Sorry I took extremely long to update this story. See I have to feel 'inspired' in order to continue writing. Lately, if you've noticed, I've been inspired with my 'The Ice Skater and the Rebel Skateboarder'. But since I can't update that one (read the a/n in story), I'll update this one. Don't kill me or I won't write anymore. Haha, just kidding. Send in reviews no flames. Enjoy!


Will opened a portal where the trees covered her friends and their daughters. The all too familiar portal appeared in front of them. The small girls opened their mouths in excitement.

"This is so sad, our last mission as Guardians together", Taranee sighed.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so weird knowing that our daughters are gonna be doing the same thing as we did", Hay Lin agreed.

"If they're gonna do what we did…" Irma smirked at Cornelia, "…then tell your daughter to not fall for any hot guy in Merridean like you did cause it gets in the way"

"Shut up! She wouldn't be here if I didn't fall in love with Caleb…and it did not get in the way", Cornelia glared.

"Tss, yeah right", Irma glared back.

"Gees, even after all these years you two are still fighting over nothing", Will grinned.

"It's a tradition, duh", Hay Lin laughed.

"Oh yeah…we're already forgetting what we're supposed to do, come on", Taranee reminded.

"Girls, pay attention to what you have to do in order to transform into Guardians of the Veil, ok?" Hay Lin smiled at the small girls.

All 5 girls, who were talking to each other, plopped themselves on the ground and looked at Will with shinning eyes. Will smiled at their faces and looked at the Heart.

"Guardians unite!" she exclaimed.

The Heart glowed bright pink and let out the hot pink, aqua, orange, green, and silver orbs with the symbols. The orbs circled around each girl and transformed then into a ball of color. Their clothes changed to the turqoise and pink outfits they were so used to. Wings sprouted from their backs and their forms grew a small bit. The small girls stood up and stared in awe and fascination.

"The Heart!"





"Oh my gosh! You look super pretty, mom!" Heather exclaimed, along with the rest of her young friends.

"Even after giving birth, I'm still skinny and beau-ti-ful", Irma stroke a pose and winked.

Cornelia elbowed her playfully and laughed along with her friends. The small girls tilted their heads in confusion but smiled widely anyway. They took their daughters in their arms (meaning like they do Caleb that they carry their arms) and flew into the portal. They flew to the happy and colorful world of Merridean. The sun was gleaming down on the villagers, who were doing their daily chores.

"Hey, so Rebbeca and Gabriel were born here?" Amy asked Taranee.

"Yeah, and so was their dad", Hay Lin added.

"And her mom?" Trixie asked.

"No, not her. We would always come here and fight evil when it was ugly here", Will smiled.

Some of the villagers below saw the shadow of the very familiar 5 guardians flying and stopped their activities to wave at them happily. The five giggled softly as smiled back instead of waving because they were holding their daughters.

"Mom, that's where Queen Elyon lives, right?" Rebbeca asked.

Some times when they would go to Merridean, Rebbeca and Gabriel would see Elyon around Merridean, checking up on her people. They knew her well, but they haven't seen her inside the castle or her husband or children (yeah, she has children and a husband, you'll see later. Her husband is my own character…and yes Cornelia and Caleb did go and visit her, but without the kids).

"Yeah, have they gone to the castle yet, Cornelia?" Hay Lin asked.

"No, they've only seen her around Merridean", Cornelia responded.

"You guys know a queen? Oh my gosh you guys are lucky!" Elizabeth exclaimed while looking down at the houses.

"Hey Amy have you- Amy? What's wrong?" Heather asked, noticing that she had her eyes closed shut and holding on to Taranee's arms desperatley.

"N-N-Nothing…", Amy studdered quietly and held on to her mom tighter.

Taranee looked down at her daughter and carried her up bridal style. Amy opened her eyes to meet the cinnoman eyes she loved.

"What's wrong, Amy?" Taranee asked.

"I-I'm scared of h-h-hights", Amy studdered.

"It's ok, I was too. Don't worry, you're safe here with me", Taranee smiled warmly.

Amy smiled wide and hugged Taranee's neck. The caslte was getting closer and closer until they were at the gates. They flew down on the solid ground and put their daughters down. The two guards (not wearing ugly spikes and helmets, they look like normal nice guards, lol) smiled and willingly let the large door down so they could enter.

"It's so nice to see you girls again", a deep voice greeted from inside the castle.

"Tinor!" the girls exclaimed as their friend came through the door.

"I see you brought young ones, are they yours?" Tinor asked sweetly.

The small girls smiled nervously at his size and…ugliness. They weren't used to it.

"Yes, they're our daughters and after this last visit, they will be the new Guardians of the Veil", Will smiled.

"Aren't they…too young?" Tinor asked with confusion.

"Well, that's what we thought, but the Heart of Candracar told us to come here, so that's why we came to see Queen Elyon", Taranee explained.

"I see, I will inform the Queen of your arrival. Please come in", Tinor bowed respectfully and then walked through the long hall to the throne room.

The Guardians and the young girls walked into the castle. The small girls arched their backs crazily to see the tall ceiling and opened their mouths in awe.

"It's been a while since I've been here", Irma looked around as the memories all came back to her when this place used to be ugly and ruled by Phobos.

"Yeah, I can't believe this place used to be so…repulsive", Taranee added.

Tinor soon came back up to them, "Queen Elyon is very happy that you are here. You may go into the throne room". Tinor gestured towards the gigantic green door.

The 10 girls (whoa, that's weird) made their way to the big doors and pushed them opened. There were two small creatures (they were cute, not ugly) that were asking Elyon something. She just smiled and responded something before looking up at the five guardians and their daughters. Her face lit up completely and she clasped her hands together.

"Will! Irma! Taranee! Cornelia! Hay Lin!" Elyon exclaimed and ran over to hug all five of them.

The girls had a small reunion before looking at their friend.

"Oh my god! You look so pretty, Elyon! You have got to lend me one of your outfits", Hay Lin squealed.

Elyon had a crown similar to the one she used to have, only it was a different size and color. She had a beautiful flowing purple dress (like in the books, you've seen it right?).

"Heh, what are friends for?" Elyon smiled her geniuine smile. "Oh, are these your girls?" Elyon knelt down to look at the faces of the overly excited small girls.

"Yeah, this is my daughter, Heather. Irma's daughter is Elizabeth. Taranee's is Amy. Cornelia's is Rebbeca. And Hay Lin's is Trixie", Will responded, pointing to each of the girls.

"Are…Are you really a queen?" Heather asked shyly.

Elyon giggled softly, "Yes, I am"

"Cool", all five young girls cooed.

"So, why this pleasant visit (Elyon's language changed queenish like)?" Elyon asked, coming back up to eye level with the girls.

"Well, we actually don't know. You see, our girls were chosen to be the new Guardians of the Veil", Will started to explain.

Elyon's eyes went wide and she put her delicate hand over her mouth. Her eyes started to scan the sides, her face showing disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Cornelia asked in worry.

"This…this isn't supposed to happen yet…did this happen today?" Elyon asked as she ran in baby steps (she has heels people, lol) towards her big throne, going up the stairs to go to her chair.

"Yes, but what's the problem, Elyon? What's wrong?" Will asked as she took a few steps forward.

"Will, lend me the Heart of Candracar please", Elyon said softly, extending her hand for the Heart.

Will glanced at the others before flying up to give Elyon the Heart of Candracar. Will flew back down to the ground and looked up to see what Elyon was going to do. Elyon raised the Heart in front of her and started to chant something that the girls could not read. The Heart started to glow bright pink and the ceiling seemed to turn invisible. Elyon lifted the Heart until it was facing the sky. The Heart let out a dark beam towards the sky that turned part of the blue sky into the night sky.

"Elyon, what's…what's going on?" Taranee exclaimed because the beam started to let out a loud noise.

The small girls clutched onto their mothers, afraid and excited at the same time. Elyon's eyes didn't leave the dark sky. The Heart of Candracar started to shake, and that's when Elyon chanted something quietly and everything slowly turned to normal. Elyon started to go down the stairs.

"Elyon, please tell us what's happening", Cornelia said with a hint of frustration.

"Come", Elyon gestured them as she walked through a door.

The ten girls quickly ran after her. Once they were inside, Elyon closed the door and everything was dark.

"Mom!" the girls exclaimed and held on to them tighter.

"Elyon?" Hay Lin called out.

A small light glowed on their right. It was the Heart of Candracar, which Elyon was still holding. Elyon walked slowly towards something and placed the Heart on a surface. The Heart was absorbed by the surface and everything was pitch black again.


"Wait…just watch", Elyon's voice said.

Suddenly, all around them holograms of planets and stars started to appear everywhere (like in Star Wars 3, where it's like a mini solar system inside a room). The room was big, they could tell. Now they could see Elyon fully in the center.

"So the Heart of Candracar sucked in the solar system and now it's showing us holograms?" Hay Lin gasped.

"No, it…took a picture", Elyon smiled.

The little girls started to run around and play with the stars that were on their height level.

"Why did you do that Elyon?" Will asked as she came next to Elyon.

"Listen. When I became Queen of Merridean, I went to Candracar (look I haven't seen many of the new episodes but I know that they've been to Candracar, right? And if they haven't…well lets pretend they did XD…no it's not book based) because the Oracle wanted to see me. He told me that after a few years, something would happen…", Elyon started.

"He told me that five planets would form a perfect circle and it would unleash a some kind of dark aoura (spelling?) to Earth because of the light the planets give. 'When that time comes, something will change', he said. He didn't tell me what it was, but now I know what changes…the Guardians do, it all makes sense. I didn't expect the time for new evil to come now…this is a very bad time", Elyon sighed sadly.

"How do you know the planets are formed?" Irma asked as she looked around.

"Look, right there", Elyon pointed right above her. It was true; there were five planets in a circle, but one of them was out of place.

"We only have a few days until that one planet forms perfectly", Taranee gasped.

"Exactly, and if it's only a few days, the girls won't be able to have that much training. And not only that, but if the Heart already chose someone, then we have to listen to what it says", Elyon replied as she opened the door and took out the Heart of Candracar, making the solar system disappear.

"What should we do, Will?" Cornelia asked as Elyon gave Will the Heart.

"I…I don't know…", Will sighed.

"This is terrible, time went by so fast", Elyon walked with the girls through the castle.

"Can't we break the rules and give our girls their powers after this? That way we can fight", Will asked.

"I don't think that's very possible. You have to give them their powers as soon as possible", Elyon replied.

"HAYYEA!" a small boy's voice echoed through the open hall they were walking in.

"What was that?" Hay Lin asked, looking around.

"Oh, that's just Sasuke", Elyon replied.

"Sasuke? Who's that?" Irma asked.

"Oh that's right! You haven't been here in a long time. Well, ahehe, Sasuke is my 12-year-old son", Elyon blushed.

"You have a son! Why didn't you tell us?" Cornelia crossed her arms, disappointed that Elyon didn't tell her.

"Well you guys haven't been here so I haven't been able to tell you. And Cornelia, everytime I see you, I forget to tell you because I'm so busy", Elyon smiled nervously.

"Well introduce now", Irma smirked.

"Ok ok, he's probably in the training room with Derek, my husband", Elyon said as she opened a door.

"Ok Sasuke, I think we should stop now. You look extremely tired", a man with a gentle face, blue eyes, and hazelnut hair panted softly (I'll give better description at bottom of chapter).

"No way! I bet I can take you down right now if I wanted to", a small boy punched the air and looked determined to his father (description at bottom of chapter).

"Even if you could, it's almost time to eat so you have to take a shower", the man laughed.

"I'm not even hungry, but I guess I have to go anyway. Oh, hi mom", the boy smiled widely at Elyon.

"Hi Sasuke, I want you to say hello to my friends", Elyon gestured sweetly towards the Guardians and their daughters.

"Hello, my name is Sasuke. It's very nice to meet you", Sasuke bowed slightly (heh, when you're son of a queen, I bet you're taught to do that or something XP).

The older girls giggled at his politness and waved at him sweetly. The smaller girls only blushed and smiled shyly.

"And this is my husband, Derek", Elyon informed the girls.

"So you're the Guardians of the Veil. It's such an honor to meet you. I'm sorry if I'm all sweaty", Derek shook their hands firmly with a wide smile.

"It's ok, we've seen worse", Cornelia smirked.

"And you must be Cornelia, Elyon's best friend. She talks so much about you. Hey, why don't you all join us for lunch?" Derek asked.

The girls glanced at Will then at Elyon.

"Yeah, we'd love to have you for lunch…that is if you don't have anything to do", Elyon nodded at the idea.

"No, we'd be happy to stay. We can catch up and stuff", Taranee smiled, totally forgetting about the problem.

"I'm not hungry, I don't know about you girls?" Rebbeca said.

"Yeah, we're not hungry", the other girls nodded in agreement.

"I know, why don't you go with Sasuke? He's not hungry either", Derek suggested.

"Do you wanna go with Sasuke?" Hay Lin asked the girls.

The small girls blushed pink and started to move around nervously.

"Haha, I think they don't mind", Irma smiled.

"Ok, go show them around, Sasuke. And get to know each other", Elyon smiled as the adults left the room.

There was an awkward silence between the five girls and Sasuke, staring at each other in curiosity. Do I seriously have to be with girls? The only girl I've talked to is my mom… Sasuke thought in panic inside.

Sasuke looked at each girl carefully, but one of them caught his eye. He had never seen anyone so appealing to him before. And that girl was…


Lol, who do you think Sasuke's gonna fall in love with? Whoever guesses it right, I'll put your name on the next chapter. All you have to do is give me the letter, not the name. Is it:

A. Heather
B. Elizabeth
C. Amy
D. Rebbeca
E. Trixie

Review review review! Oh, and sorry if it was crappy, I did the last part in sort of a hurry. Sorry, promise to update sooner, later taters!