Thanks for the reviews! This is the last chapter, so I hope you like it!

Four Months Later

At The Kessler/Tovano Wedding

Sara shifted uncomfortably in the grey metal chair in which she was sitting. She knew a total of four people at this wedding, and that was including her husband and daughters!

Whilst everyone else danced happily away, the newly weds in the center of the extremely large group, Sara sat at the decorated table all alone. She was about to go and search for Gil when she spotted him on the dance floor.

Grace was cradled in her father's left arm, her head resting on his shoulder. Her brown eyes closed for a moment, then quickly opened. She was fighting to stay awake. It was understandable that she was tired, considering she had been passed around to various people of the wedding, under close watch of her mother, more times than any toddler should. Older couples smiled as memories of their own children returned to their aged minds. And younger couples seemed to like holding Grace, as if it gave them insight to what having their own kids would be like.

Liz was holding onto her father's unoccupied hand. A smile was on her face, revealing that she had three missing teeth. Sara smiled as she remembered the day that Liz had lost those teeth. All three in one day, and the little girl had never been happier.

It was etched very clearly into Sara's mind the first thing Liz had said after opening her mouth for her mother to see the holes.

'I can fit four straws into my mouth now!'

Sara glanced up to see not only Gil and their daughters approaching her, but also Heather and her new husband.

Gil sat down at the table, Grace still on his shoulder, while Liz stood by her mother. Heather and Trent were laughing as they finally got to the table.

Heather was wearing a white strapless dress, it's satin material shimmered in the sunlight. She looked even more astounding than usual. Trent seemed a bit uncomfortable in front of the people before him, but none of them seemed to mind.

"Sara, I want to thank you for coming and being my bridesmaid. I hope it wasn't too much to ask, considering we really don't know each other," Heather swayed slightly as she finished her sentence.

Both Gil and Sara caught on to this, noting that perhaps the dominatrix had had a little too much to drink. But it wasn't either of their places to say, so both simply smiled.

"Oh, it was no trouble at all. I hope you two will have the best life together," Sara replied, her gaze shifting from Heather to Trent. She couldn't help but note that they did look absolutely perfect together.

"If you ever need a sitter, you know where to find me!" Heather called as Trent pulled her to the dance floor.

Sara grinned as a slow song came on. The lights dimmed slightly, adding an even more romantic feeling to the already dreamy setting.

Gil stood up and turned around to a couple behind him.

"Mr. Clark, would you mind holding Grace for me? She shouldn't be much trouble since she's asleep," He glanced down at the sleeping toddler in his arms.

The man, in his early 30s or 40s, nodded. Gil gently handed Grace to him with a smile. He then turned to Liz.

"Your mother and I are going to dance. Stay in that chair, or with Mr. Clark's wife. Do not go anywhere else, sweetie," Gil smiled at his eldest daughter. She nodded, acknowledging her father's instructions. A sleepy look fell over her face and he doubted she would be awake much longer.

"May I?" Gil extended his hand to Sara with a grin.

She blushed slightly as she accepted his gesture, allowing herself to be gently pulled to the floor.

He placed his right hand on her waist, whilst the other entwined with her right hand. She rested her head on his shoulder as the two swayed gently to the music.

What had started out as a hectic day was ended all too perfectly. It was a very nice change, something they both wished could go on and on forever. But that was just a dream, a dream that Sara couldn't help but comment on.

"You know, this is my favorite part," Sara sighed happily.

"What part is that?" Gil inquired with a grin.

"The part where we dance, happily ever after."