"Napoleon, you're doing it again!" Gena exclaimed, frustrated with her date.

"What, gosh!" Napoleon countered.

"You're putting on all that stupid chap stick. Yuck!" Gena said as they entered the movie theater.

"Whatever, gosh."

The couple bought the tickets and chose two spots in the middle of the theater. When they sat down Gena said, "Napoleon, let's get to know each other."

" 'Kay." He answered without looking at her.

"Alright. Ask me a question." Gena smiled, excited that a really hot guy, though somewhat weird, was on a date with her.

"Uh…" Napoleon thought for a moment. "Do chickens have large talons?"

"What?" A confused Gena asked.

"Never mind, gosh!" Napoleon crossed his arms and stared at the screen, which was now beginning to show previews.

What a dork! Though Gena. This isn't going to work out…I have to do something before things get too serious!

Gena decided that she would end things with Napoleon. He was way too weird! She preferred the jocks, the tough guy. Not some wimp. She waited until after the movie and when they were in the parking lot to say something.

"Uh…Napoleon?" Gena asked as Napoleon fumbled with his car keys.

Napoleon sighed as he said "Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss?" still unable to get the door open.

"Uh, we need to talk. I've had a great time, really I did. You're, uh…" Gena tried to think of a characteristic she could give Napoleon. Smart? No. Funny? Definitely not. She had it. "…you're very special Napoleon. And I think-"

"Look Gena. You're nice and all but we shouldn't see each other any more." Napoleon was now opening the car door, and he wasn't facing Gena. He was getting inside the car.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! He did not just dump me. I do the dumping! Gena fumed.

"But I'll give you a ride home. Come on, you know you like my sweet ride." He put the keys into the ignition and started the car.

"Fine!" Gena said, not sure of what to say to save her dignity. She angrily walked around the car and got in the passenger side. "But don't take me home. Take me to the coffee house." She crossed her arms over her chest, with a frown on her face.

"To the coffee house!" Napoleon screamed, throwing an action figure tied to a string out the window.

Samantha was still at the coffee house, still open mouthed in horror at the terrible favor she just did for Gena. She was now sitting on the sofa, staring into her cup, now filled with cold coffee. Just then she glanced up, and from the window she saw Napoleon and Gena get out of a car.

This is my chance! She thought. I can still do something.

She quickly hid behind the counter.

"Well Napoleon, this is-" Gena was just about to say goodbye when Samantha popped out of nowhere.

"Napoleon, Napoleon!" Samantha rushed over to him and gave him a giant hug. "Napoleon, I love you!" Samantha was planning to pretend to love him so that Gena would get made and hurt. She still didn't know that Napoleon and Gena already broke up.

"I think about you every day!" she continued. "I only said things wouldn't work because I was scared, scared that wouldn't love me too!" Samantha dramatically placed her hand over her heart, remembering her acting classes.

Napoleon looked at Samantha, then at Gena, then at Samantha again. "Sweet!" He exclaimed. "Now I've got two hot babes to talk to online all day!"

"Pffft! Yeah right! I'm out of here losers!" Gena stormed out of the coffee house.

"What?" Samantha asked, her acting gone out the window.

"Oh, we just broke up. She's way to lame for me. She doesn't even like tots. Gosh!"

Crap! Samantha thought.

"But one babe is good enough for me." Napoleon said, taking Samantha into his arms and gazing into her eyes.

"Um…." Samantha didn't know what to say. She never liked this dork! But as she stood there in his now big and strong arms, and she gazed back into his eyes, she realized she could actually fall in like with him. Maybe not love, but definitely like. She hadn't even notice how handsome he was when she proclaimed her "love" for him. She was just thinking about getting back at Gena for being so, so…Samantha didn't even know why she hated Gena anymore. Oh she felt so stupid! But what was done was done, and she was ready to start over. With Napoleon right there with her.

"Sweet." She said to Napoleon with her first real smile in years. And she meant it.