Author's Note: Hi LWD and Dasey fans! Don't worry, I'm still continuing "Obvious Heart" (my sequel to "Tangled"), but I just HAD to start another LWD fic lol. This one... I don't know how long it's gonna be. It's kinda writing itself, really. Probably just a few chapters, I don't think it's going to be a long story. But just for you all to be warned... there is underage drinking in this story, as well as pre-marital sex (non-graphic). But just in case you are offended by that, I wanted to forewarn ya. Okay, on with the story... I hope you all enjoy it, and remember, feedback makes me happy :-D hehe.

"Derek, you know what happened last time! Remember!" Casey MacDonald was enraged with her stepbrother, following him around the house as he strategically placed bowls of chips and pretzels in all of the rooms. She couldn't believe he was really doing this.

"I'm willing to take the chance of being caught," Derek sighed heavily. Why was his stepsister so difficult? She really needed to loosen up. He continued setting up. People would be arriving shortly.

"Ugh!" Casey threw her hands up in frustration. She knew there was no use in talking sense into him. He was so stubborn that he wouldn't listen to her anyway. And he was dead-set on having this party.

Their parents had left for the night, just to get away. Edwin and Lizzie were at their friends' houses, and Marti was spending the weekend with her mother.

It had actually taken a lot of convincing to let Casey and Derek stay at home on this Friday night because of what happened last time. Casey had assured her mother that there was no reason to worry about them, and that everything would be just fine. She had invited Emily to come sleepover. And Derek had said that he was having Sam over, too.

A few minutes after George and Nora left, Casey found out that Derek had been lying. He didn't have plans with Sam. In fact, Sam was spending the weekend with his cousins in Ottawa. So he wasn't even around that night.

No, Derek had a very different plan for that Friday night. He was having a party. And Casey had had no idea about it until now.

"Just… make sure they don't make a mess! I'm not cleaning it up!" Casey made sure to tell Derek as he started looking through CDs to play. She knew that he was going to have that party no matter what, but she didn't want to get stuck cleaning after his mess. Especially if they were caught.

"Yeah, yeah," Derek said, not really listening as he made out a song playlist.

Casey let out an exasperated sigh, spinning on her heel. She was about to go back up to her bedroom just to get away, when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Already?" Casey snapped her head over at Derek.

Derek just shrugged, looking over at the door. He crossed the room in three strides, and opened to door. It was just Casey's closest friend, Emily, holding a sleeping bag and a duffel bag. She looked pleasantly surprised to see Derek open the door.

"Oh, hi Derek," she flashed him a big smile.

"Hey," Derek said, unenthused. He left the door open and went back to creating his playlist.

"I brought some movies," Emily said to Casey, holding up several DVDs gleefully.

Casey's jaw was set. "Well, I doubt that we'll be able to hear them because somebody has decided to throw a party tonight," Casey's blue eyes shot daggers at her stepbrother, who paid no attention.

Emily's eyes widened, a sparkle of excitement suddenly apparent in them. "A party?" she repeated. She grinned, tossing her things on the floor beside the door. "I've got to go change my outfit!" she squealed and ran off before Casey could say anything.

Casey's mouth was opened. There went her plans for a quiet night of movies with her best friend.

"You should do the same," Derek said, glancing over at Casey.

Casey narrowed her eyes. "What? Be excited about your stupid party?"

"No, go change that outfit of yours. I don't think you'll want half of the school to see you in sweats at a party."

Casey's eyes bugged. "Half the school, Derek!" Oh this was bad. This was very bad.

But, Casey had to admit, Derek was right. She wouldn't even wear these old sweats to school, never mind to a party. If she was going to be forced into this party, she mind as well look nice.

She bit her lip as she ravaged through her closet. She wanted to look good. And not only because there were going to be a lot of people there, probably a lot of popular kids knowing Derek, but also because she wanted to prove to her stupid stepbrother that she could get dressed up. He had never seen her party wear before.

Unfortunately, neither had she. So she had to come up with an outfit. And quickly.

She pulled on her tightest pair of jeans that she had and a black halter-top that fell just above her belly-button. She added some black heels and darkened her usually natural-looking make-up. For her hair, she pulled it out of the ponytail it was in and brushed it down so it was silky and smooth. Finishing up the final touches just as she heard people starting to arrive downstairs, she stood in front of her full-length mirror.

And she smiled. Not bad, if she did say so herself. Not bad at all.

Derek, meanwhile, was downstairs greeting his guests. Two seniors had brought some kegs and people were already getting plastered. He knew this was going to be a much crazier party than last time.

"Shit, man, is that your sister?" the guy he was talking to asked, and Derek looked confused. He followed the kid's direction and his eyes landed on Casey, who was walking down the stairs. He felt his mouth get dry as his eyes trailed down her body. This definitely wasn't the Casey he was used to—not at all. This Casey exuded confidence as she strutted down the stairs, knowing she looked good. This Casey was wearing a sexy outfit that hugged her every curve just right. This Casey had make-up on, making her look entrancing and alluring at the same time.

This Casey was hot.

"Stepsister," Derek corrected dumbly to the guy, his eyes still glued on Casey.

"What?" he heard her ask, raising her eyebrows inquisitively as she walked closer to him. He was staring at her in a way that he never had before. Casey couldn't tell what the expression on his face meant.

"N-nothing," Derek tried to shake it off, popping his collar and telling himself to get a grip. This was Casey. Nerdy, annoying, Klutzilla, stepsister Casey.

"I'm back!" Emily ran over to Casey, now dressed in a more revealing party outfit. "Wow, Case, you look great," Emily commended Casey's ensemble.

"Thanks," Casey smiled.

Derek tried to stop looking at Casey. He turned back to his friend, but he was gone. So he looked at Emily. "So, Emily, you want a drink or something?"

"Sure," Emily grinned at him, following him over to the keg.

"There's a keg here?" Casey suddenly looked mortified. Then, she saw the other one. "Two!" Now what they were doing could not only get them into major trouble with their parents, it could also get them into trouble with the law. She walked over to the kegs, her jaw practically on the floor as she regarded them with disbelief.

"Oh come on, Casey, lighten up," Emily told her friend as she took a cup full of beer handed to her by Derek.

"Lighten up?" Derek scoffed. "This is Casey we're talking about. She doesn't know the meaning of the phrase."

Casey narrowed her eyes. He was taunting her. She could see that. He just looked at her faux-innocently while taking a sip from his own cup.

Casey placed her hands on her hips. She'd show them that she could have fun, too. "Where's mine?" she asked Derek.

Derek look lost, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "…your what?"

"My drink," Casey stepped in closer to Derek, her eyes challenging him.

He looked mildly surprised. "Ooh, Casey wants a drink?" he smirked and poured her a full glass of beer. "I DARE you." He gave her a confident snicker. He knew she'd never do it.

Casey had never had any alcohol before. But she was going to let Derek or anybody else know that. She took the cup from him and then took a huge gulp of it. She didn't know what to expect, and tried to not let her nose wrinkle up in disgust as she swallowed it. It was definitely not as good as people seemed to make it out to be.

Derek gave her an impressed look. "And the stuck-up girl loosens up," he mocked.

Casey growled at him. That struck a definite chord with her. She was not stuck-up. She was not a Vicky—Victoria, whatever. She could loosen up and have fun like everybody else.

"Shots!" someone called out. Casey looked over to see a guy who she recognized as a football player from her school with little shot-glasses lined up on their living room table. People crowded around him. She watched them all take a shot-glass each and down whatever was in it.

She glanced over at Derek. He was grinning at the crowd.

"More shots!" the football player yelled out, pouring a bunch more. Casey strolled over there.

And Derek watched her in complete awe as she took a shot-glass and swallowed it easily, coughing and wincing when it was down.

He saw her take another full shot-glass and hurriedly grabbed one as well. Emily did the same.

"Cheers," Derek said with a smug smirk, clicking his own shot-glass with each of the girls'. The three of them downed the hard liquor.

"What is this?" Derek heard Casey ask. He could tell that she was already tipsy.

"Vodka," he answered.

She nodded, seemingly very interested by that. Shrugging to herself, she went back to casually sipping her beer.

"You can't just sip it," Emily told her. "It's gross. You just have to chug it."

Casey raised her eyebrows. "Chug it?" she repeated.

"Yeah," Emily nodded firmly. She held up her own cup. "We'll do it together, ready?"

Casey just nodded, not knowing what she was doing.

"Go!" Emily exclaimed and quickly pressed the cup to her lips. Casey followed her lead, and closed her eyes as she chugged the nasty drink. She finished it all and let out a monster of a burp.

"Go, Casey!" Emily laughed, hugging Casey sideways.

Casey giggled, well on her way to being drunk.

"I finished it," Casey went up to Derek and showed him her empty cup proudly.

He chuckled, already pretty tipsy himself. "Nice."

"Refill?" she batted her eyelashes at him.

He looked surprised again. But he refilled her cup.

"Thanks you," she giggled at her phrasing and went back over to Emily, who was doing another shot.

Derek had to hand it to Casey. He was impressed. She seemed a lot more mellow, and actually looked like she was having fun. Maybe she wasn't as perfect as he thought she was.

She's definitely hotter than he had thought she was, that's for sure.

"Let's play games!" someone yelled out.

"Kings!" the football player shouted.

"Okay, Kings over there… and Spin-the-Bottle over here!" the football player's cheerleader girlfriend exclaimed, pointing to where she was.

"Spin-the-Bottle?" one person laughed. "That's a little kid's game!"

"So? Come on, it'll be fun!" the cheerleader's cheerleading friend exclaimed with a bright smile.

Derek was going to go over to play Kings, his favorite drinking game, when he looked over and saw a giggly Casey following Emily over to the Spin-the-Bottle corner. And he felt pulled over to it, too.

"Okay, everyone get into a circle," the cheerleader, Amanda, was apparently the leader of the game. The half-drunken bunch all did so. "Dana, pour a bunch of shots!" she called out to her friend.

"Okay!" Dana called back. Derek had made out with Dana before, a few months ago. That was one of the only reasons why he knew her name. He wasn't really good with names.

Casey watched as Dana put a bunch of shots in the middle of the circle, and an empty bottle of Heineken.

The 12 people playing listened intently to Amanda, as she explained that whoever the bottle landed on had to drink a shot, along with the spinner, before kissing. It was how she decided to "spice up" the game.

"Everyone get it?" Amanda asked, twirling a lock of her golden hair.

They all nodded.

"Okay, I'll go first," Amanda grinned and spun the bottle. It landed on the guy on Casey's left, whom she didn't know the name of but she had English together with. She watched as he and Amanda both took shots and then kissed in the middle of the circle.

Casey wasn't that nervous, probably because the alcohol was clearly kicking in. She sipped on her beer absentmindedly as she watched the game progress. She watched Derek spin and it landed on a cheerleader… Hailey, Casey thought her name was. She and Derek both took a shot and she watched as Derek's lips slide over her mouth.

Casey felt a twinge in her stomach at the sight. She passed it off as just the beer.

Emily had kissed two people so far, and still Casey had not been chosen. She stared at the bottle, wondering when it was going to ever land on her. And magically, it did. Casey looked up to see who the spinner was.

And her eyes widened.


Her stepbrother had spun the bottle and it landed on her. The two of them stared at each other, both looking equally surprised.

"Ooh, stepbrother and stepsister kiss. Kinky," one guy commented.

"Shots," Amanda reminded them.

Derek and Casey looked at each other as they both downed their shots. Casey realized that she couldn't even taste the liquid anymore.

They met in the middle, and Derek made the first move, pressing his hand against her neck, pulling her closer to him. When she was millimeters away from her mouth, he gently captured her lips with his own. Casey closed her eyes, letting her hands wrap around his waist to keep herself steady. Even a bit on the drunk side, Casey could feel the sparks between them. When she opened her mouth slightly, giving him permission to slide his tongue in, Derek almost collapsed in surprise. But he took the opportunity, pushing his tongue into her warm mouth, exploring her mouth with his. He felt her let out an almost inaudible sigh, and he could tell it was a good sigh. He felt his pants tighten and realized that they were in the middle of a game. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss.

"Hot," they both heard someone say. The two of them looked at each other as they backed away and sat back down in their spots.

Derek stood back up. "I need another drink," he mumbled, his mind whirling and his lips still tasting like Casey. He licked them, still feeling the pressure of her tongue against his.

Casey was next and she spun the bottle and got some guy named Keith from her French class. She took her shot, gave him a chaste kiss, and got up, needing to get some air. As she wobbled over to the front door, she saw full shot glasses just lying on the counter still. She grabbed one and downed it before heading over to the front door. A few kids were out there, smoking cigarettes. They offered her one, but she shook her head, suddenly having to pee really badly.

She stumbled up the stairs, and was surprised that the bathroom was free. She saw that Lizzie's room wasn't, however. There were two random couples making out on poor little Lizzie's bed. Casey's mind was too blurred to do anything about it, so she just shut the door of the bathroom and relieved herself. She looked down at her jeans to button and zip them back up when she was done, but she saw two of them.

"Ugh," she let out a sigh and then shrugged, not caring. She washed her hands—it took her longer to do than it should have—and opened the door.

Derek was standing right there.

"What are you—" she began, but was cut off by Derek's lips crashing into her own.

"Mmuhh…" she moaned, closing her eyes and instantly giving in. She felt his tongue slide into her mouth and clutched his back. It felt so good. Without looking, he kicked the door shut with his foot and holstered Casey up onto the bathroom sink. Now at eye-level, he dragged his lips down her throat, kissing every inch of the soft skin there. She moaned out his name, encouraging him, and he felt her legs lock around his waist.

"Casey…" he gasped out as he sprinkled hot kisses down her neck and across her collarbone. She moved her hands up his shirt to feel his skin. His chest and abs were way more toned than she had thought they were. She raked her fingernails down his torso and he hissed in pleasure.

Their lips met again and their tongues dueled. Casey tugged Derek's shirt upward, silently demanding for it to come off, and he let her pull it over his head, their lips only separating for a split second. As Casey ran her hands over his bare chest, Derek reached over and undid her halter top, pulling it over her head so she was now in her bra. She moaned as he lips moved down her throat again, pausing to suck and nibble on one tender spot, sure to leave her a nice hickey.

There was a knock on the door. "Is anybody in there? I gotta take a leak!" a male voice rang in Casey and Derek's jumbled heads.

Derek willed his lips to detach from Casey and he looked into her eyes, clouded with desire. He grabbed Casey, carrying her out of the bathroom.

"It's all yours," Derek panted to the guy waiting and Casey stared into Derek's hungry eyes. She pressed her lips back to his and Derek carried her to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

And that was all that either of them could remember.