Picture Perfect



Ryoma winced as the high-pitched squeal reached his ears and quickened his pace. The noise sounded again, and this time he could hear the faint, "Ryoma-kun" that told him Ryuzaki-sensei's granddaughter was with her.

He felt a tug on his sleeve and reluctantly faced the brunette. She had a giant grin on her face that was slightly scary. Sakuno stood behind her, smiling a much-less-intimidating smile at him. She was carrying something behind her back, but he couldn't tell what it was. That smile had often gotten him teased by Momo-senpai.

"Ryoma-sama, we have something for you!" Tomoka bounced a little, joggling his arm. Ryoma tugged his limb out of her grip, backing away a few steps.

"What is it?" he asked her. She let out a giggle and pulled the item Sakuno held into view.

"Sakuno took this picture after tennis practice the other day and didn't tell me about it. She had some of my pictures on it, and when we got them developed, I saw it. It was so cute that I made copies for myself, and framed this one for you." She grabbed his hands and placed the frame in them closing his fingers on the smooth glass. Giggling again, she took off the way she came, leaving Sakuno to mutter a goodbye and run off after he friend.

Ryoma dropped his gaze to the picture—trying his best to ignore the pink sparkles on the frame, and paused.

Captured in the photo were himself and Momo. After practice the other day Momo had stolen his hat and run off with it. Ryoma chased his senpai all around the courts, the chase ending when he'd tackled him to the ground, straddling him and yanking his hat out of his grasp.

Ryoma's face took on a light flush. He hadn't been aware Sakuno had a camera, much less used it to immortalize his and Momo's antics on film.

"Oi! Echizen! What's that you got there?" Ryoma jumped when he felt arms go around his neck..

"Nothing…let's go." He muttered, hurriedly shoving the picture into his backpack. He struggled out of his senpai's grip and moved ahead.

"Hey, hold up, Echizen!" Momo's voice called after him. "You dropped something! Looks like a photograph…"

Ryoma sped up.