I took out my hand mirror giving myself one last once over and checked myself off:

Hair- Decent, I had put a spell on it this afternoon to "keep the frizziest of hair silky smooth all day long" though I noticed already a few flyaways popping up, I suppose Madame Poufumme's Beauty Spells weren't particular reliable… which was unfortunate because I'd spent all my Christmas money on them. Bugger.

Lips- Puce pink and berrylicious…this particular lipstick was clearly not my shade and it was sort of starting to burn too. I quickly wiped my mouth off with the back of hand with a silent curse and moved onto the next feature.

Skin- I had a giant zit on my chin this morning but at least one of the spells seemed to work as it had shrank to a black head and if I sort of squinted my eyes and held the mirror a good foot away from my face you couldn't see that there was anything there at all.

"Give it a rest you vomit-headed snazzle fruit!" My mirror squawked at me startling me so bad I nearly dropped it. "Staring at your horrendous self won't fix anything!"

"That's awfully rude." I told it with a glower and stuffed it back into my book bag. The mirror had been a present from my mum, when I first got it it gave me the loveliest of compliments but as time went on it's spell seems to have worn off a little and now it only insults…and they don't even make much sense. I mean really, a vomit-headed snazzle fruit…

"Well, it's not like you must look perfect, right?" I said encouragingly to myself. "Really, he liked you before and you must have looked twice as worse then, didn't he?"

Of course he did! So what's the wait up for? Just go right in there and give him the damn chocolate! I said thinking instead of talking aloud to myself, I'd decided to quit that after I noticed a gaggle of first years giggling at me. Right! Riiight! I'm going right now! Riiiight noooooow…

And somehow my feet actually started going even though I still had half a mind to run the opposite direction back to the girls' dormitory crawl up in a ball and the chocolate myself while despairing of my patheticness and the thought that I might never get another snog from my beloved.

My feet, clearly of their own mind because surely a goodie-goodie such as me would never dare go into the Griffindor boys' dormitory like this, walked up those long flight of stairs. Long…long…I could still turn back…still…could…

"Ah, fuck it!" I cursed and climbed those stairs at top speed emblazoned with new purpose primarily being; get this the hell over with you stupid ninny!

I yanked open the door to where the 6th year Griffindor's slept and yelled, "SIRI—"

"us…" I finished my jaw hanging open like a fish.

The lights were dim but enough light still shone through the windows to see Sirius Black lying on top of the boy who had lent me a quill during arithmancy this afternoon with his hand up his shirt and his lips on still lingering his neck.

Sirius sat up with a start and a very nasty curse while Remus Lupin just blinked at me a sort of dazed sleepy look on his face. I started to back away. "Um, yes, well…very sorry to intrude, just came to bring you some uh, chocolate…" I then promptly dropped the candy, slammed the door closed, and ran.

My crush…was a fairy.

This did not bode well for my love life.