
By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 5: Back to normal, almost

The fight was over and every one was relieved, especially Angel and Lilo. Stitch was in rather rough shape, even though he now had a cheerful smile on his face. The family decided to hang around the beach for awhile, just to let Stitch and Kioko rest up a little, though Kioko didn't look like he needed it. After awhile Stitch had regained enough strength to head home. It was now late afternoon and the family was making their way up the drive way.

The kids, Jumba, Pleakly and 625 were in the lead and were already at the base of the steps. Angel and Stitch were right behind them; Stitch had his arm slung over Angel's shoulder as she helped him limp home. Kioko and Lilo were in last; their pace was a little more relaxed. Kioko's arms were loosely folded over his chest and Lilo had her paws clasped behind her back, with a tiny smile on her face.

"Lilo…" blurted Kioko after noticing what she was smiling at.

Lilo lost her smile and looked over at Kioko. "What?"

Kioko gave a sigh and looked straight ahead. "Stop staring at Stitch's butt."

Lilo's ears fell to her shoulders as her cheeks turned a rosy red. "What, I can't help it. I mean I thought he was cute before but… now that I'm an experiment… he's… a different kind of cute." Lilo's voice was shaky as she snuck another glance at Stitch.

Kioko gave a disgusted sigh as he shook his head disapprovingly. "I don't see how you can have thoughts like that, especially since he's been your friend for so long… even if you're an experiment now."

Lilo raised an eye brow as she folded her arms over her chest. "Oh come on, Kioko. You can't tell me that since you've been an experiment you haven't looked at Angel differently."

"I haven't." replied Kioko.

"Oh now that's a lie, as close as you two are… you have to have had at least one thought."

Kioko looked over at Lilo out of the corner of his eye. "There is something wrong with you, you know that?"

Lilo gave a small huff as Kioko walked ahead of her. A few minutes later every one was inside, Jumba and Pleakly went straight to their room, the kids also ran up to their room to play and every one else settled into the living room. What was left of the day passed by uneventfully; dinner was just pizza ordered out and the mood was relaxed as the family watched television. But while most of the family was relaxing downstairs, Jumba was frantically running around his room, going back and fourth between the device and his computer.

Pleakly had a confused look on his face as he watched Jumba fumble over a sea of wires that were spread across the floor. "Now what are you up too?" asked Pleakly.

"It is being nothing, just that I am believing that I know how to return pirate and little girl back to normal." Grinned Jumba proudly.

Pleakly's eye widened as smile of his own appeared on his face. "You mean you figured out what went wrong?"

"Yes, it was merely miscalculation in the genetic reprogramming and arranging array, that caused a malfunction in nucleic acid reconstitutes which was fowling up code variation matrix." Explained Jumba as he opened a panel on the side of the device and began tinkering around inside of it.

Pleakly was left with a confused look on his face as he tried to make sense of what the evil genius had just said. "Ok, now could you say that in English?"

Jumba looked up from the device. "Is simple, wires were just being crossed."

"So why couldn't you just say that in the first place?"

"That is not being way that we evil geniuses do it." Said Jumba with a smile, before returning to his work.

Pleakly gave a small sigh. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. Lilo and Kioko will be so happy to hear this, I should go tell them!" shouted Pleakly as he turned to run out the door.

But before he could get out the door Jumba stepped in front of him and once again wrapped his large hand around Pleakly's head. "Please, not to be telling them yet. I don't want to tell them until I am knowing for sure that device will work this time. It will be like little surprise."

Pleakly gave a nod and Jumba released his grip on him. Jumba quickly got back to work while Pleakly went over to their dresser and started rearranging things. Meanwhile, out in the living room, things were pretty calm… sort of. 625, Kioko and Angel were sitting on the couch; Kioko and 625 were wrestling over the remote, though Kioko was winning. Kioko had 625 in a headlock while he gave the tan experiment a noogie, the remote was in Kioko's paw but 625 had a small grip on it.

Angel was resting her arm on the arm of the couch with her head resting on her paw, she had an annoyed look on her face as she watched the two wrestle around and periodically rolled her eyes. Lilo and Stitch weren't paying much attention to the commotion as they sat side by side in a chair across from the couch. Stitch was hunched over while Lilo held an ice pack on his back.

"Are you sure you'll be ok, Stitch?" asked Lilo.

Stitch gave a small smile and looked up at her. "Lilo, look who you're talking to, you know I'm always ok. One little fight isn't going to keep me down."

"You know you've really changed since this morning."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, this morning you were all gung-ho about beating Kioko, now you seem so mellow about the whole thing."

"What's your point?"

"Well… I thought you would be so angry about losing the fight? But instead it's like all the competitive rivalry between you two has… vanished, I just don't get it." Lilo's tone was filled with confusion and curiosity as she looked between Stitch and Kioko, who was now sitting on 625 with a triumphant smile.

"Oh believe me Lilo, our little rivalry hasn't vanished… it's just taking a little break." Stitch gave a small groan as he shifted his shoulders. "A little higher, please."

Lilo gave a nod and moved the ice pack a few inches higher. "Is that better?"

"Yes, thank you."

"So… does this mean you're upset about how the fight turned out?"

Stitch gave a small laugh. "Upset is an understatement, I am enraged on the inside. But, I'm not going to let it bother me too much."

Lilo gave a small huff as she smiled at her friend. "That really isn't like you."

"You're right; it's not like me, but… I just don't see a point in getting angry about it. I mean, it's not like you were all depending on the outcome of the fight."

"That's what you think." Said Lilo to herself as she glanced over at 625.

"I mean it's not like your lives were in danger or anything. Besides me and Kioko came to an understanding."

"Well that's good." Smiled Lilo.

Stitch shrugged. "Yeah well… you know."

"I'm very proud of you, Stitch."

"You are?" asked stitch as he looked up at her smiling face.

"Yes I am... you've come along way since I first meet you."

Stitch gave a large smile before snuggling up against Lilo. "I love you, Lilo."

"I love you too, Stitch." Smiled Lilo as she gently stroked Stitch's head.

Across the room, Kioko and 625 were still wrestling over the remote. Kioko was still sitting on top of 625 as the tan experiment struggled to get from underneath the pirate. "Come on, get off will ya!" shouted 625.

"Why would I do that?" asked Kioko with a sly smile.

"Because I said so!" yelled 625 angrily.

"Oh I'm so scared." Laughed Kioko.

"Come on, Kioko I promise I won't leave it on the Sandwich channel all night! We can watch something else!" pleaded 625.

Kioko raised an eye brow as eh looked down at the experiment. "You promise?"

"I promise, now get off please!"

"Hmm…" Kioko tapped his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "No, I don't think so."

"Oh come on!" screamed 625.

Kioko began to laugh as 625 once again began trying to wriggle out from underneath him. But his laughter stopped as he noticed Angel, who was no longer paying attention to their fight but was casually looking over at Lilo and Stitch out of the corner of her eye. He gave a small sigh through his nose as he slowly looked her up and down. After a moment he managed to say something.

"That doesn't bother you does it?"

Angel seemed to snap out of a trance as she quickly looked back towards Kioko. "What? No, no it doesn't bother me. Why would it?" Angel's voice was soft and quiet as she once again glanced back over at Lilo and Stitch.

"Well, I thought it would just be a little bothersome, seeing your mate snuggling with another girl."

Angel gave a small laugh as she turned and sat back against the arm of the couch. "She's not just another girl, Kioko. She was Stitch's first real friend, first real family, and the first one to actually care about him. She's known him a lot longer then I have, if anyone has the right to be that close to him besides me… it's her. Besides, it's not like me and you haven't had our little moments." Smiled Angel.

Kioko gave a small smile. "That's true."

"But why would you ask some thing like that? I've explained to you before that it doesn't bother me seeing Lilo and Stitch get cozy with each other."

Kioko gave a shrug. "I don't know it was just the look on your face that made me think that."

Angel once again gave a small laugh. "It wasn't that kind of look, trust me. I was just thinking about something."

"Thinking about what?" asked Kioko curiously.

Angel just smiled and looked back towards Lilo and Stitch. 'Just about how I feel when you hold me like that.' Thought Angel.

"Angel?" asked Kioko, bringing the pink experiment out of her thoughts.

"Huh, what?"

"There you go again, now what is it you're thinking about?" asked Kioko rather forcefully.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't thinking about anything too important."

"You could have fooled me."

Angel didn't reply she just went back to staring over at Lilo and Stitch. Kioko gave a slightly frustrated sigh as he rubbed his forehead slowly. But after a moment he stops, he looks up and over at Lilo and Stitch then back over to Angel. It was then that he realized what was making her act the way she was. It wasn't jealousy or suspicion or anything else. There was only one way he could describe the look on her face… it was envy.

But that is where he became confused, why would Angel be envious of Lilo and Stitch? After all, Stitch has cuddled with her that way before as well as other things that Lilo and Stitch would never do. So why was she envious… what was she envious about? Suddenly, Lilo's words from earlier in the day hit him.

"Now that I'm an experiment… he's… a different kind of cute." Lilo's voice echoed through Kioko's head. 'If Lilo, upon becoming an experiment, had developed an attraction to stitch that was non-existent before… could the same happen with Stitch and Angel towards Lilo and…'

Kioko quickly shook his head, trying to shake the idea from his mind. It was just too crazy to consider, there was no way it could be possible. Wasn't it? Kioko gave a small sigh through his nose as he slowly looked over at Angel once more.

'Wasn't it?'

The thought continued to float around Kioko's mind; he no longer noticed 625 who was still struggling underneath him. There was only that one thought… and it was beginning to bother him. Time quickly passed, 625 finally managed to escape and went off to make a sandwich, having worked up quite an appetite trying to escape Kioko. Before long it was going on 10:00 at night, Nani would be home soon and would probably start asking questions about why Stitch had an icepack on his back.

But no one moved, the room was silent as no one said a word. But the silence was soon broken by Jumba who came running into the living room, startling almost every one.

"Kioko, not so little girl, 6-2-6, 6-2-4, quickly! Am having special surprise for you!" shouted Jumba happily.

"What is it, Jumba?" asked Lilo as she stopped stroking Stitch's head.

"Come to room and you will be seeing!"

Jumba turned and quickly ran off to his room, leaving everyone slightly confused. The four experiments looked around at each other, trying to see if the others had any idea what it was.

"Do you think he fixed that accursed machine?" asked Kioko as he looked over at Lilo.

"I don't know, maybe?" replied Lilo with a shrug.

"Well let's not sit around here asking questions, lets go see what he wants." Blurted Stitch as he painfully hopped off the chair.

The others nodded in agreement and began making their way towards Jumba's room. Lilo hopped down off of the chair and helped walk Stitch towards the room. Everyone was now on their feet except for Kioko, Lilo looked over at him curiously.

"Aren't you coming, Kioko?" asked Lilo.

Kioko looked over at her. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

Lilo nodded and continued to help Stitch down the hall. Angel and Kioko were the last ones in the room, Angel was about to head down the hall after Lilo and Stitch.

"Angel, wait a minute!" shouted Kioko.

Angel stopped and looked over at Kioko. "What is it?"

"I just want to… tell you something." Said Kioko as he hopped off of the couch.

"What do you want to tell me?" asked Angel as Kioko slowly walked towards her. Kioko didn't answer as he continued to walk up to her slowly. A moment later he was only a few inches away from her, their noses were practically touching. A confused look appeared on the pink experiments face. "What… what are you doing?" asked Angel timidly.

With out a word Kioko slowly reached up and gently took a hold of Angel's chin. He gently raised her chin up and then softly touched his lips to hers in a tender kiss. Angel's eyes widened but she soon closed them as she savored the kiss. After a full minute Kioko slowly pulled away and released her chin. Angel slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Kioko, a look of surprise and confusion still on her face.

"Wha… what was that?" asked Angel quietly.

A tender smile appeared on Kioko's face as he reached up and gently stroked Angel's cheek. "Let's just call it a bit of curiosity."

Kioko lowered his hand and slowly walked past Angel, he came to a stop a few feet behind her and looked back over his shoulder at her. "Now that is to stay between me and you, ok? It's our little secret."

Kioko continued on down the hall without another word. Angel was left speechless as she remained in the same spot in the living room. She slowly reached up and touched her lips gently, she couldn't believe what had just happened. She couldn't understand why Kioko would do such a thing, but what was even more confusing is why she… enjoyed it so much.

After a minute she managed to regain some of her composure, she slowly turned and began walking down the hallway, the look of confusion still heavy on her face. By the time she reached Jumba, Pleakly's and 625's room she no longer had the confused look on her face… but the thought of what happened still buzzed around in her head like a swarm of bees. She tried to shake the thoughts as she entered the room, but it didn't work to well.

She slowly walked over to where Lilo and them were standing, focusing her attention away from her thoughts and back to what was happening. Jumba once again had the device sitting out in the middle of the room, wires hung from it like vines from a tree. Jumba now had his two pairs of safety goggles on and a look of excitement and confidence was on his face.

"So, what did you call us in here for?" asked Lilo.

"What are you to be thinking? I am to be believing that I have fixed evil genius device. So not so little girl and pirate can be changed back to normal."

"Are you sure it works?" asked Kioko as he folded his rams over his chest.

"Well, in science nothing is completely certain… but I am having good feelings about it. Besides, if it is not fixed… only a few things could be happening… no big deal." Shrugged Jumba.

"Things like what?" asked Lilo with a concerned tone.

"Well, for one beam could be solidifying genetic variation and making transformation permanent, two it could just be hurting a lot or it could be turning you back to normal selves."

Kioko gave a small growl. "For your sake Jumba it better be number three, because if it's either of the other two… you won't be feeling too well."

Jumba gave a rather nervous grin. "I will be keeping that in mind. So, shall we be giving it a go?"

Kioko and Lilo both looked at each other, while Stitch and Angel looked at them looking at each other. After a moment the two of them gave a sigh and walked over to the device. "Sure, why not. But this better work, Jumba." Said Kioko as he walked over in front of the machine, Lilo walked up next to him a moment later.

"I am trusting that it will. Pleakly, press the button!" commanded Jumba.

"Right!" shouted Pleakly as he jumped next to the device, wearing his evil genius assistant outfit. "Let us for to be returning Kioko and Lilo to normal!"

"Will you please stop trying to copy my accent!" shouted Jumba angrily.

Pleakly gave an innocent smile. "Sorry."

With out another word Pleakly pressed the large red button on the side of the machine. The multi-colored lights once again began flickering along the side of the machine as a low hum once again filled the room. Sparks danced along the device as the prongs began spinning faster and faster. But as the machine charged up, Kioko's focus fell back upon Angel. She had a rather disappointed look on her face as she watched the machine charge up.

Angel was indeed feeling sad and disappointed… but she didn't know exactly why. All she knew was that deep down… she didn't want Kioko to be turned back to normal or Lilo for that matter. It felt like something was being taken away from her, like there was a missed opportunity. But it was all too confusing for her… she didn't understand why she felt this way. She didn't want to feel this way, but in a way it felt right… like she was supposed to feel this way.

At this point the machine was shining, the prongs were a blur and the room was filled with a low hum. Kioko gave a sigh and looked away from Angel and faced the device. Both Kioko and Lilo closed their eyes as the light grew. Suddenly the same yellow beam shot from the device, it hit Kioko and Lilo head on surrounding them in a bright yellow aura. Every one in the room shielded their eyes as a bright flash filled the room.

The light soon faded as well as the low hum, everyone slowly looked up towards where Kioko and Lilo had been standing. What they saw brought a smile to their faces, Kioko and Lilo were both standing in the same spot they had been a moment before, their bodies restored.

Jumba gave an evil chuckle. "Ha, it was a success!" cheered Jumba triumphantly.

"Ah, it feels good to back in my own body." Said Lilo as she looked at her self.

"Yeah, it feels good to have 5 fingers again and to be more then 2 feet tall. No offense to you guys of course." Said Kioko as he looked over at Stitch and Angel.

"None taken." Smiled Stitch.

Jumba gave another evil chuckle. "Now that evil genius device is fixed I can begin with changing my experiments into humans!"

The smile that was on Jumba's face fell as the sound of tearing metal reached his ears. The scientist quickly wiped around to find Kioko standing next to the device, is fist rammed through the side of it.

"Kioko, what have you done!" screamed Jumba.

A smirk appeared on Kioko's face as he looked up at Jumba. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you needing this?" asked Kioko as his smirk grew to an evil grin. Kioko suddenly yanks his hand upward, causing it to rip through the top of the device.

Jumba's jaw dropped as he watched sparks shot from the mangled device. "Why did you do that? Are you to being crazy?"

"I just didn't want any more problems to arise with the use of this device. Who knows what would have happened if you actually tried it on an experiment?"

"Well you didn't have to be destroy it!" shouted Jumba angrily.

"In my opinion I did." Shrugged Kioko.

Jumba gave a defeated sigh as he looked at his destroyed invention. After a short while Stitch, Angel and the newly revived Kioko and Lilo went out to the living room. A few minutes later Nani returned home, she of course was very pleased to see her sister back to her normal form. About an hour later Kioko decided to leave, since he could now ride his motorcycle home. Angel watched from the windowsill as he rode away down the drive way. But as she did the thoughts of what had happened came rushing back.

'Why do I still feel this way?' thought Angel. 'What made me feel this way? These feelings are all too familiar yet they're different some how. Could it be that I…? No, that's ridiculous, that can't possibly be the reason! It just wouldn't be right, it just couldn't be right.' Angel looked away from the window and looked over towards Lilo and Stitch, Stitch was sitting on Lilo's lap while Lilo once again held the ice pack to his back. 'How could it be that I feel the same way when I look at Stitch? How could the feelings be the same?'

Angel looked back towards the window; Kioko was no longer in sight. 'There's only one reason why I have these feelings… but it's so wrong… but there's no denying what this feeling is.' Angel slowly looked up, focusing her gaze on the pale white moon that hung above the island. 'Could it be that I'm in love with Stitch… and Kioko?'

Well that's it for this story! I hope you enjoyed this little story. My next story will be in the Tejina Series… which has been on hold for awhile. Anyway, please review or comment. Later.