"What My Sisters Would Do If They Met Edward Elric…"
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.
Dedicated to my sisters, El and T.k.
Author's Note: My name is Al, so in the very beginning, I'm talking about me.
Al, El, and T.k. were watching Fullmetal Alchemist like they always do on Saturday night.
It was commercial break and Al went to get some snacks for the rest of the show.
"I wonder what it would be like to be in the FMA world…" T.k. wonders out loud.
"I would be dating Edward Elric!" El adds.
"Uh huh…I wonder what he would say if he met you…." T.k. replies.
"He would want to make out of course," El replies.
"Ok! TMI! Too much info!" T.k. warns.
Al comes into the room with a ton of snacks at hand.
"Did I miss anything?" Al asks frantically.
"Nope, but…" T.k. starts, but is cut off by Al. "Shhh! Alphonse is speaking!"
It is now 1:15 a.m. and Al is exhausted.
"I'm going to bed you guys," Al comments as she yawns as proof.
"Me too. I'm so tired," T.k. adds.
"Wimps," El mutters.
Soon all the girls fall asleep, but little did they know, that two of them would wake up in a different world.
The alarm goes off and T.k. is quick to throw it across the room to shut it off.
"Ouch! Watch it Al!" Someone screams.
"Sorry, Brother," another voice replies.
T.k.'s eyes shoot wide open, and her and El shoot strait up in their beds.
"Who are you!" T.k. screams.
"Why in the world are you in my bed you pervert!" El yells as she hits a short, blonde young man of 16.
"Don't touch me you armored freak!" T.k. yells as she kicks another man in a suit of armor.
"Stop! We're not trying to hurt you!" The armored one yells.
"And you are in my bed, you fan girl!" The short one yells while sitting on the floor, rubbing in his head.
El gets as much cover as she can to cover herself. T.k. is fuming when she realizes that she has seen these people before.
"Oh crap!" T.k. mumbles to herself.
"Why the hell are you in our room!" The blonde one yells.
"Brother!" The armored one scolds.
"You two aren't the Elric brothers by any chance, are you?" T.k. asks nervously.
To Be Continued...
If you review, I'll continue! Flames are welcomed!