-1Hello!!! I'm so sorry. I ended up move so I couldn't get you the next part of the story.
So here it is.
The blah mean memories. The blah means thoughts.
Chapter 2: Time to Leave
While Serena was on her way to Hotaru, Setsuna, Michiru, and Haruka's mansion she was in her memories.
"Serenity……………… Come on we need to get going!!!!!" Yelled her brother.
"I'll be right there!!!!!!!!" Called the 10 year old Serena.
"Are you scared???"
"No, not really."
" Because I know I'll see you soon."
"I'll miss you. ………You promise you'll come back???"
"Yeah, You won't miss to much, because you're going to be a Gundam pilot. But I will miss you too."
I miss you brother. I can't wait to see you again after so long.
Serena was just coming out of her thoughts when she saw her "friends" coming out of Crow Arcade with Luna right next to them.
Now how did she beat me here???
"Serena!!" Yelled the group. The four inner senshi came running up to her.
" Is it true you said that you can't open up to us????" exclaimed Mina.
"Odango, what do you mean by that you're leaving?? You can't leave!!!!" hollered Raye.
"We have to stay together. You know that Serena!" whined Lita.
"We only have a few more month before school ends." stated Amy.
" I told you, you won't be able to leave." Luna said quietly.
Damn you Luna for telling them. I can't wait to see what will happen when Setsuna tells you other wise.
Just then the outer senshi came walking up.
" Hey guys!! Wuz up??" Haruka asked.
"Serena is leaving us!!! She won't even tell us why!!!!!" The girls yelled together. The outers just raised their eyebrows.
"You idiots never let me get in a word!!!" exclaimed Serena "So of course I never told you. And I don't plan on telling you, because it's none of your goddamn business!!!"
"But…" Raye was about to say but was cut off by Serena with a glare.
" The outers already know where I'm going. And they're coming with me."
The inners just gapped and stared. They didn't know hat to say. They were speechless.
"Since none of you have anything to say then we will take our leave of this dimension." Setsuna stated calmly. With that she brought out her Key staff. And opened a portal to the Time Gates. Serena, Hotaru, Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna walked in never looking back.
At The Time Gates
"So are you guys all set to go??" asked Serena enthusiastically.
" I can't wait!!!!!" Hotaru exclaimed.
"Then let us go, before the others come." Setsuna stated while opening the Time Gates. With that they all walked through the massive door thinking of what awaited them.
So how was it?? Tell me who would go best with Hotaru, Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna. And if I didn't say you this earlier this is a Serena/Heero pairing.