Alright, I have to admit I REALLY lost hope for this story, mainly because I got really far in it, when my old laptop crashed for the first time. It's not fun to rewrite things, because it's just not the same, so I never got around to it...Well, that laptop completely crashed, thereby taking away all hope of recovering the data. Now, well, I'm just going to try writing stuff, and even though it's not interesting to me, hopefully some people will like it.

Special thanks to...well, everybody! Thanks for still sticking with this. And sorry for my ultimate laziness in not replying to any reviews. At least I acknowledge it! Haha. Like that helps.

(I know this chapter's sucky, but it's the best I can do. Um, um, um...Deal.)

Chapter Fourteen: Yellow Pod

"Pika! Pika pika pika CHAAAA," commented Pikachu, pointing a tiny paw at the strange green sky.

"You tink dis place is polluted? I hoipe not, or my poifect fur will get ruined," replied Meowth.

Pikachu rolled his eyes. "Pika pi..."

"I'm not conceited! How rude, Pikachu, and here I thought we was pals!" remarked Meowth.

Pikachu ignored Meowth and entered the abnormally large building. By entered, I mean, Pikachu electrocuted the door, the Meowth, the grass, the Meowth, and the door knob till all the aforementioned items turned to blackened pieces of...electrocuted material. And one scorched Meowth.

A distressed man came seemingly out of nowhere, and threw himself onto the floor. "No! My precious door! How can this BE? That door was my LIFE, my HOPES, my DREAMS! And now it's gooone!"

"Pikachu, pika..."

(That guy's worse than you, Meowth.)

"I'll pretend I didn't hear dat," muttered an injured (yeah right) Meowth.

"Pika?" tried Pikachu, poking the distraught man on the floor.

"No, no, no, I traded a whole limited edition chocolate Gary figurine for this door! How am I supposed to go on? No, noooo..."

"Pika?" Pikachu poked him again.

"It's not fair...why couldn't my sweaters from Mommy burn down, or that apron that says "Nerd" on it get zapped to oblivion...why did it have to be my DOOR!" wailed the man.

Pikachu lost patience. "Pika...chuuuuu!" Meowth and the man were electrocuted.

"Pikachu! Stop doing dat!" snapped Meowth, after it slightly recovered from the shock.

"...Ouch," said the man. Then he shook himself, stared at the remains of the door for one last time, and then wore a big fake smile and said, "Hi! I'm Professor Stem! And you're the jerks that destroyed my precious door!"

"No dat was just Pikachu," pointed out Meowth.

"Whatever," said Professor Stem, clearly not listening and slash or caring. "Anyway, do you want a monpoke?"

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"You don't know what a monpoke is?" gasped Professor Stem. "Blasphemy! I'll have to educate you two misfits!"

"Hey! I'm not a misfit!" said an offended Meowth.

Pikachu coughed, clearly disagreeing with Meowth.

"THIS is a monpoke," said Professor Stem. He released a stick of gum from a Pokesphere. The gum had the power to change the color of people's tongues. "This is called a Gumm." Then he took another pokesphere from a nearby table, and released another monpoke. The next one was very similar to a floating ghost sheet, except that it was a quilt, and it was orange and black. "And this one is a Hallosheet."

Finally, Professor Stem released the Waveling.

Meowth and Pikachu stared at them for a while until finally...

"Pika pi pikachu," said Pikachu, pointing to the Hallosheet.

"Den I'll take da Gumm," decided Meowth.

"Perfect! Okay, jerks, I'm going to need you to sign these forms so I can sue you in the name of all that is good and Gary," said Professor Stem, holding up long, scary, and official-looking papers.

"Pika!" gasped Pikachu. He started running.

"Pikachu, wait for meee!" whined Meowth, following.

"Darn!" muttered Professor Stem. "I'll get them someday! Door, I will avenge you!"

And now, we will shift the focus away from Professor Stem...

"Pikachu, pika! Pikachu?" suggested Pikachu.

"Huh? But I tought you was one of the good twoips. Why do you want to steal all of a sudden?" asked Meowth, confused.

"Pikachu! Pi, pika! Chaaa! Kachu!" explained Pikachu.

"You're right, the doors ARE easy to break into! For a twoip, you're a genius!" exclaimed Meowth.

"Kachu!" agreed Pikachu. "Pika pi!"

"And you said I was conceited..." muttered Meowth. Meowth then found a black lake (hmm) and started to look into it for his reflection. But he couldn't see anything. That made him sad.

"Pikachu." Pikachu rolled his eyes yet again, and tugged on Meowth, trying to get him to leave it.

"Dis place needs more mirrors," said Meowth. "Let's steal dat foist!"

"Cha!" Pikachu and Meowth shared a high five, then scampered off to become famous.