Disclaimer:I don't own Teen Titans. I own Kudos, Bade, Trevet, and Cira.


Starfire lay on the floor, not moving at all for fear the wolves would return. She couldn't feel my right arm, and felt something sticky on her leg. She gave up on trying to be brave and tears flowed freely down her face. Right now, she had no hope left, her friends would never find her here, and she would lie on the cold ground until all her blood was gone or until the wolves became hungry. Star's head snapped up when she heard the cellar door open.

"Are you done playing?" Kudos' voice said, flowing down the steps.

She didn't respond to him with words, she only let out a pain filled sob. Too her relief she heard heavy footsteps descending down the stairs. A pair of rough hands grabbed her under her shoulders and painfully hauled her to her feet. Once he let go of her, to try to let her stand on her own, Starfire collapsed on the floor once again.

"You've got to be kidding me," Kudos breathed out angrily, "you can't even stand?"

When Star didn't respond, she felt a foot kick her in the ribs, sending more waves of pain through her already pained body. Hands tangled themselves in her hair and dragged her to the steps, which Kudos proceeded to cruelly drag her up. Once upstairs Starfire was left on the floor, and she began to crawl to her room. Once inside she made her way over to the old dirty mirror, that was cracked and barely useable, and pulled herself off of the floor. From what she could see in the mirror, she looked horrible. Half of her hair had fallen out of the pony tail, she had deep gashes in her cheeks and her lips were swollen from where she had accidentally bitten herself. Pulling her gaze from her face, she looked down at the rest of her body. Her right arm was badly mauled; her bone visible in a few places, and her leg had a deep cut in it. Taking in a shaky breath, Starfire made her way to the bed. Looking out the small window Star realized she had no idea where she was. The familure city had changed into dirty streets, clubs, and lights. The water that she had gazed at with Robin so many times was no where in site. Moaning quietly, she threw herself down on the bed and began to sob. Eventually her sobs ceased as an idea slowly began to make it's way into her head, there was a window in her room. Forgetting her pain for the time being Starfire scrabbled to a sitting position and ran her hands over the glass, no bars, she was so happy she almost cried. Everything doesn't go perfectly, however, for when she looked out the window she discovered a 25 ft drop to cement. Biting her lip, she tried to determine what she was going to do. Deciding cement was nothing compared to what she was going to have to endure here, she crept to the door and pressed her ear against it, nobody. Limping back to the window Starfire took her uninjured leg and kicked out the glass, causing a loud shatter to be heard. Waiting a little while, to make sure Kudos didn't come to investigate; Starfire finally decided it was safe. Starfire sat on the edge of the window, she knew the jump would hurt her, and probally break some of her bones, and she wanted to decide which bone would be better to break. Star laughed to herself slightly, who would ever think she would come to this? Deciding which bone would be best to break. Taking a deep breath, Starfire jumped.


Starfire landed on the right side of her body, since it was already hurt by the wolves. Biting her tongue to keep from screaming out, Starfire laid on the ground until some of the pain numbed. Gingerly standing, she began to make her way down the street. Her vision faded in and out, her body threatening to shut down and make her pass out, yet Starfire kept going. Soon enough, the pain was too much for her and the alien girl collapsed on the ground.


"I think she's coming around" was the first thing Starfire heard when she blinked her eyes, trying to get them used to the light.

"Hey, chick, are you alright?"

"Hm?" Starfire groaned, shifting toward the voices.

"You're pretty banged up, what happened?"

Opening her eyes completely, Starfire sat up, wincing under the great pain she felt. She looked around the room, which was filled with three people, two boys, and a girl. The room was rainbow colored, and Star vaguely wondered if these people where the things she read about called 'hippies'. She thought those had disappeared, but now she was hesitant. She was sitting on a comfortable bed, and when she looked at her arm she noticed a bandage covering it, as well as a bandage on her leg.

"Who are you?" Star whispered weekly.

The girl laughed, flipping her blond hair over her shoulder, "You must be petrified. I'm Cira, and those are my brothers Bade and Trevet."

Bade was a tall boy, with shaggy black hair, and when he noticed her looking at him, he gave a goofy smile. Trevet was slightly shorter, with the same blond hair as Cira; he seemed more serious then Bade, simply nodding at Star.

"We took you to the hospital down the street, they said you should recover." Cira explained.

"I...I thank you." Starfire mumbled, feeling strange that these people had taken her to the hospital, and brought her home, without her realizing it.

Bade left the room, and Trevet made his way to the bed, "Where are you from?"

"Jump City."


Star wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion, "Have you not heard of it?"

"Nope, sorry." Trevet shook his head.

"Please, where are we now located?"

Raising his eyebrow at Star's strange speech, Trevet replied, " Del Cielo"

Starfire shook her head sadly, "I have never heard of that."

Bade returned with a small pill in his hand, "Take this, it'll make you feel better."

Taking the pill from his hand, Starfire was about to put it in her mouth, when she remembered how Kudos had tricked her with the food. Hesitating, Star put the pill down on the bed, "When Kudos gave me food, he had taken away my powers."

"Powers?" Bade questioned, "You have powers?"

"Yes, I do, but they do not work now. Are you positive this small food will not hurt me?"

"Positive. We're not here to hurt you; anyway, if we were we'd have hurt you already."

Nodding, Star popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed it, sipping the water Cira had handed her.

"You said something about somebody named Kudos," Cira began, "who is he?"

"He was my master. I have left him now."

"Your master?" Trevet asked.

"Yes, master. Slade took me away from my team, and then he gave me to the Kudos, who I was only with shortly." Starfire swallowed, "I do not wish to return."

"Uh, team? You lost me." Bade sighed, leaning back in a chair.

"Why don't you sleep? In the morning you can explain this to us, okay?" Cira said.

Starfire nodded, and lay down, bidding goodbye to Cira, Trevet, and Bade as they left.

'I hope these are nice people' Starfire thought, before falling asleep.


For the long wait, this isn't nearly as good as I hoped it would be. If it seemed short, that's because of that humungous paragraph I added! oi, that took so long. Well, review! -Rina