-" she tried again. She placed down her pastry on the table next to the platter, not caring for once that it was going to be unhygienic to eat later and was going to be most likely covered with germs reproducing at tripled rate every twenty minutes.

"Just tell me." James's voice became very soft.

"Tell you…?"

"Why…" James breathed out, his head shaking slightly, "Why did I have to fall in love with you?"

Unexpected tears sprung to Lily's eyes. She had indeed, hurt James very deeply, and she regretted her indecisive words she had said before. "I'm so sorry-I didn't mean any of the wor-"

James put a hand up, signaling for Lily to stop. "It's all right. It's not your fault anyways. I just made-a bad decision."

Lily winced at these words. She had to say-or do-something, fast.

Not knowing what made her do it, except for perhaps, momentary impulse and desperation, Lily leaned in on an unsuspecting James and closed James's mouth with hers.

Lily felt James relax as soon as he realized what had happened, but soon, he pulled away slowly, a look full of mixed emotions embracing his face as he stared at her with wonder.

"What," he asked in a hoarse whisper, "are you trying to do?"

Lily was crying now, losing her control. "I haven't drunk any pumpkin juice for nearly over three years now, because of that one stupid debate we had back in fourth year."

James looked bewildered at this quite random outburst. "That-"

It was now James's turn to be interrupted many, many times.

"-In second year, I started to use a new path to get to classes just to get away from your pranks everyday."


"-I hated it every single time you helped me in Transfiguration, because I knew that you were right."

"Oh, bu-"

"-I miss everything. Even if we were supposed 'enemies', I still liked the attention you gave me. Don't you see, James? You've occupied my thoughts for the past six years of my life-all the time. I just haven't realized it until now."

James was openly gaping at these words. "I-"

"I've ruined it all, haven't I?" Lily sighed sadly and gave a small rueful smile at this, and James, seeing this, wore a very torn expression on his face.

"Now, Lily, it's-"

There was a small smile exploding from beneath her tears now. "-And most of all, I haven't liked anyone as much as I've liked you, because you are…" Lily took a deep breath, "…absolutely incredible, even if I've just noticed it. I love everything-everything-about you, even your absurdly stupid stubbornness and random comments and-"

But she could not say anymore words, for James had bent down and kissed her, muffling her ramblings in the process.

'Sometimes,' Lily thought with renewed happiness to herself as she deepened the kiss between them, 'words can be quite extraneous.'

Actions speak louder than words.


Author's Note:

Well, it's done. It was hard to write these last few chapters, because I didn't want it to be too lighthearted and not taken seriously…I wanted to show that Lily was obviously really struggling in her mind. James had pushed her when he asked her out in the last chapter, and Lily was very confused with her feelings and had frankly, no idea what to do.

Us girls.

Anyways, now I'm going to concentrate on more of the funny stories, like ODDS AND ENDS and my latest story: MARAUDERS 101. I find it quite enjoyable to write…so please check it out.

Of course, I'll be updating Whipped By Mrs. Lily Potter, but it will not be as hilarious as the other stories I have.

Please try them. I don't guarantee you'll enjoy them, but at least try. So take your pick or poison, whichever option you prefer.

Thank you guys so much for enduring this very long story. I've never been one to write more than ten chapters or so…I must say, this is a record!

Please review! Thanks.
A big thanks to all my dutiful reviewers and new reviewers, thank you as well!

Reviews greatly appreciated…! neen