Elemental Love…
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of it's characters.
Usagi rubbed her eyes as she woke up on the floor by the door that Demando had already left through earlier. Usagi looked at the door and sobbed. She heard some yelling and shouting outside of the door, which sounded like her sisters and the others were all fighting. Usagi slowly stood up. "Everyone?"
"It's not over yet!" Usagi heard Makoto shout. "We will not leave without what we came for!"
"The crystal? Or, my bride to be?" Demando's voice replied.
"Both!" Seiya's voice responded quickly.
"Seiya…" Usagi whispered.
"No matter what, even if you take Usagi back now… she belongs to me. Soon you will see that." Demando informed everyone. "She and I will bear the next generation of elements. That fate has already been determined."
Silence met Usagi's ears for a few moments. Usagi's heart throbbed. Was it possible that she would now have to marry Demando?
"We are not completely through with the Crystal, however." Demando's voice continued. "You see… There are other elements that need to be converted."
"I don't care! That crystal is not yours!" Makoto screamed.
Usagi placed her hand on her lips. "Mako-chan…" Usagi whispered as she heard the pain in Makoto's voice.
"Haven't you heart enough people?" Yaten's weak voice questioned the group.
"No. This is how it is suppose to be. We are not suppose to be unloved or unwelcomed!" Karaberas informed Yaten with a snap. "Why should you get everything?"
Yaten grunted. "Everything? I cannot even love the woman I love! I have to love that… genius girl over there that bores me half to death!"
Karaberas quickly replied. "I don't care who I must spend my life with! All I care about is being accepted!"
Demando chuckled. "You know, it is the same here. I could not be with the one I love. Why you ask? Because she was the chosen fifth element, and I was the rejected one. My family had me locked away for my own good! Which, the real reason that they locked me away was they were appalled by my black wings! The markings of the unaccepted!"
Usagi stared at the floor, imagining a tiny boy with black wings being locked in a closed off place. The darkness surrounding him like millions of shadowed hands, wanting to hurt the child. Usagi felt the tears flood her eyes. She chocked slightly on the tears that were caught in her throat.
"I don't care about your past." Mamoru responded. "Our only duty is to get that crystal… and Usako."
"Then, try to take it." Safiru said in a calm voice.
Usagi heard the others gasp, so she figured that he held out the crystal.
"I'm going to see my Princess." Demando informed them as Usagi heard footsteps make their way to her door. Within seconds, Demando opened the door and looked at Usagi who was still on the floor. He closed the door quickly behind him and scooped Usagi into his arms. "Usagi… I am now worthy of your love…" Usagi watched horrified as Demando's wings appeared but instead of the black ones he always had, his wings were a beautiful white color. "I have loved you for so long… yet I was not allowed to meet you." Demando's eyes filled with tears. "I wanted to hold you, like that guy was allowed to…" Demando gently placed her on the soft bed that was in the center of the room. The bed she originally woke up on when she first saw him. "I wanted to tell you my feelings for so long…" Demando climbed on top of Usagi, careful not to put his weight on her petit form. "And now, I am worthy enough to tell you my feelings, strait from my heart." He took her hand and placed it on his heart. "I love you, Usagi. I always have." With those words, Demando leaned down and kissed Usagi on her lips.
Seiya glared at the other elements. Sure, he was thrilled that if all this was true, he would not have to marry Rei… however it didn't solve his problem. He also wanted the freedom to pursue Usagi. Seiya glanced towards the door that Demando went into. "I'm going to save Usagi… you guys take care of them."
Taiki nodded his head. "Shouldn't someone accompany you?"
"I'll help him." Mamoru volunteered.
"No! I'm doing this alone!" Seiya seethed.
Mamoru glared at Seiya. "No, you're not!" Mamoru glanced over his shoulder to see Beruche studying her blue water. "These people are nothing to deal with."
Seiya glared at Mamoru. "Fine… looks like I have no choice." Seiya looked over at Taiki and Ami. "We will leave the quest for getting the crystal for you then." Seiya didn't wait for a response as he made a mad dash for the door that Usagi was behind. He quickly leaped into the air and used his entire body to kick open the door. He quickly stood up in the middle of the dark room and glanced around. "What the hell is this?"
"Seiya!" Mamoru's voice called out as the door slammed shut. Seiya watched as the door vanished. "Shit… it was a trap!"
Mamoru slammed his fist on the door. "Seiya!"
Safiru chuckled. "This place is located in an alternate dimension. Whatever we want, we get."
Mamoru glanced back at Safiru. "You can't always get what you want." Mamoru yanked the door open and took in the sight of a forest. "This is not something that I will lose to. Eventually, the dimension that Usagi is in will come up." Mamoru closed the door and then opened it once again. Again, the door led to a forest. "What?"
Safiru chuckled. "The door reacts to your powers. Only those who are the fifth element can wonder into their dimension. In other words, you've lost since her only chance is unconscious."
Mamoru glanced back to see Motoki still passed out on the floor. Once again, he lost to Motoki. Mamoru cursed under his breath as he threw his arm out to his side and summoned black vines to shatter through the ground and capture Safiru.
"Is that all you can do?" Safiru teased as he broke free from the weak vines. "You are nothing."
Usagi felt Demando's fingers caress her arm all the way up to her shoulder as he kissed her passionately. Usagi didn't know what to do. Her mind was filled with gibberish. Her body was involuntarily reacting to Demando's gentle touch. How could she stop this? If she does not do something soon, Demando just might…
Demando broke away from her and smiled down at her. His hair clung to his face, which actually helped to aid in making him seem even sexier. He stared into her eyes, as if he was searching her very soul. "I will make you my bride soon."
Usagi swallowed for the first time in what seemed like hours. "I am promised to…"
"Don't you get it… you're not promised to him anymore. You will be promised to me soon. You'll hear it from your own parent's mouths soon enough." Demando released Usagi and sat on the edge of the bed. "This is the way it was meant to be. Don't you think you can learn to love me?"
Usagi gasped as she watched Demando stand up and disappear from the room. "Learn to love him?"
Demando suddenly materialized before Seiya. Seiya glared at him. "What have you done to Usagi?"
Demando smirked at Seiya. "I have not hurt her. In fact, all I did was clam her as mine."
Seiya tightened his hands into fists. "She doesn't belong to you!"
Demando watched Seiya's face flush with amusement. "Oh, do you also love her?"
Seiya suddenly snapped his eyes open and stared at Demando in shock. "What?"
Demando chuckled. "It is fruitless for a man who only controls fire to fall in love with someone who is the fifth element. We all must stay with our own kind."
Seiya tightened his jaw with anger. "That is stupid!"
"Is it? Now your wife to be is… Cooan!" Demando informed the raven haired man. "You two make a good match!" Demando bust out in laughter. "Too bad it's not going to last."
"I'm going to defeat you… and then you will reverse everything you had done!" Seiya promised.
Demando suddenly stopped laughing and became serious. He looked at Seiya with almost a pitiful expression. "You… don't know?"
Seiya became alert. "Know what?"
"Once the element looses their color… it can never be reversed!" Demando informed Seiya. "Meaning, your promised girl will always carry the black flame… and Cooan will carry the red flame."
Seiya stared at Demando in shock. "Then… Yaten… Mamoru… Rei and… impossible! I don't believe you!"
Demando shook his head. "Believe it. Your lives are now completely different!"
Seiya fell involuntarily to his knees. "Everyone…"
Demando sighed. "You still have your flame for now… but your flame has been claimed as well."
Seiya stared at Demando. "By who?"
"By me." Suddenly a third voice interrupted their conversation. Seiya turned to see Rubeus enter the darkened area. "Long time."
Seiya shook his head. "You mean… there's more of you?"
Demando smirked. "Only a few left. I must fulfill my promise."
Seiya suddenly felt as if his life was sucked out of his body. What the hell was happening?
Mamoru stared at the thorny vines that engulfed the room that Seiya had vanished into earlier. "How?"
"It senses that you are a user of earth. Seiya is in a room of most likely fire and ash." Taiki informed Mamoru. "We need a fellow spirit user to gain access to Usagi." Taiki looked down at their only hope. "Motoki! Wake up!"
Mamoru tightened his jaw. "Why is it always him?!"
Rei looked at Mamoru with a horrified expression. "Does it matter?!"
Mamoru glared at her as he placed his right hand firmly on the middle of his chest. "I want to be her hero for once!" Mamoru turned from the sight and stormed off.
"I never seen Mamoru…" Rei whispered.
"He's compassionate." Taiki informed her. "When it comes to Usagi. Both him and Seiya." Taiki examined Motoki's eyes. "But, it looks like the feeling between Usagi and Mamoru is mutual, while the others are left out."
Rei gasped. "No…" She whispered. Rei turned away, unable to look at Taiki. Her own heart was breaking. 'Why is it always Usagi?'
Motoki's eyes opened. "Taiki!" He gasped. "What…?"
"It's okay… but we need you to open a door." Taiki informed Motoki quickly. "Usagi is being held behind it."
Motoki looked towards the door that Mamoru stood beside. "Sure…"
"No you won't!" Cooan shouted as she threw some fire at Motoki. Rei leaped in front of the fire and summoned a black wall of fire that canceled Cooan's fire.
Motoki ran towards the door and placed his fingers on the doorknob.
"NO!" Karaberas shouted as she threw some wind towards Motoki. "You can't disobey our Prince!"
Motoki got ready for the hit, but Taiki leaped in the path of the blast. He took the full blow and shielded Motoki. "Do it!"
Motoki quickly turned the knob and yanked the door open. Usagi sat on the bed in the middle of the room. Her eyes widened with surprise. "How?"
Taiki smirked. "Motoki has Demando's old powers."
Motoki rushed into the room and took Usagi in his arms. "Lets get out of here!" He yelled as he took her from the bed.
"How dare you defy our Prince!" Cooan yelled as she shot fire at the two.
"Baka! If you hurt the girl, Demando-sama will never forgive you!" Karaberas shouted.
Rei ran to the door and closed it quickly. She then reopened it to reveal three men in the middle of a black room. Seiya looked over at Rei. "No! Rei!" Seiya shouted.
Demando glared at Rei. "I will not allow you to escape! Not with her!" Demando pointed at Usagi as she leaned against Motoki's chest.
Seiya tightened his jaw once again. "Even if I die… I will not allow you to have her!"
Usagi gasped as she watched Seiya throw his hand up and release a blast of flames. "Seiya!"
Seiya didn't look over at them as he released another blast. "Leave! I will not allow them to have you!"
Mamoru embraced Usagi from behind. Motoki released his hold on her. "We should go then. Seiya will be fine."
Usagi released a cry as she watched Rubeus attack Seiya with his black flames. Seiya ran towards the two men, his fists were engulfed with flames. Usagi shook her head. "SEIYA!!!!!"
Demando quickly slammed his elbow into Seiya's eye which caused Seiya to fall onto his back. The flames vanished in an instant. "No one shall have her except me."
Seiya glared up at Demando. "I know that I cannot have her but she deserves better than you."
Demando rushed from the room to see some of the elements rushing from the room. Safiru smiled as the remaining elements surrounded him. "It's impossible for you to get this crystal from me."
Ami, Rei, Minako, Makoto and Motoki surrounded him. "If my calculations are correct, it is far from impossible."
Demando turned to chase after the other elements just as he was struck on the back of his head. Demando quickly passed out and collapsed onto the ground. Taiki smirked as he grabbed Demando by his hair and pulled him up. Taiki took a small knife from his pocket and placed the blade against Demando's neck. "Give us the crystal… or I will slice his throat!"
Everyone froze. Safiru cursed under his voice. "Demando-sama…" He glared at the surrounding elements. "Fine!" He tossed the jewel at Ami. "Take it and get the hell out of here."
Ami caught the jewel and smiled. Quickly she nodded at the others and they all made a dash towards the exit. Taiki stayed behind, holding the knife to Demando's throat.
"Let me warn you, Taiki-san… this is not the last time you will see us." Safiru informed him.
Taiki nodded his head. "I did not count for this to be over yet." He threw Demando onto the ground and took off running after the others. The women rushed over to Demando's side. Cooan picked him up in her arms. "Prince Demando-sama!"
The elements quickly returned to their own dimension, proud that they had retrieved the crystal. Without any words, they went home in the limo they had used to leave home in. Unsure about what the future held for them. Their parents were only all too happy to great the ten elements.
"Oh, I am so happy that you all returned unharmed!" The girls' mother proclaimed as she embraced the girls. The five boys stood to the side, awkward.
"Nothing happened to you… right?" The boys' father asked.
Usagi shook her head. "They just wanted to be accepted."
Everyone looked at Usagi as if she was crazy. "What do you mean, dear?"
Usagi opened her mouth just as Ami clasped her hand over Usagi's mouth. "We took care of everything!"
Usagi tried to talk but Ami kept a firm hold on Usagi. The mother chuckled. "Then, lets all have dinner."
Ami released Usagi as their parents left the front porch. "Shhh…"
Taiki nodded his head. "We don't want them to know about the powers. At least, not yet."
Usagi growled at them as Yaten passed by her. "You look like a little three year old brat."
Usagi glared at Yaten. "Look at you!"
Seiya walked up to Usagi's side. "Enough of the stupid fighting." Seiya was truthfully exhausted. With using his ability so many times, he completely wore himself out.
"Seya-kun…" Usagi whimpered as Seiya strolled past her and Yaten.
"Oi! He looks like he's just about dead…" Yaten noticed.
Usagi nodded in agreement before she followed Seiya into the dining area. She quickly took her normal seat and waited until the servers came out with their dinner. "I am so hungry!" Usagi cried out.
"Shhh!" Minako tried to shush her as the servants came out of the kitchen. Each one wore a hat which was very abnormal. Usagi bit her lower lip. The servants turned to face the table and one bowed beside Usagi's mother.
"My lady, we have brought you dinner and news." The man's familiar voice said softly to Usagi's mother. She turned to look at the man.
"Who are you?" Their mother asked. "You…"
Suddenly, white wings sprouted out from the man's back. His shoulder length white hair flew out from under his hat as he pushed his hat from his face. "My name is Demando. I am here to claim Usagi-san's hand in marriage."
The parents gasped and turned their attention to Motoki. "Say it isn't true, Motoki!" His mother pleaded.
"Yes, show them your wings." Demando told Motoki. "Your devil wings."
"NO!" Usagi's mother yelled. "It can't be!"
Motoki lowered his head. "I'm sorry…"
The others removed their hats and each held out proof that they were no longer the black unfavorable elements.
"NO!" The girls' mother yelled.
"Who did you take these powers from?!" The girls' father demanded.
Minako lowered her head as Yaten cursed under his breath.
"DAMN IT!" The father yelled. "They used the crystal!"
Usagi jumped up. "Does it really matter?!" She slammed her hands on the table. "All we need to do is reverse the spell!"
Her father stood up and slammed his own hands on the table. "You don't understand! You cannot reverse what has been done! Whoever has been manipulated can never return to what they once were! Plus, a true element cannot marry the black element! It would mean elemental doom!"
Usagi placed her hands over her mouth as her eyes widened in horror. "Oh…no…"
Minako stood up. "There must be a way!"
Minako's mother shook her head. "The only thing to do is use the golden crystal… but it's been gone for centuries!" Her body trembled. "Who… is now a black element?"
Minako raised her hand, along with Yaten. Mamoru and Rei raised their hands as well. Motoki started to raise his hand when Usagi raised hers suddenly. "I'm black!"
Demando gasped. "What?! Stop lying!" Demando slammed his hands on the table. "You are still a true element! You and I are meant to be together."
Seiya stood up. "What will happen to the black elements?"
His father groaned. "They will be… banished from our home and this life."
Seiya placed his hand on his chest. "So, then I no long have to marry Rei?"
His father glared at him. "Because she is not a true element… she will be able to marry who ever she wants. The magic will die when she dies."
Seiya glared at Cooan. "I am also a impure element, and I will marry Usagi!"
Usagi gasped as Seiya took her wrist and pulled her towards him. He quickly claimed her lips right in front of everyone.
"HEY! He's lying!" Demando hollered. "I did not take their powers!" Demando glared at the couple. "She's my bride to be!"
Seiya broke his kiss with Usagi as he turned his half opened eyes to Demando. "Not anymore."
"LIAR!" Demando seethed.
"You dare call our children liars?" Usagi's mother asked.
Taiki smiled up at Seiya. This was the first time that Seiya actually took a chance and claimed his love for Usagi. A forbidden love, and he may actually get away with it. Taiki turned to look at Ami. Ami suddenly blushed as she placed her hands on her cheeks. "Ami and I both also were converted."
"What?!" Karaberas gasped as Taiki stood up and walked over to Ami's side. "As a fellow dark magic user, I think it would be a good idea if I proclaim Ami to be my future wife." He gently took Ami's hand and brought it up to his lips. Ami's face became redder than an apple as he brushed his lips against the back of her hand.
"Well… I…" The girl's father shook his head with frustration. "Wait! This can't be right!"
Yaten glared at Taiki and Seiya. "Nothing can top the fact that Minako actually told me she loved me before we had our powers taken!"
Minako blushed feverishly. "I blurted it out without thinking!"
Yaten stood up and looked at Minako's parents. He held out his hand and summoned some black water. "May I please have the permission to marry Minako?! PLEASE!"
Minako felt her heart flutter. "Yaten...!" She whispered.
Mamoru slammed his fist onto the table. "Well, if this is the case… I want Usako's hand as well!"
Usagi fainted as Mamoru's words.
Rei glared at him. "Why is it always her?! Why can't you love me?!"
Makoto shook her head as she sipped on her drink. Motoki walked over to her side and sat down. "This is a bit… crazy…"
Makoto snickered. "That's why I love this family."
Motoki traced the outside of the plate before him with his finger. "Makoto… would you mind…"
Makoto looked at Motoki. "What?"
Motoki blushed. "Please help me open a bakery!"
Makoto blushed. "A… bakery?"
Demando suddenly erupted out in anger. "Show us your dark powers then we'll go from there!"
The four parents nodded their head. "I have to agree with his request." The boys' father informed everyone. "Who's first?"
A/N: Uh oh… what will happen next? Gosh... these elements can't have a moment of piece, huh? Well… it wouldn't be fun if they were best friends instead of rivals, right? Please review the story and let me know what you think!