A/N: After this epilogue, I've got a surprise for you people.

"Got everything?"

"Yes, Uncle John, I've got everything."

"All your bags?"

He laughed. "You sound like a mother hen."

"He is," Fin and Olivia remarked at the same time, then Olivia continued, "You should hear him at work."

"I have and you're right." He shook his head. "I'll be fine, Uncle John. It's just college."

"You hear this boy? Just college? When I went to college..." I said

"When you went to college, it took money and power to get in. Now everybody goes," Fin said.

"That's exactly my point. With all those kids he's more likely to get mixed in with the wrong crowd," I argued.

"It's a military college," Ben pointed out.

"Then there's even more a chance."

Ben, Fin and Olivia laughed. "I promise I'll be good, now can I go?"

I looked at him, serious now. "Come here." He walked over obediently and I wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug. "You take care, or I'm bustin' you outta that joint. You here? And I'll drag Fin along too."

"Great, just what I wanna do," Fin muttered.

"I will," Ben promised. I ruffled his hair and let him go. "Uncle John..." he groaned.

"I know, I know. Don't mess with the hair." I smiled. "Gonna be quiet without you around."

"I'll be home before you know it."

I should stop beating around the bush and holding onto him, I thought. Just say it. "Well, that's it I guess. Goodbye."

"I'll call when I get there. See ya, Fin. Olivia."

Fin nodded his head. "See ya."

Olivia nodded and I thought she might cry. She stepped forward and hugged Ben. "Do good," she whispered in his ear.

"Well," he corrected, just as quiet.

"No good. Do good."

At last, he caught her meaning and gave her one last squeeze. "Bye." He waved, finally walking off towards his gate. I waved back and watched as he handed the lady his ticket and waved once more before boarding the plane. I sighed.

I never had liked saying goodbye.