Gold Hair, Silver Streaks

Chapter One

By: Silver Dream

This is the first chapter of my new story! Gold Hair, Silver Streaks! This chapter is short, but I'm going to make them that way, unless I change my mind! So don't be flaming me because of my short chapters! Okay, well here's chapter one!

Disclaimers: I do not own W.I.T.C.H. or anything related to it. Okay…

Caleb's POV:

I didn't mean to make her cry. I didn't. I just wanted to tell her before I told anyone else. I

had tell her. I love her. But I'm needed back home, in Meridian. But I didn't want just leave

my love behind. But I had to. I asked her if she wanted to go with me, but she wouldn't listen.

She just put her beautiful face in her delicate hands and ran. She ran out of the restaurant and

straight towards Will's house. "What's wrong with you, Caleb?" I asked my stupid idiotic self.

"You can't just tell your true love that you're leaving her. But I'd never leave her, even though

I am. But I'm just staying in Meridian. Queen Elyon asked me personally to be her royal

guard. But is that title worth as much as Cornelia? Not a chance! But I have to be there for my

people, my queen. But I have to be there for my love too, right? Yes. You don't even have to

ask." I ran out of the restaurant and followed Cornelia. "Wait! Cornelia! Come back! I'm

sorry!" But she didn't hear me. She just kept running. She ran in the middle of the street, her

eyes streaming silver tears, her hair dancing behind her. Her long skirt mimicked her golden

locks. She still had her face in her hands. "Cornelia, please wait!" I called to her. She looked

back at me, her wet eyes, her crystal blue eyes locking with mine. She opened her lips.

"Caleb, I-I…" She couldn't finish what she was going to say. Suddenly, a car swerved

through a red light, hitting her. She flew, for what seemed ages, and landed many yards away.

"Cornelia!" I screamed. My heart, beating to fast for me handle, seemed to explode.

"Cornelia." I forced out, silver tears flowing out of my eyes now. I ran to her, nothing else

mattered but her. I placed my hand under her frail head. "Cornelia." I whispered. She was

unconscious. "Please, I won't leave you. I won't." She looked peaceful yet in horrible pain. I

lifted her up and carried her as carefully as I could back to the restaurant. The car that hit

Cornelia just kept going, like nothing happened. Like no one was hurt, like no one could had

died.The driver of the car that had hit my Cornelia, was no one other than Will's boyfriend. I

wonder what she's going to say when she finds out about this."You'll be okay, I promise."

Once we arrived back at the Silver Dragon, I laid Cornelia down on my bed at rushed to Yan

Lin. "Mrs. Lin! Cornelia's been hit by a car! We need to take her to the hospital!" I screamed,

scaring the old woman half to death. But there weren't enough words in the English language

to express the way I felt. I couldn't be more frightened in all my life. The W.I.T.C.H. team

could be broken. All because of me.

Yan Lin drove us to the hospital right away. "Call the girls, Caleb." Yan Lin said, handing me

her cell phone. "Okay." I dialed Will's number, "Hello?" Will said, I heard laughter in the back

ground. "Hello, Will." I said gloomy. "Hey Caleb! Hey, when is Cornelia gonna get here?

We're all waiting for her!" I took a deep breathbefore replying. "Will, Cornelia's not gonna

be there tonight." "What do you mean?" She questioned . "Will, meet us at Lionheart Hospital.

Cornelia's been hit by a car." I listened to her scream, then scream to the others, then scream

again in a chorus. I hung up on them. They were talking madness. Cornelia moaned, and

began to cry again. Silver tears. Finally we arrived at the hospital. People in white rushed out

of the hospital and placed Cornelia on a bed and wheeled her in. After the doctors took many

x-rays and tests and confusing things until Cornelia was placed in a gloomy, white hospital

room. Cornelia laid calmly on her bed. She said nothing. She didn't move. She just laid there.

The girls rushed in a little while later, falling next to her bed, crying, sobbing. Will looked up at

my face, and asked, "Who did this?" Silver tears flooded from her eyes. "Will, it was Matt."

Her eyes grew big and the room grew silent. "What!" She screamed. "He hit Cornelia, Will!"

The girls all screamed 'no!' around me. Will placed her head on Cornelia's bed and silently

cried. The other Guardians held each other and cried on each other's shoulders. A nurse came

in and check Cornelia's status. "Are you related to her?" She asked us. "No, were her

friends." The nurse shook her head. "What is her parents' number?" I gave the nurse

Cornelia's number and she called her family. I could hear her family's cries even though the

phone. "They'll be here soon." She walked over to Yan Lin and told her what was wrong.

"Cornelia has her ribs fractured in two places, one of her legs and both arms are broken,

and…" Her voice was changed into a whisper. Mrs. Lin covered her mouth as she gasped.

"Oh my, are you sure?" Yan Lin asked. The nurse nodded. Yan Lin walked over to Cornelia

and traced her cheek with a finger tip. "Oh, Cornelia." she whispered. I walked over to Mrs.

Lin and looked into her eyes. "What's wrong with Cornelia?" I asked, worry in my voice. Yan

Lin, looked at my love, "Her spine is severed. She may not walk again." That's when

everything went black. Cornelia would never be able to be in my arms, she'd never be able to

fight for Meridian again. Even though Elyon is safely Queen of Meridian, Phobos could easily

escape and attack. But now, because of Will's stupid excuse for a boyfriend, Cornelia is

broken. Broken.

So, this is chapter one, and like I said at the top, NO FLAMES ABOUT THE SHORTNESS! If you read my other story, a Forbidden Love, you'll see that I hardly write short chapters! Okay, so R&R, nice reviews, no flames! Alright, see ya! Chapter two coming soon! Love, Silver Dream!