Chapter VI: Mistrusting the Trust

O'Neil walked in just in time to see something off about the people in Daniel's office, including Daniel himself. Normally, O'Neil would be raising the alarms to get people in and stop anything before it started, but today he decided to play it by ear.

"So, Daniel, friends of yours?" O'Neil asked with a little humor in his voice.

Daniel knew what Jack was doing, so he decided to play along.

"Oh, yeah, real good friends…" Daniel began.

With his eyes, Daniel's message was simple, 'Trouble, big trouble…'

"Really, must be interesting seeing people like this around." O'Neil said.

'Zats?' O'Neil's eyes said.

"You have no idea." Daniel said.

'Down and to the right.' Daniel's eyes said.

"…Didn't you and I have a birthday party to attend? Sam's maybe?" O'Neil said, stalling for Daniel.

"Yeah, sometime at three o'clock, I think." Daniel said.

"No, I think it was two o'clock." O'Neil said back.

Shampoo said, "Enough of this foolishness, Dr. Jackson is coming with us."

O'Neil and Daniel looked at one another for a moment before O'Neil said, "Now," and they both pulled out Zats and started shooting.

Shampoo, Mousse, and Ryoga went down before the rest knew what was going on. Ukyo and Kodachi both pushed the table laying near the exit down and hid behind it. O'Neil and Daniel hid behind the chalkboard and started wheeling it in a ramming style. Both girls had ran off before they were flattened and hit with Zat blasts as O'Neil and Daniel both ran out of the room, hitting the button to close the door.

After catching their breath, O'Neil said, "Now, you wanna tell me why there was about a few Gou'ald in your room?"

"Friends of Sam's nephew." Daniel simply said.

"…Sam has a nephew?" O'Neil asked as they walked up to Landry's office.


Ranma looked at the Tendo girls and noted that they definitely were different they when he saw them last. Kasumi had pulled out a chef's knife out of a pocket in her blouse and had a somewhat dark smile on her face; Nabiki had pulled out a wrench from her jacket pocket and started slapping it on her hand and gave a cheeky smile. Akane pulled out her trademark mallet-sama and looked like she had went off the deep end.

"I don't suppose you three are angry about me leaving, huh?" Ranma asked with a somewhat smile.

Kasumi rushed in first and started slashing at Ranma. Ranma, being Ranma of course, dodged Kasumi's slashes.

"Stand still and fight, mikta." Kasumi said.

Ranma, still dodging, said, "What?"

Thinking this was an opening, Kasumi tried to plant the knife in Ranma's stomach. Ranma dodged again, kicked the knife out of her hand, and tripped her. Her body fell hard enough that her head hit the concrete and knocked her unconscious. Akane, still somewhat like Akane, dashed in and started attempting to make a Ranma-sized crater in the walls. Ranma dodged her, as usual, and kicked her into the wall. Same as before, the blow was hard enough to make her lose her first wind.

"Now, where's Nabiki?" Ranma asked himself.

Then, his danger sense kicked in and he ducked just before the fat end of the wrench clonked him to la-la-land. He spun around and saw Nabiki put on her own Ribbon Device.

"I will only ask you this once. Surrender and join us, or die a slow death." Nabiki's double voice bellowed.

It was then that Ranma noticed a shadow moving slowly toward Nabiki.

Ranma smiled and said, "You'll have to take that up with her."

Nabiki turned around and saw a fist smack right into her face, snapping her nasal bone as she went down.

"What took you?" Ranma asked Sam with a smile.

Sam looked mock-hurt and said, "Well, I had problems of my own, kiddo. Next time, tell your friends to write before they decide to drop in."

Ranma only chuckled as they started back for General Landry's office.


"So, I bet you're all wondering why I'm here?" Jack asked the people seated in Landry's office.

SG-1 and Ranma gave affirming nods back at Jack.

"Well, Hammond told me to tell you guys that the Trust has a little place in China. Some little place…June-sek-yo or something like that." Jack said.

Everyone's reactions were the same: one of complete surprise.


And that's chapter 6. Short but it takes care of the action scenes at the moment. And, I promise, this all leads up to something. I'm just not giving it away at the moment. Don't forget, read and review.


See chapter 1