I felt the need to write a story… maybe I'll actually finish this one. Well here goes.

Disclaimer: KH not mine, neither are its characters. This story however is…

(btw I don't feel like doing costume descriptions for a bunch of characters so unless I say otherwise their wearing the clothes they ware in KH2


Sora's POV

I sat along the beach of his island. I'd been doing so just about everyday for a little while ever since I had returned, constantly afraid this would all be ripped away from me again. My gravity defying hair blew gently with the wind as I gazed out over the sea with my blue eyes… My deep blew eyes that held more fear than ever before yet relief.

I stood and made my way back to the main island with my boat. After hitting shore I ran off into the town. After a few moments I found myself in front of Kairi's house. I couldn't help but smile as I thought of her. She was half the reason I'd put myself through so much before.

"Hey you!" a girl's voice rang out behind me and I knew who it was immediately. I turned to see her crimson hair, soft face and slender body. Her bluish, almost purple, eyes met mine and for a moment I was completely stunned, but quickly recovered my mind. "Hey Kairi" my gentle voice rang about. She walked up and gave me a friendly hug. I didn't know why but this caught me completely off guard and I turned bright red, but returned her hug the none the less as I quickly began to think to myself what's wrong with me? It's not like we've never hugged before… at this thought my face regained it's composure before she noticed it.

"Wanna come in?" she asked as she grabbed my hand and began pulling me to her door before I could protest. So I simply chuckled and said calmly "Sure". She brought me in and gave a simple hello to her parents and I waved before she continued to tug me up stairs and into her room. We sat on her bed and began to talk. We seemed to do nothing but talk a lot lately. I could tell we shared the same fear, of being ripped from our island again…. ripped from each other. I watched her flip her hair over her shoulder as she laughed and began to think about how cute she was before shaking my head and realizing just what I was thinking of her. Kairi's just like a sister to me, that's all right?

"What's wrong Sora?" she looked at me questioningly… I blushed but turned away quickly to try and hide it

"N…nothing" I stammered.

"Are you feeling all right?" She put her hand to my forehead as if to feel for my temperature

"Your face is really red, are you sure you're not sick or something?" she gave me a concerned look.

"Really Kairi I'm fine" I smiled at her "I should probably get going though"

Kairi frowned "OK but at least let me walk you home" I nodded and smiled again as we headed outside once more. It was now twilight and night would be here soon.

My house was high up on a hill that overlooked the whole town. It was high enough that I could see it from Kairi's house here on the ground. As we began walking it was silent, I looked over at Kairi and smiled. She giggled and locked arms with me. I quickly looked away as my face turned red… what was wrong with me? At this rate I was going to be red for the rest of my life. It took me a minute but I managed to calm down and we continued walking in silence, arms linked.

We climbed the hill and reached my house, twilight now giving way to night. I turned to say good bye but she spoke first "Hey can we go on your roof? I love the view from there. I simply grinned and nodded and we headed in. We went up to my room where there was a skylight we could climb up through.

I climbed up the ladder and onto the roof, then helped Kairi up as she came through. We sat there watching the last minute of the sunset fade away as the wind began to pick up a little. I looked over at her as she enjoyed the panoramic view, her crimson hair blowing in the wind, I couldn't help but think about how…. beautiful she was. I finely pulled my glance away from her to look up at the sky. We sat there for awhile and had started talking again. One of the things I liked about her was how I could talk about anything with her and she knew she could talk about anything with me to, yet we both constantly avoided the conversation I dare say we wanted to talk about most… about what we would do if anything happened again. But I guess we couldn't avoid it any longer…

"Sora?" her voice changed a little

"Ya?" I'd heard that tone in her voice before

"I'm afraid… afraid it might happen again. We were separated… everyone. We almost lost each other forever so many times, and it took so long for us to be reunited, and I don't know how but at one point I almost completely forgot you. What if it happens again?" I listened as I could here the fear in her voice… the same fear I held.

"Kairi… I don't know if it will happen again or not, but if it does know this." I spoke as confident as I could to try and assure her. "I WILL find you and we wont be apart forever… and you know Riku would do the same." I gave her a smile and she simply giggled as she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. "Besides Kairi, I doubt we'll be torn apart again"

At that point I was only half right….