A/N: Heads-up: I already know like, the Organization XIII members, but for spoiler reasons, I'm not gonna get too in-depth, okay? xDD

The head of the Organization XIII looked the girl before him up and down, raising an eyebrow. "And you want to join…whyyyy?"

"Why NOT?" the teenybopper squealed, her yellow hair flying every which way. "That's MY philosophy! If it's on fire, TOUCH IT! If it's got a chemical hazard sticker on it, DRINK IT! If it moves, hell, SLEEP WITH IT!"

There was a disturbing buzz of silence.

"WHY are you here, again?" the Man asked.

"Well…" the girl began, her eyes like emeralds. "I kinda saw your ad in the newspaper—you know, after the ad for strippers and anti-depressants—and it seemed like a cool idea. I AM kinda half-empty, half-full, y'know?"

"Okay, if you REALLY want to join, here's the deal: cut the hair. It's too long and frilly and all shoujo-ish—the Organization is for badasses, not prom queens—"

The girl's questioning gaze landed on Axel across the room, who looked ready to pounce on her.

The Man continued. "And secondly, lose the schoolgirl get-up. I mean, really. Do you want to dominate, or be DOMINATED?"

"Well, uh, actually—"

"And lastly, you need a cool name. Something great. Something…X!"



"What do you mean…?"

"Didn't you read the ad?" The Man whipped out a newspaper, pointing at a teeny section entitled: 'We Want YOU to Join the Organization XIII!' "'The Organization requires codenames—but codenames under a strict policy…All of them must contain the letter X!' See? It's printed here, clear as day!"

The girl raised an eyebrow. "What kind of idiot made THAT rule?"

"I dunno. A mad genius, I suppose…Who happens to have an amazing X-fetish. And plus, when you hear the name"—he squinted at the woman's name tag—"Tabitha Meepers Jeepers Creepers Molly Sue Kazoo, do you QUAKEN with pure, unadulterated FEAR?"

"Uh, no, not really."

"Exactly! So come up with something!"

A few moments passed…

The girl beamed, holding up her fore finger. "…Oh! Now that I think about it, I have a name in mind!"

"Okay, then. Shoot!"



And thus, the annoying blonde and preppy high school girl was dubbed LARXENE.

The End.