Boyz Don't Cry

Summary- This is of course a Yaoi story, which chronicles the life of Iruka and Kakashi as Pre-teens-Iruka was never the strongest boy, and people often got on him for looking extremely effeminate, well sick of it Iruka wishes on a fallen star for a protector-he laughs it off realizing that it's foolish to wish for such things, only to wake up the next morning to find a silver haired adonis in his BED!

Pairings- IrukaxKakashi (Main) AsumaxKureni GenmaxRaidou ObitoxRin-Others...(maybe)

Warnings- AU Shounen-ai (Yaoi-), Het, Violence, Language, Mature Themes, Poetic License...

Disclaimer- Boo, I own nothing...(CRIES)

A/N- This idea popped into my head while I was reading KakaIru fics, and I realized that I really like the small amount of stories that portrays Iruka and Kakashi and there youngers days-This story is of course AU, but I do expect to be doing a story that revolves around the actual timeline, I attend on having that be a NarutoRokudaime, and SasukeANBU story-because I just love those, and there is surely not enough of them!

Chapter One- Boyz Don't Cry (Although I'm Guessin' They Wish On Starz)

Iruka sighed as he dragged the brush threw his long thick dark brown hair. He hated his hair, but his mom, being the coddling 'everything is just so CUTE!' type refused to let him cut it, and there was no hope in asking his dad to convince her because he was just as sweet as his mother. He scowled, why did his parents have to be so sweet and kind, and sympathetic-how come he couldn't have parents like his best-friend Mizuki?

He dropped the brush uncerominously down on his mom's dresser, grabbed a black elastic band and tied his hair back, high enough, so that it wouldn't look girly. He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt, and some black shorts, he stared at his reflection, smooth tan skin, and huge dark brown eyes. God! I look like such a girl! He grumbled, he messed his shirt up a little, and then scrunched his face up and growled, only problem was it sounded like a baby cat meowing.

The door opened and his mother walked into the room. Iruka could not deny the fact that his mother was beautiful, his dad still had to fight off the admirers, even though everyone in Konoha knew that him and his mom had been married for well over a decade. She smiled down sweetly at Iruka, and to his dismay started to smooth out the wrinkles in his shirt. "Sweetie, you look so messy, let me help you out" Iruka clenched his teeth in annoyance, and batted his moms hands away.

"I'm fine mom! Sheesh!" her smile became even sweeter, almost making Iruka gag. She must have some sort of sweet powers or something, no wonder my dads so whipped He sidestepped his mom, and walked out the room. He grabbed his black back pack which was sitting motionlessly against the wall beside his door and slung it over his shoulders. "Your adorable little friend Mizuki is downstairs sweetheart" His moms melodious voice said from behind him. And sure enough Mizuki was there, broad grin on his face, arms crossed over a dark green long sleeved shirt, with tan khaki shorts. Shoulder length premature grey hair pulled back under his dark green ski-cap.

"Hey Iruka!" He shouted, giving him a one finger salute. Iruka rolled his eyes. "What a charming gesture" came the warm voice of his father, who had hair just like Iruka's, tied back against the nape of his neck. Dark eyes, and dark skin. Strong body and mind. His dad was the epiphany of a handsome gentleman, him and his mom were meant for each other. His dad held a cup of steaming coffee in his right hand, the paper in the other. "So how has school been for the two of you, enjoying eight grade? I hope, 'cause next year the real hell starts"

His mom playfully hit his dad on the shoulder, "Language honey!" He laughed. Iruka looked over to Mizuki they both shared the same dark look, his father had no idea that Iruka was already going threw hell, in the form of the 'Snake Gang'. "We better get to school Iruka, you know how Ms. Tsunade is" they both shuddered in unison. "Don't forget your lunch sweet-ums" His mom cooed, handing him is Dolphin lunch box. Mizuki was shaking with supressed laughter. Iruka could hardly stand the embaressment. "Thanks mom, good-bye dad" He gave his mom a peck on the cheek, grabbed Mizuki's arm and hauled him out the house.

"Your mom is so funny Iru" He said still laughing. Iruka ignored him eying his Dolphin lunch box warily. Mizuki took out a crumpled paper bag, which no doubt held his lunch. "Here let's do what we always do every year your mom gets you a lunch box" Iruka gave his best-friend a grateful smile, took his lunch out the lunch box, and stuffed it into the lunch bag, making it bulge like the belly of a pregnant woman. Mizuki winked at him, and then put his bag away. "Your parents are much less embaressing Mizuki" Mizuki looked away a shadow cast itself over his face.

The school, 'Leaf Middleschool' came into view, and a wave of unease passed over Iruka. He prayed that the 'Snake Gang' and there creepy leader Ashira left him alone. He looked left and right, only seeing the regular kids and a various amount of colors and hairtyles walking by, laughing and carrying on. Him and Iruka moved forward, "Iruka! Mizuki! Over here!" they looked to see Rin, a pretty girl with long brown hair and matching eyes, running over to them dragging with her, the odd but attractive Obito Uchiha, with his short quirky dark hair, and even darker eyes hidden behind wild goggles. "I can walk you know Rin..." he replied dryly allowing himself to be dragged by the over excited girl.

She ignored him. "I say we hurry up and get into the school, the 'Snake Gang' likes to be 'fashionably late' so if we get inside like now, we should really have no problems" Iruka nodded full out agreeing. They only really bothered him, Ashira was for some reason obscenely attracted to his dark skin, just the thought made him want to hurl and never stop. But even though he only messed with him, he sometimes looked toward his friends as targets, when it came increasingly hard for him to find Iruka. Threatening them, until they gave him a false location. The loyalty of his friends brought warmth to Iruka's heart, and that was why he wished that he was stronger, so that he could protect them as well as himself.

Obito pulled himself from Rin's grip and frowned. "I ain't running from them bastard's, plus I saw this really cool guy with silver hair-" Mizuki punched his arm-hard. "I have silver hair!" He yelled at him indignatly, Obito gave him a bored look as he rubbed his arm. "Yea...I know. But this guys' hair defied gravity itself, and he was wearing some sort of mask, over his mouth! And his eyes were TWO diffrent colors, I know this even though he was too far away to actually tell, but from what I could see one of them was lighter than the other-and he just looked so COOL!" Rin glared at him, eye twitching. "It sounds like your in love!" Iruka and Mizuki started snickering, Obito fixed Rin with a withering look.

The bell rung before a all out fight could break loose, the four friends threw each other panicked looks and then ran into the school building.

Iruka stared up at the clock willing it to be the end of the class period so that he could go to lunch, and get out of boring math class. Why was math so important anyways, it wasn't like he was going to walk into the interview and the man who was going to employ him was going to say- "I say man what is 2 divided by the power of ALL numbers?" the thought made a snort erupt from his mouth. Tsunade looked up at him in annoyance. He shrunk back away from the burning gaze of her light brown eyes. It so didn't help that she taught Health either.

The bell rung and Iruka was relieved, and upon standing up he realized that he had to pea-badly. He hurriedly packed up his things, and fled the room bumping into somebody with silver hair... "Sorry!" he hastily appologized, zooming off down the hallway without a backwards glance. He rushed into the bathroom.

Sighing as he relieved himself, he quickly zipped up his pants and walked over to wash his hands.

"Ruka...long time no" Iruka stiffened, brown eyes widening. Ashira walked in backed up by atleast three of his lackeys, but believe that there was surely more-they were probably off harrasing other people. "Ashira!" Iruka gasped out, fear gripping his heart. Why had he been so foolish to go to the bathroom alone? He saw Ashira's slanted eyes looking him up and down, he wanted to kill himself-the man was the head of the Drama Club for crying out loud, and was the head of a Gang!

"If you touch me I swear I'll tell?" Ashira laughed, and this was no ordinary laugh, this was some sort of bone chilling, 'you'll never sleep again' laugh. He had to be the most creepiest bastard on the face of the planet! He walked toward Iruka. The three boys behind him, all dressed in goth garb stood like erect shoulders by the door-giving him creepy vampire's after they've feed smiles. Iruka backed up into the wall, a long thin tongue slid out of Ashira's mouth, and glided along his thin barely there lips. Iruka slid down and felt his butt hit the floor, tears were leaking from his eyes.

He didn't want to see what perverted things Ashira was likely to do to his body, he wanted him to atleast knock him out first, noone wanted to be conscious with Ashira the one taking advantage of you. Iruka braced himself for the attack-he waited for the cold clammy thin rod fingers to wrap tightly around his wrist, the slimy unnatural tongue to slither across the base of his chin-but it never came...infact Iruka couldn't even hear his feet shuffling across the floor towards him. But even though he was still afraid to open his eyes.

"Yo, it's cool-he's gone"

Iruka still didn't open his eyes, or move from his fetal position. The voice sounded nice, it sounded like someone who wasn't there to hurt him-but it wasn't Mizuki, or Rin, or Obito-so Iruka stayed put. He felt warm hands touch his wrists, and then he was pulled forcefully up-he kept his eyes closed though. This precense, this person-Iruka felt a warmth spread throughout his body-this person wasn't anyone he was familiar with, and yet...

He wrapped his arms around the person's waist, gripping it tightly. Tears leaked from his closed eyes. "Thank you so much whoever you are!" He said, not noticing the person he was clinging to stiffen. "I don't know what you did, or how you even did it-but I owe you!" the person, boy, Iruka realized relaxed, and ran fingers threw his brown locks. "It's cool, anytime"

Mizuki stared at Iruka's face, as he dropped him off infront of his house. "So you don't know who the guy was that saved you from Ashira?" Iruka shook his head sadly. "No, but..." He trailed off, then looked up into Mizuki's eyes. "It's not important. I'll see you tomorrow!" Mizuki eyed Iruka, and then smiled back. He ruffled his hair playfully. "Alright man, but it's late get some sleep" Iruka nodded, and waited until Mizuki disapeared, before slipping into his house.

Iruka sat against the ledge of the window looking up at the starless sky. Who was that guy? He thought. He was about to move away from the window when he saw something bright in the sky- "A falling star!" Iruka gasped, pulling his window open. "I better make a wish..." He thought as he closed his eyes. I wish that that guy who saved me from Ashira today will always be there to protect me... Iruka opened his eyes after making the wish, and saw that the star was gone. He moved back and closed his window all of a sudden feeling foolish.

"What a foolish wish, wishes don't come true-" He frowned sadly, and walked over to his bed.

...but I sure wish they did


I liked it what about you all!

Read and Review, I would like to know what you think of it-oh yeah, and I will be putting out chapter 8 of Love Stays-I have so many plans for it!