Chapter 2
He was still smirking as he kicked off his pants.
As he sat down on the edge of the bed, he watched with hooded eyes as she pulled the chair closer facing him.
"Close your eyes."
He heard the chair creak as she leaned forward.
"Do you still trust me?"
"Yes," he replied with anticipation.
She leaned forward and softly pressed her lips against his. As the kiss deepened he gladly gave up control.
"Start slowly for now," She ordered softly.
He felt a much missed feeling of contentment settle over him as his world narrowed to sound of her voice and the things it made him do. He gasped as her fingers stroked his thigh lightly, almost as if she didn't realize she was doing it.
"Do that again."
He could feel the pressure building.
"Back off, you're too close," she said as he made noises of frustration in response.
He shakily let out a breathe as he felt the mattress dip as she climbed onto bed behind him. Her chest pressed against him as her lips found that one spot on his neck that makes his knees go weak. His brain nearly stopped functioning at the sensations he was feeling and his wife's sultry whispering in his ear, "Let go."
It was her whispered, "I love you," that had him gritting his teeth and his eyes closing while his hand stilled as he felt it course through him. Her arms came around him as he leaned back into her warm embrace.
His head felt fuzzy and he couldn't feel his legs but he still he laughed, "I can do celibacy for the next week as long as this is a daily occurrence."
"Maybe twice a day. At least."
She just laughed into his neck as he reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers.
The End