Summary: "Oh be still my beating heart." Harry as a girl. DM/EP One-shot Part one of three.
(Ebony's POV)
"Oh be still my beating hear." I muttered to myself as I watched my crush walk by.
The girlfriend of my crush noticed my staring and sneered, "Jealous Potter?"
"What is there for her to be jealous of? Hermione snapped even knowing that I was in fact jealous that the other girl had the one I wanted.
"Hermione has a point," stated Ron, "why would Ebony be jealous of you for having a white ferret for a boyfriend." Even though I knew that Ron didn't mean what he said, his words cut me deep. The way he had said them told me that he had not fully accepted the fact that I had a crush on Draco.
"Shut up Weasel. I am no more interested in dating Scar-face then Scar-face is me." Malfoy retorted.
His words cut me even deeper then Ron's had. He was outright saying that is would be impossible for us to date. I had never felt such pain in my life, not even the beating gained from my uncle for be magical could compare to the hurt that his words gave me. Even the nightly visions from Voldemort paled in comparison.
"Malfoys is right, I have no wish to date him." I declared before leaving.
(Authors POV)
Both Slytherins and both Gryphindors stared after Ebony. The Syltherins surprised to see the ALL MIGHT GIRL-WHO-LIVED run off. The Gryphindors watch in pity for the girl as she walked away in hurt that the one she had a crush on would never know.
This is only part one. For at leas 3 reviews you will get the next part.