The story won't start officially RobxStar until later on, but I promise it will be!


Freedom comes in many different ways. Some fight wars for freedom, wars that last months or even years. Some protest for freedom, holding signs through rain, snow, sun, or hail. Starfire fought for freedom in her own way; if it was easier or harder then the past is for you to decide.


"You will now be my apprentice." A masculine voice echoed through a dark room. Dark might not have been the right word for it, it was dimmed. Dark enough that you couldn't clearly make out the exact features of the two figures standing in the middle of the room, but light enough that you could clearly tell it was an older man and a teenage girl.

"Yes master." The girl replied a small timid whisper as if she didn't want to believe what was happening to her, or what she was agreeing to.

The man responded, his voice rising in the quiet room, bouncing off each and every one of the walls to land in the girl's ears, "You will do everything I ask of you."

"Yes master."

The man nodded, and turned to the side, obviously pleased with what his apprentice was telling him. He began to pace.

"First, Starfire, we'll need to get you a change of outfit. Purple and me don't mix. Step this way."

The girl, Starfire, a Teen Titan (or former Teen Titan by the looks of it now), followed her master through the room until they came to a black mini skirt and black top with a 'S' sketched into the right breast.

"This will be your new uniform" the man pushed it into her arms roughly, causing her to stumble backwards, "change into it now."

"Will you turn away?" Starfire asked meekly.

"Master and apprentice should never have to, or will hide anything from each other." Her master yelled.

Looking at the ground sadly, Starfire slipped out of her usually uniform and quickly slid on the new one. The man chuckled.

"Why in such a hurry? Afraid for me to see what's underneath." He reached out a finger and ran in from her chin, down her neck, over her breasts, and came to rest at her belly button, "very well. I'll see in time."

For a moment all you could hear was the breath of the two, slowly in, slowly out. Then the sound of shoes on concrete sounded, "If you follow me, I'll show you to your room."


Room was an understatement. It was a concrete room with a blanket and pillow in the corner. Sighing, Starfire made her way to the blanket and sat down. She buried her face in her hands and began to cry quietly.

'Robin, why me?'


The battle had been going on for hours. The Titans were weakened and their opponent wasn't slowing at all. Slade had attacked them very early in the morning, they were all asleep having figured that everyone who would want to commit crime would be asleep also. As soon as the siren sounded they got out of bed, still drowsy with sleep and ran to where the criminal was. Slade began with a blow to Beast Boy's head, one he wasn't expecting. It had knocked him out so he was useless the entire time. Cyborg gently picked up the young changeling and moved him away from the battle, so he wouldn't suffer further injuries. As the struggle went on, Slade grabbed onto Raven's wrist, and quicker then she could react he snapped a type of handcuff onto her and threw her roughly aside. Normally handcuffs wouldn't be a problem for the half demon, but something was different about these handcuffs.

"They get rid of our powers." The Titans, minus Beast Boy, heard her whisper.

"What do you mean they get rid of our powers?" Cyborg yelled, punching his mechanical arm into Slade's stomach.

"She means," Slade began, "That they get rid of your powers. They are useless when the handcuff is on." And while Cyborg was busy listening to Slade, a handcuff was snapped onto his wrist, leaving Robin and Starfire left alone to fight Slade.

Slade turned toward Starfire. He began taking long strides toward her, knowing Robin would do anything in his power to protect her. Slade reached into his belt and brought out a device and threw it at Starfire like a boomerang. Robin was quick to react and threw one of his bird-o-rangs in the path of Slade's weapon, knocking it to the ground. Unfortunately, this gave Slade an open opportunity and the last thing Robin heard before a pair of handcuffs was snapped onto his own wrist was Starfire's voice warning him of it, but it was too late.

"You can not take Robin's powers away! He does not have any, he will get out!" Starfire said confidently.

"Silly girl, he won't get out. He threw is only free bird-o-rang at me, the rest are in his belt, which he can't reach." Slade said.

Starfire gulped, and got a star bolt at the ready, "Let my friends free!"

"Why? I've finally captured all the Teen Titans, but you, and you expect me to let them free?" Slade laughed.

Starfire fired a star bolt at Slade, which he easily ducked, and then she attacked him with a fury of punches.

"But," Slade began, hoping to get the crazy girl off of him, "I will make a deal with you."

Star stopped her attack, and keeping her arms behind her back, she stepped away, "Yes?"

"My deal is, I will let your friends free, if you agree to be my apprentice." Slade explained.

"No!" Starfire yelled, "Why would you want me as your apprentice?"

"Well," Slade took a step closer to Starfire, "since Terra left me, I have been a bit…lonely."

Starfire thought for a moment and Robin yelled, "Starfire, don't do it!"

She seemed to think for a long time, and nothing was heard except the sounds of cars driving down the road, then she looked sadly at Robin, "I am sorry."

Starfire turned to Slade and looked up at him, "I will be your apprentice."

"Good choice."

Starfire saw her friends be released, and Robin run toward the place where she was standing, but before he reached her Slade threw down a device that set off a thick cloud of smoke, and he dragged her off.


Yes! New story by me! Review!