Chapter 16: Epilogue - An Unknown Ally

It was late afternoon when Inuyasha heard a soft, grunting bark. He looked at Kouga curiously across the table where they had been sitting playing a game with Shippou. Kouga stared back and gave his head a jerk towards the door, a wolfish grin plastered on his face.

It was then that the hanyou realized that the others weren't hovering around. Miroku was out, who knows where doing who knows what, probably chasing every village girl around, Inuyasha thought. The girls had gone to help Kaede with a sick villager, which only left them and Shippou.

"Hey, Shippou, why don't you go play with that kid down the road," Inuyasha suggested. He knew the little kit was pretty good friends with the boy. "I'm getting tired of this game."

"Uh, okay." Shippou replied getting up from the table and heading out the door. "See you later," he called back.

"Yeah, later," answered the hanyou not really paying attention to the kitsune any longer.

"Shall we go for a bath?" questioned Kouga suggestively as he slunk towards the hanyou in that enticingly wolfish way.

Inuyasha grabbed the wolf's hand and pretty well hauled him towards the hotsprings. He was already hard and aching by the time they got there. He stopped and grabbed the wolf to him, kissing him deeply and passionately. Shivering slightly at the feel of the ookami's tongue swirling with his own. "It's been too long," he breathed as they parted.

Kouga began to undress himself and the hanyou as quickly as he could, giving a rumbling, purring growl when he finally pulled Inuyasha's hakama pants off exposing his stiffened manhood.

Inuyasha chuckled, "Bit excited are we?" The only answer he received was Kouga's mouth encircling his cock and he gave a grumbling growl of pleasure as he stood and watched the wolf that was kneeling in front of him. He reached out and pulled the dark tresses free of its ponytail, entwining his fingers in the soft hair. He gave a yelp of surprise and appreciation when the ookami took all of him into his mouth and down his throat. I had forgotten he could do that. His mind went blank as pleasure took over all thoughts and he moaned at the lovely, hot pressure that was encasing him.

Kouga sucked and swallowed, starting teasingly slow and then speeding his movements up as he felt the claws dig into his scalp. He grabbed the hanyou's ass in both his hands and kneaded the flesh firmly, pushing the half demon towards his waiting mouth and then holding him there as he let his throat muscles tighten on the organ. He heard Inuyasha gasp above him and his tail began to twitch back and forth.

He pulled Inuyasha back away from him and then pushed him forward again, hard. He almost gagged because of the force he had used but controlled the reflex. He felt the hanyou throb inside his mouth and he knew he was close. He slowed down his movements, keeping the hanyou close to the edge but not allowing him to go over as he snuck his hands a bit lower on the half demons round globes. He swirled his fingers over his own weeping organ to get them wet and then pushed one into the delectable rear of his lover.

Inuyasha's breaths were coming in loud, rasping pants. His legs were beginning to shake and feel weak because of the sensations coming from behind and in front of his body. His belly felt tight and hot, the pleasure rolling out of it in delicious waves. He was so close. He cried out when another digit entered him and he felt Kouga push them in deep, hitting that spot that always made him see white fire. His legs began to buckle under him and he fell back on the grass, the wolf still with him, not letting go or stopping his ministrations. He felt those long fingers push in and out of him a few more times bringing him to the very brink of pleasure and then the wolf pulled his hands and mouth away. His legs were lifted up over the tanned shoulders of the ookami and then he was entered.

It was Kouga's turn to gasp and pant as he felt the hot, tight muscles engulf him. He felt as if the hanyou was sucking him in and he closed his eyes to concentrate on the sensation.

Inuyasha clung onto Kouga's back and pushed his body up hard to meet the wolf. He was momentarily surprised that the quick penetration didn't hurt but then forgot about it as he felt that hard shaft begin to slide in and out of his body.

Kouga wrapped his arms around the hanyou's neck and pulled himself in deeper making his white haired lover keen loudly. He kept the pace quick and hard, not enough to cause serious pain but enough to make it pleasantly uncomfortable. He groaned as Inuyasha came, coating their stomach's in his juice. He could feel the internal muscles clamp down on him hard, almost making it impossible for him to move. He only had to thrust twice more before he came as well, his orgasm ripping out of his tightening scrotum and belly into the hanyou. He collapsed onto his side, pulling out of the inu and they both lay side by side panting and holding each other's hands.

Miroku stifled his own moan of pleasure as he came in his hand. He stayed still, getting his breathing and pounding heart back to normal, not wanting to alert the two demons to his presence. Guess I was right about them after all, he thought, ducking down a little further when he saw the two boys get up and go into the springs. Thank Kami they're too busy with each other to notice anything else. He waited until the two of them were in the water and had moved away a bit before closing his robes and sneaking back towards the path.

Miroku was now uncertain as to what to do about what he had witnessed.He had at first been totally shocked when he came upon the two of them. Kouga had been on his knees in front of the hanyou and it hadn't taken a genius to know what he was doing. The monk at first had thought that Inuyasha was forcing him to do it and was going to intercede. But after a few moments, when he saw how aroused the wolf was, he knew it was something they were doing by mutual consent.

He should have left he supposed but Miroku found himself becoming hard as he watched and heard the moans of pleasure coming from the two of them. He had then crouched down and…well…taken care of business as it were.

He wondered how long the two of them had been together in that way. He thought back as he walked back to the village, coming to the conclusion that it had to have been well before Kouga had been captured. That day we found them in the cave, how long ago was that? Making friends indeed, the monk smiled. Its amazing Inuyasha could keep a secret like this for so long.

Miroku frowned, thinking of Kagome. Even though she and Inuyasha had not been as close as in the past, he knew she still cared a great deal for the hanyou. He even thought that the same could be said for the half demon. I hope you know what you're doing, Inuyasha by giving up Kagome.

Miroku sauntered back into the village waving at Shippou as he played with his little human friend. He had decided that he would keep the secret as well. It was not his place to expose them and he didn't feel like fighting off two angry demons if they knew what he had seen, what he had done as he watched.

Over the years Miroku became their unknown ally, often occupying the girls to give them more time alone together than they would have had, treating himself to the occasional peep show for his self imposed silence. As time went by the two lovers began to have suspicions that the monk knew about them but could never prove it and as neither side wanted to confront the other, nothing was ever done about it and their secret stayed undisclosed.

Inuyasha and Kouga never parted again. They stayed together after the battle with Naraku when he was finally defeated and the jewel again returned to its original glory.

There was a rough patch when Kagome left to go home. She had wanted to stay but missed her family and old life. In a way she probably realized on an unconscious level that she and Inuyasha were not meant to be. Inuyasha had been upset at her leaving and had retreated into his closed off brash 'I could care less' attitude but Kouga stayed with him. He gave him his understanding, love and support even when the hanyou tried to pick fights with him.

The two canines took over the care of Shippou after the teen girl left making themselves into a small, happy family. Shippou came to realize as he grew of the bond between the two but never mentioned it, so again their secret was kept safe.

Even after Miroku and Sango had grown old and finally passed on they stayed with each other enjoying the friendship with their friends descendants until they too grew old and left for the other side, Kouga dying within days of Inuyasha, too broken hearted to remain alone. The only ones left that knew of the love that bound them together were Ginta, Hakkaku and Shippou and they never told a living soul.


Thank you guys so much for reading my story and writing to me. I love to hear from everybody and as always, as long as there is a way for me to respond to you, I will write you back. You guys give me the most encouragement to keep writing, even when I get frustrated with a chapter and get stuck. You guys always come up with some idea that helps me get over my writers block so I thank you muchly for that.

I'm currently writing a Sess/Mir story which has a bit of a twist to it. I'm now on chapter 25 and hope to be finished soon so I can post it for you all. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing them. The name of the story is "Sesshoumaru's Secret Life"

Hugs and Kisses to everyone, until next time 