Blood Moon Prophecy

(A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or any characters, techniques, etc. After 2 years of traveling with Kagome and the others destroy Naraku, Inuyasha finds out that for the 50 years he was imprisoned to the tree by Kikyo he had a spirit of his late great ancestor inside him. Now with the spirit awakened within him claiming that Inuyasha is his reincarnation will Inuyasha be able to handle this news among others? Vote for pairing. InuyashaxSango, InuyashaxKilala, and InuyashaxKikyo are the options. Enjoy!

Chapter 1-It Begins

The dark and shadowy figure walked through the miasma filled castle fully immune to its power as he stepped over the bodies and organs of dead demons. In his right hand was a double bladed sword that was also a shadowy black all the way through from one side to the next. He was wearing dark robes that covered his body from head to toe with only his pale whit eyes being seen through the dark filled hood of the robes. Though this figure was not affected by the miasma or phased by the rotting bodies of demons he was by far not Naraku. He was a rare demon mercenary and the form of payment for his soon to be mission intrigued him greatly. He walked past a frightened Kagura who had just finished speaking to his employer and knew something scared the wind sorceress. "What did he say to you?" said the robed figure stopping as he turned his robed covered head slightly in her direction.

(A/N: He's basically dressed like Darth Maul...almost)

Kagura being the reluctant servant of Naraku that she was didn't respond at first because she wasn't sure her head was clear of her thoughts. She had recently fought Inuyasha and the others with a small army of demons three days ago only to lose against them when a strange power irrupted from Inuyasha she never saw before. In a flash she had seen the half-demon wield Tetsuigia like a master swordsman. Inuyasha had destroyed the small army and nearly killed her in the process with him glowing a strange demon aura that was red, but calm and almost controlled looking.

If the said half-demon hadn't suddenly collapsed moments later after turning to face her from fatigue, she wouldn't have been able to use get the opportunity to escape on her giant feather. When she told this to Naraku he was clearly upset at her failure since she had them all outnumbered 10:1 and still lost. Her so called master had nearly squeezed her heart into submission to a point of it being turned to powder. She snapped out of her thoughts though and turned to the demon mercenary who slightly intimidated her if not annoyed her. "That's none of your business you demon merc! He wants to speak with you now anyway. Just so you know he's not happy so your payment will suffer for it," said Kagura mentally smirking knowing that the demon merc had no business asking anything to her and that if she could she would enjoy killing him at that moment.

If only she could. "I see. Well unlike you I am new here and thus he will not take it out on me because I have failed him you did," said the figure receiving a murderous glare from Kagura as he continued walking into the open rice papered sliding door.

When the shadowy demon figure stepped in the door closed on its own before he could even react. Though the demon mercenary didn't mind as he saw sitting their with a white haired, doll eyed, mirror holding next to him was his employer in a Baboon fur and pelt mask over his head and body. This was Naraku. "Welcome my friend please do come in and sit down," said Naraku gesturing for the man in front of him to sit down.

Naturally the mercenary complied as standing for too long tires out the legs. "I got your message from this one here (points to Kanna) that you are in need of my services and that the payment...would be most rewarding," said the demon mercenary bowing his dark robed head slightly after he sat down with his double bladed sword sitting in front of him.

"Yes I did. Rest assured my friend that the payment is well worth the risk. Of course you already knew that this particular assignment was going to be dangerous. Didn't you?" said Naraku suspiciously at his new hired help.

The demon mercenary smiled under his darkened face with is white eyes looking at his employer that was Naraku with full interest in the job. "Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't. I know I have to kill someone and I know you want it done quickly. Who's the target?" said the demon mercenary.

Naraku raised his right hand and snapped his fingers and Kanna walked in between both him and his new ally. " him the target," said Naraku as Kanna nodded and showed the demon mercenary his prey.

What the demon mercenary saw was a certain half-demon almost asleep in a tree with a small fire cat demon on his lap sleeping as well near an encampment that included a monk, a demon slayer, a young fox demon, and a girl in strange clothing with a bow and a quiver of arrows. "Hmmm. The target doesn't look like much. Are you sure that this half-demon who goes by the name Inuyasha is the one you want dead?" said the demon mercenary curiously since this job looked too easy.

"I assure you my friend he is worth every bit of your payment and then some," said a smiling Naraku as they saw Inuyasha in his sleeping daze pet the little cat form of Kilala who was obviously enjoying the affection.

"Speaking of payment...what is it in the form besides of a good kill that you promised me in your message?" said the demon merc.

"A jewel shard," said Naraku holding a sacred jewel shard in his finger tips smiling behind the baboon pelt knowing that no one could resist a jewel.

"Only one jewel shard? If this Inuyasha is a troublesome as you claim him to be you have to pay much more then one shard. I'd say he's worth at least...5 shards?" said the demon merc trying to haggle for a healthy payment.

"How about 3 shards? At most that is a gift," said Naraku who didn't like giving more then he felt he should.

"3 shard? Ha! Give me 4 jewel shards with 2 jewel shards now and the other 2 upon completion," said the demon merc knowing that was more then fair.

"Deal. I suggest you get to work I have very little patience for those who fail me and even less when I pay them for their services," said Naraku as he then threw two jewel shards at the demon merc, who caught it with ease.

Naraku let out a sigh since he didn't like it that he had to pay more then he suggested for killing his hated enemy. "Pleasure doing business with you. Just for the much as like this form of payment...blood is so much better if it's from a strong opponent. Since you agreed to my terms I take Inuyasha is in fact strong and you just made my day," said the demon merc as he got up with weapon in hand and walked out of the room, but was stopped by Naraku's voice.

"Before you go any further tell me your name," said Naraku who felt he needed to know the demons name so he could contact him for further use.

"My name? It's...Kane. Remember it well for I have a feeling you will need me in the future," said Kane as he turned slightly and stared at Naraku with his white glowing eyes before he left.

"I think I will. Kanna! Follow him shortly after he leaves. When it is over report back your findings to me immediately," said Naraku and Kanna bowed before he left the room.

(Night time-Far away in an encampment near Kaede's village)

'What was that power I unleashed?' thought Inuyasha who was half asleep when he sat his wounded and bruised body down on the tree trunk as he sat on a high tree branch with Kilala all curled up happily on his stomach. His mind was filled with confusion as he was a breath away from sleeping as he remembered them all being outnumbered by Kagura and her army of demons, but the strangest thing happen as he felt a strange power come out of him and take control of his body to slay almost everything in front of him that he KNEW was an enemy.

Inuyasha knew it was him wielding Tetsuigia, but at the same time he wasn't in control yet he was. After that he had passed out from a combination of his wounds and using that unknown power inside of him. When he came to Kilala jumped onto his lap and mewed in concern while Kagome was constantly pestering him as he sat up. He tried repeatedly to tell her that he didn't know what that was that appeared out of him that saved them all. 'I want to know what that power was Inuyasha now tell me,' came the echo of Kagomes voice as she got more and more angry with every response he gave her that wasn't the one she wanted.

'Why can't you just believe me when I tell you I don't know I never did that before? I never felt like myself when I did that and I don't know why I did,' echoed Inuyasha's voice in his head at his response to Kagome's constant questioning. It was then and now that Inuyasha had the sneaking suspicion that she would have said 'Sit' on him if Kilala wasn't on his lap at that moment in time when she got angry. Inuyasha also realized then and there that at certain moments Kagome had been increasingly abusing the rosary more and more the past few weeks even when it was the littlest of things. In fact it had started to become so bad tat Sango, Miroku, and even Shippo were protesting Kagome's use of the rosary.

'Because you aren't trustworthy,' came the angry voice of Kagome echoing in his head as he remembered Kilala had protested the most by biting Kagome. The seemingly 'harmless' looking form of Kilala sunk her teeth into the back mid-section of the young girl's leg when she 'sat' him for not getting firewood one time when it wasn't his turn.

Coincidentally it was also around the time that Koga had appeared a few days later with the full intent of making Kagome 'his' as he put it. He knew what the wolf meant of course what full or half-demon didn't. He never thought Kagome would ever leave him for that blinded by ambition type fool. Then again ever since Koga appeared that one night before taking off was right before Kagome got nasty with him and the rosary. "I have a very deep and sinking feeling I'm not the one who should be questioned at being not 'trustworthy',' thought Inuyasha as he fell asleep to let his wounds heal better.

As he slept Inuyasha soon found himself in a dark place that was in complete and total darkness where no light could enter. "You should be surprised that Kagome is being nasty to you with the presence of Koga around. They mated and she is marked on her right shoulder hidden under her school clothing," said a voice from behind Inuyasha.

"What the...? Whose their?" said Inuyasha as he reached for Tetsuigia only to realize he was in a dream, but still kept his wits about him.

"So you think it's a dream huh? Well its not. In fact you are in your subconscious mind talking to someone who has been inside for a little 50 years. 52 years to be precise," said the voice as it manifested itself into a body that appeared out of the shadows as if it were a part of him.

The form in front of Inuyasha was a dog demon similar to him in form and shape with looks like his only more mature and filled out. The being in front of him was someone whose eyes showed he was a skilled and experienced fighter and warrior. This was unknown person was someone who had seen his share of battles and wars to last 5 if not 6 life times. "Identify yourself!" said Inuyasha angrily.

"Well just so you know you're not crazy and that this is not a hallucination. Though what I'm about to tell you not even you will believe," said the figure in front of him.

"Just tell me already before I do go insane," said Inuyasha as paranoia was getting the best of him.

"As you wish. Inuyasha I am the spirit of your ancestor. I too am name Inuyasha and I lived almost over 1200 years ago today. I was considered in our clan history to be the greatest of all demon lords that ever lived. Not just in the dog clans, but in the other clans as well like the cats, dragons, foxes, and wolves to name a few. In truth Inuyasha my young half-demon friend...are my reincarnation and the one the prophecy is said to end the darkness that a single evil has produced," said the spirit of the ancient Inuyasha.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold it. Are you saying that you are also named Inuyasha?" said the half-demon Inuyasha staring at his ancestor in disbelief.

"Yeah. I know what your thinking only humans can be reincarnated right demons don't have that power as that option doesn't apply on the fact that we live longer then humans. Well fortunately with you having a soul like other half-demons this becomes a way for spirits like myself to merge with you and make our reincarnated selves stronger for future threats that would without us...easy kill our reincarnated brethren," said the all knowing ancient Inuyasha spirit.

"Wait! You were in me the day I got pinned to that tree for 50 years and you did nothing to get me free? Why?" said Inuyasha who was now for the lack of better words...pissed off.

"Trust me Inuyasha when I say I wanted you to be free from that tree and I wanted to take temporary control, but I couldn't. I didn't enter your body till that night when the blood moon came out that allows demon spirits like myself to enter their half-demon reincarnation's to start fusing process. However, Kikyo's arrow suppressed up till now. 52 years ago had you not been pinned you would have been strong enough to start the fusing process. The same is now. When you got free you weren't as strong as before and even more when the rosary was put on you cutting your already weakened strength in half. However, now you've been in so many constant fights and battles you have reached the equivalent of what you were before you got pinned by Kikyo to that tree and thus you could start the absorbing process of my spirit," said the ancient Inuyasha,

"What would that accomplish?" said Inuyasha whose curiosity was quite peaked at this point about all this information.

"Well during the process I could instruct you on things like your swordsmanship, fighting style, proper etiquette with others whether they were human, demon, or half-demon. As a precaution when the absorbing process is complete whatever I didn't teach you will be part of your memories and you can use them on instinct as if you were taught them. Also you will undergo physical changes both external as well as internal. You will be faster, stronger, more agile, and all around more powerful then other full blooded demons like your brother. In fact I was more powerful then your old man and so will you when the process is complete. There is just one little obstacle you have to get through," said the ancient Inuyasha.

"That would be what exactly?" said Inuyasha hating to try and get an answer out of him like this.

"Well you get angry. Well to degree anyway. If you go to far and go overboard you'll become psychotic till you calm down. In fact for that work you would have to be around people that do calm you down. But the same affect happens around people who piss you off and make you want to kick their ass," said the ancient Inuyasha.

"You sound like me," said Inuyasha smiling and giving off a demon chuckle at what his ancestor of 1200 years just said.

"Well I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Though I will say you have a bit of your father in you now that I look at you more closely. To be honest you got a pretty good combination of the both of us in you Inuyasha. Your fortunate that your father was second only to me and that is saying a lot as you now have the best of the strongest demons ever produced in you. In fact it was because of me you even have Tetsuigia and your brother Sesshomorru has Tenseiga," said the ancient Inuyasha shocking his half-demon reincarnation.

"But my father created those two swords while you were not even around at the time and were a spirit," said Inuyasha confused.

"True Inuyasha. However, I was one who started researching and studying it. I gave him the idea to him when he started poking around the castle library and he found my secret journal. After carefully reading it your father decided to start where I left off and thus used his fang to create the two swords. I never had a chance to make my own because of my death, but if I did then they would have been equivalent to Tetsuigia, Tenseiga, or possibly both all rolled up one. It all depends on the smith who forges such swords," said the ancient Inuyasha.

"All right enough for now about family history. What do you want me to do now?" said Inuyasha who had heard enough about his family for one night.

"Well first you have to meet Kikyo in the afternoon as mourning as just come do to the sun rising into the sky. After all it's the prestigious 2 year Anniversary of Reflection for when she pinned you to that stupid tree for 50 years. You did agree to that when you spoke to her a few weeks ago when Kagome went down the well and everyone was to busy to see you slip away from them to see her," said the ancient Inuyasha who saw his half-demon reincarnation nod at this.

"Kagome won't like it and will probably 'sit' me if not try to stop me from leaving the group. I can't stand her anymore my ancient self. She doesn't trust me, she abuses me with the rosary, and she is being a royal pain in the ass when it comes to questions. She thinks she can run my life and control me as if I were her own personal pet and play thing that she can do anything she wants to. If I could get this damn rosary off I could become stronger and I would be free from her control, but I don't know how?" said Inuyasha who was to a point of being furious.

"Well if a priestess put it on you...then a priestess can take it off," said the 1200 year old ancient Inuyasha as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"If you haven't noticed I have none that would get near me to remove it because I'm a half-demon. Remember?" said Inuyasha who was at this point ready to yell...even if it was in his own head.

"You and I know three priestess if you count Kagome Inuyasha. The others are Kikyo and Kaede. Since you and me both know Kagome won't remove the rosary she can't be asked to do such a thing. Why not try Kaede?" said the ancient Inuyasha who saw his half-demon reincarnation shake his head as a no.

"No I can't ask her. If I do and she does remove the rosary Kagome will do all that is in her power to stain Kaede's status as a priestess in the village. The old hag knows nothing else, but being a priestess and she's too old to go anywhere to start anew. I can't do it out of respect for her and Kikyo," said Inuyasha.

"Well then that just leaves one person and she may be your only chance to free yourself from the necklace. You have to ask Kikyo later today," said the ancient Inuyasha.

"That will be the easy part seeing as the hard part will be getting away from Kagome and the possible 'sits' I'll get before I leave the area," said Inuyasha as he almost shivered mentally as well as externally out to his physical body, but kept it at bay since he didn't want to disturb Kilala who he could sense was still sitting on his lap in the tree.

"Don't worry just my follow my lead my half-demon reincarnation and I will make sure you never have to fall at the hands of that one word with that rosary around your neck," said the ancient Inuyasha as he walked up to the other and put a hand on the half-demon Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Lead away. This should be fun," said Inuyasha as he then started to come back to the world of reality and consciousness just in time for Kagome to start yelling again for him to wake up.

(A/N: I know it may seem slow at first, but hey its informative, insightful, and...and...well I can't think of anything else. SHUTUP! Sorry. I've been trying to write this for several hours now so you can tell I'm a little stressed. Don't forget to vote on the pairings as they are key to writing this story and progressing through it. If no one does I will proceed with the story how I see fit based on the reviews I get and the lack of. For those who possibly want an Inuyasha and Kagome pairing I'm sorry I can't do that anymore. After the abuse I have seen happen on the show towards Inuyasha with all those 'sits' I can't and won't write them anymore. Please review as I love your insight, input, and I also love to laugh when I get a flame or two. HA! Anyway I'll try to update sometime next week.