Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter.
Chapter One
"Come on Hermione! Join the fun!" Ginny Weasley said, grabbing me by the elbow.
I took a sip of my Strawberry Daquiri and grinned. We were at a muggle club, celebrating for Ginny.
"Alright, alright Gin! As you wish, but it's only for you," I said, as I followed her to the floor.
It had been four years since I'd graduated Hogwarts School, and I thought I was doing pretty well for myself. I'd managed to find a job that I truly and deeply enjoyed, I had stayed friends with everyone, but yet, there was something missing.
I knew what it was. I kept trying to forget about the pain I felt whenever I slept. I'd wake up the next morning, trying to forget about the wonderful dream I'd had about him. I'd dream he was with me, laying in bed next to me, stroking my arm, whispering in my ear.
In the four years I've moved on, I hadn't heard anything about him. I told myself to move on, and now, as I danced in the club with Ginny,that's all I was trying to accomplish.
Alright ready
Come on man, this is what I do
Yo mic check, mic check, yeah here you go
Nah, he over here
Yeah, I heard he got that hot new thing
It's called "Switch"
Let's get it going
Hey switch, turn it over and hit it
Turn around, now switch
Turn it over and hit it
The music inturrupted my thoughts as I moved my body to the music. I swayed my hips back and forth my hands trailing up my body as I moved from side to side. Ginny was laughing, dancing with me.
Hey, vibe to vibe a second, it's a club girl why you arrived naked
Hear that, how the veteran glide the record
But don't download, go out and buy the record
Hey, something sexy bout her
Girl on the floor, all her friends around her
I mean real clean, ain't gotta touch or nothing
It ain't like I like a chick on chick or something
I'm just a sucker for a hot track
Gimme a drink and a chick to tell 'Stop that'
Dance is a hop and a clap, flip it round
Now bring it on back, break it down
Now switch
Hey switch, turn it over and hit it
Turn around, now switch
Turn it over and hit it
That's what I'm talking bout, do that thing mama
That's what I'm talking bout, do that thing mama
That's what I'm talking bout, do that thing mama
That's what I'm talking bout, switch
"Doesn't that feel great, Hermione?" Ginny asked, pushing hair back from her sweaty forehead as we walked to the bar.
I grinned, sitting down heavily on a bar stool. I order a drink.
"I still can't believe this is happening to me!" she sqealed, flashing her hand in my face.
I laughed. "Oh, I knew it would, there's no way in hell that it wouldn't have. He loves you too much, Gin," I said, taking a swig of my new drink.
"Oh, stop it, Hermione, you're making me blush," she said, her face turning scarlett.
I took a hold of her hand, examinining the engagement ring. It was just perfect for her. It was silver, and red ruby surrounded by miniture diomonds. It stood right on top of her promise ring.
Harry had proposed to Ginny a year after she'd graduated. She had accepted at once, but Harry, being the gentlemen that he is, had of course asked permission first. And, of course they said yes.
I smiled at her, as she drew her hand away. "Well, it's true, Gin. The way he looks at you, the way he takes you in his arms for a hug, the look in his eyes. Gosh, it's so wonderful to me how much you two are in love."
Ginny fiddled with her napkin as she grinned. "Thanks, Hermione. I just hope he knows that I love him just as much," she paused, hesitating before going on. "I know that it'll happen to you one day, Hermione."
I looked past her shoulder to the entrance. My eyes landed on a tall brunette walking in the club. He caught me looking at him, and smiled at me. I blushed, and turned my attention back to Ginny.
I smiled sadly. "No, it never will, Gin. I gave up on that a long time ago," I said, finishing off my drink and ordering another one.
Ginny eyed my glass as the bartender gave it to me. "Hermione," she said softly, touching my leg. "You should never give up, especially on lo-"
"Thanks Gin, but don't start, please. Forget about it," I said picking up my glass.
"I'll never forget about it, Hermione. I want you to be able to experience what I am now. It's a wonderful feeling and -"
"I know what it feels like, Ginny! Do you not think I -" I stopped, looking away from her. I couldn't bring myself to utter those precious words I'd once said to him.
"Love him?" she said quietly.
"Loved him, Ginny. He left me alone. How can I love somebody that hurt me so much?" I said, emotion creeping up in me. But, it wasn't sadness. It was anger. "He left me alone, and you expect me to still have feelings for him? No. I can't. I won't. If I ever see him again..." I said, trailing off.
The truth is, if I ever did see him again, my reaction would be unpredictable.
"I know you still love him, Hermione. But, you're right, he's gone and it's time for you to move on," she said, grinning. "Like now. How about we pick the perfect guy for you, right here, right now."
I raised an eyebrow. Oh no. She was going to play matchmaker. Again. She'd done it before, and everytime, it ended up bad.
"Ginerva Weasley. Not again. Please. Everytime you do this, it never works out!" I said, hitting her playfully on the arm.
"I swear, this time it will work out, I promise. Now, let's see here," she said, putting her hand to her chin, stroking it thoughtfully. "How about him? There's nothing wrong with him."
I glanced at the direction she nodded in. I scrutinized him. He wasn't that bad looking, but then he laughed boisterously.
"How about no?" I said, giggling.
"Oh. Whoops. Yeah, you're right he's a no-no. You're parents would probably disown you if you married a guy with bad teeth," she said, laughing. "How about him?"
She pointed to a built guy, with tatoos and long hair. I also noticed he had a nose and lip ring. Definately not my type.
"Gin!" I said laughing.
We amused ourselves more, as we each took a turn picking out guys we know the other would not date in a million years.
"How about that guy?" I said giggling, as the bartender handed me another drink. I glanced at him. "Um... sorry, but I didn't order another drink."
He smiled a toothy smile at me. "Yes miss, I know, but that gentlemen over there insisted on buying you a drink."
He nodded in a direction, and I followed his gaze. It was the tall brunette man that I had saw come into the club earlier. He smiled at me. I felt my face gethot, asGinnygaped at me.
"Hermione!That guy is hitting on you!" she said, grabbing my arm.
I turned to her. "I don't know Gin. He's probably just looking for some ass or something. I mean, practically every guy in this club is that way, and I guarentee you he's some rich, stuck up man who gets with a different girl everynight."
Ginny's jaw dropped in horror as the last sentence came out of my mouth.
"Well, you never know until you talk to the guy first, miss," said a voice behind me.
I turned my head quickly, almost if I caught a sudden case of whiplash. There he was, Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome there right before me. My face got hot again. I smiled sheepishly. I couldn't think of what to say.
"Sorry about my friend here. She just sometimes says things at the wrong time, Mr..." Ginny said, as she grinned at the man.
"Urie. Brian Urie," he said, turning to me. He put out his hand.
I accepted it, shaking it lightly. He had a firm, strong grip, but didn't squeeze my hand. It was more of an affectionate handshake.
"I-I'm sorry," I muttered, looking him in the eyes. I felt my breath being pulled from my body. His eyes were a furious blue, coursing into my own eyes, as if he could see my soul. "I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger."
"I believe I've seen your photograph somewhere before. You're much prettier in person, I must say," he said, grinning.
I blushed again, nodding my head. "Thanks," I grinned at him.
"Will you guys excuse me? I need to use the restroom," Ginny said, grinning at me.
I gave her a look of pure fear. She was leaving me with some strange man I had met in a muggle club. She just grinned at me and whisked off. We sat there in an akward silence for a bit. Finally-
We laughed. He grinned his perfect teeth smile at me. "Go ahead," he said, waving his hand at me.
I smiled. "Where are you from?"
He made a face and rubbed the back of his neck. "Long story. But I'll give you a short version. I was born in Boston, New York, but my parents brought me here when I was 3, so I've been living in London ever since."
"Really? Where did you go to school?" I asked.
"London High," he said, hesitating.
"Really? Well, that's odd. I can't believe I don't know you. But, then again, there are a lot of students there."
"I agree. But I believe you were a year younger than me, I believe. I graduated about five or six years ago," he said, taking a drink.
"Oh, that's why then," I said, smiling at him. "So what do you do?"
"Ah, well, let's just say that I do many things," he said smiling suspicioulsy.
I grinned. "Mr. Secretive are we? Oh well, that's okay. I understand."
He grinned. "Finally! Somebody does. I know it might seem suspicious, but I'm not much of an open person when I meet beautiful women. In fact, I'm more insecure."
I blushed. "Was that a compliment?" I asked, teasing him. He was beginning to get on my good side. He wasn't bad looking, he had great teeth, and the most wonderful eyes I'd ever seen. He might not be so bad.
"Yes, I believe it was," he said, a blush creeping into his own face.
We talked most of the night, the crowd disappearing slowly. I hadn't heard from Ginny in awhile, and was beginning to worry about her.
"I wonder where my friend went," I said, as I turned my head and looked around the club. I spotted her, sitting with another women at a table on the other side of the room. I narrowed my eyes, knowing she'd been back from the "restroom" awhile back. It didn't matter. I kind of liked it, actually.
"Nevermind, I found her," I said, slurring my words a bit.
"Do you need a ride home? Because I don't think your friend is going to be able to drive either," he said, pointing to her. "Is this the first time she's had muggle alcohol?"
His eyes widened when he realized what he just said. I whipped my head around and stared at him incredously.
"Y-yes, actually."
He looked at me, his face hardened. "Are you a-a witch?" he asked quietly.
I stared at him. There was only two possible reasons he asked this question. One, he was afraid I was a witch, and was going to dump me as soon as I said something, or two, he was a wizard.
But he had said the word muggle...
"Are you a wizard?" I asked slowly.
He nodded his head slowly. I relaxed. "So did you go to Hogwarts?"
I saw his face relax. "So you're a witch?" he asked excitedly.
I nodded. "Yes."
"And, yes I did go to Hogwarts," he said.
"Really?Wish I'd met you sooner."
He laughed. "Sowould you like me to talke you home? I think I"m the only one in this club who doesn't drink."
I nodded to him. "Yes, let me tell my friend first."
He nodded, as I walked over to Ginny. I explained the situation to her, and she agreed at once.
"How are you going to get home?"
"Harry," Ginny said. "I've already talked to him. He seemed happy that I'd told him you met someone."
I raised an eyebrow, and laughed. "Thanks Gin."
I pushed past the people to get back to Brian. I saw him waiting for me, grinning broadly.
"Ready?" he asked, holding out his arm.
I grinned, sliding my arm through his. "Thank you, Monsier."
We walked through the many people laughing and talking, most of their words slurred. I smiled to myself. I walked past a table, a familar voice coming to my ear. I glanced over my shoulder, and saw who the voice belonged to.
The last thing I remember was seeing the eyes of Draco Malfoy.
Well, there you go guys, the first chapter to my story! Hope you liked it, and review!